Killer is honestly so unfun at red ranks atm.
Why does so many people assume I want 4k's every game?
My point isn't too 4k every game, my point is a game shouldn't last 5 mins because I made 1 mistake.
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Yes he did, unless he backpeddled on that too -.-
So you're wrong about that, also if you don't like my points or feel they're off-track then don't respond, because your're the one who quoted Tru3 and I responded how he was a bad source to support your idea and you didn't like that. Is what it came down to.
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This is about the only statement that resonates with me in this thread.
In all honesty the standard of killer at release when games were much harder is literally black and white in contrast to what I see nowadays.
Most comments I find myself smh because there's just no perspective.
There's a percentage of killers that expect a 'degree' of challenge but ultimately they expect to 'win' it's like they watched the intro of the game on repeat and expect all games to be like that.
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Alright lets break this down,
Sure bloodlust was added, vaccum pallet nerf, exhaustion nerf, EGC, etc., but how long did it take for them to nerf them or add QoL, the answer is it took a very long time. Hatch was just recently fixed with the EGC, but it was a survivor sided mechanic since the beginning of the game, but now its fairly balanced for both sides.
Also infinites aren't truly gone, they can still be created by perks.
Also they currently only reworked one map, out of every map.... So that throws your various map changes claim out the window.
Lets also mention how survivors are the power role in this game as they control the match with gens. One mistake doesn't lose them the game, compared to where one mistake from the killer can cost them the entire match.
Also lets mention the killer nerf since legion came out, Legion got nerfed twice, Nurse was nerfed (Nurse is at a point where she barely has any map control), Spirit was nerfed, Pig was nerfed 3 times (since the EGC), and Micheal Myers was nerfed.
Only 2.5 nerfs were justified which was the first legion nerf (The exploits he had were game breaking), Spirit nerf (made her less overpreforming), and the Nurse's add on (they were OP).
The rest were unjustified and sometimes too much such as the second Legion nerf, and the Nurse's basekit.
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Gen pressure isn't a real thing. unless you have a traversal ability this is even more true on large maps on smaller ones you can do a little bit of gen monitoring but if you're chasing one survivor that's 3 other survivors who can be doing gens and if they are all competent you're going to have gens completed really quick.
When people say "pressure gens" what's basically being implied is find a person or 2 on gen hopefully hit one go back and HOPE that survivor had some balls and tried working on that same gen. Or abandon chase and go to another gen. Or hope that your chase gets lead into more team mates on another gen.
But gen pressure isn't a real thing unless you're Billy (on the right map) nurse, Oni(when he has his ability) and ... Maybe hag but hag is more about prep and setups.wraith and spirit kind of have gen pressure more so spirit but really spirit more excels at ending chases than necessarily pressuring gens. Wraith KIND of has pressure since he can move pretty damn fast while cloaked course obvious problem is that you need to exit cloak before you can even hit someone.
But again really gen pressure is not a real thing for the reason stated earlier, if your chasing one that's 3 others potentially pushing out gens
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In all fairness... its pretty normal to see 1 survivor crouching in the bushes while waiting for their teammates to die off.
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It's alright, let's reminisce
In roughly 2 years we've come this far from what's above so I think in another 2 years killers and survivors might actually be in a pretty balanced state 😋 let's see if the killers can make it to that point I'm surprised some of them even stayed this long honestly having seen the state of the game previously.
Also note, the video above pretty much shows how out of touch the devs are with killers that they had to remove and readd the same feature on multiple occasions, all I can say is I'm glad I didn't play through that crap. I can bare the non sense we have now but that would have drove me absolutely crazy
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Me too. I also find the survivor challenges to be much harder than the killer ones. I play 50/50 but I can't get the second survivor challenge done (1 unhook during EGC).
I even set my steam name to "need1EGCsave" and I still can't get it. They should've put that one near the end imo.
ALSO playing survivor is awful because 2/3 killers have scummy playstyles or they play like #########. Or they go afk and NOED/Blood Warden kill everyone at the end. I hated playing survivor this week.
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Just got back from a week break from DBD, immediately got matched with three OoO groups.
Red Ranks is so much fun
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Currently rank 5 as killer and every game is red ranks. My main killer is Trapper, which according to the majority of the DbD community, is one of the worst killers in the game and I'm still having fun. Yeah there are games where I get destroyed, but I still try to play fair despite the toxic behavior of some of the red rank survivors. If I can 2 hook everyone, I'm fine with it. I am definitely learning a lot every single match.
My favorite killers: Trapper, Nurse (I won't give up learning her on PS4!), and Clown.
This must be the worst miserable experience right? Nope!
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Honestly, since Oni came out i really had much fun as killer and survivor.
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Just so you know, that "bring in a low rank to mess with matchmaking" thing doesn't work anymore. It matches off the highest rank in the party. If you're rank 7 or something and their spread is 2-3-14-17 or something that just means they brought low ranks into higher ranks, not the other way around.
Matchmaking accepts players that are within +/- 6 ranks of eachother so you can easily get red ranks in your purple rank matches even while matchmaking is working as intended. If you're rank 7 everyone between rank 1 and rank 13 is technically considered an eligible match for you.
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‘the answer is it took a very long time’
That’s such a relative statement. Infinites were gone shortly after nurse came out, nurse was released 18 August 2016. So infinites have been removed for YEARS now, relative to say end game timer. So based off your statement infinites have been gone for a very long time now and it took them a short amount of time to remove them. Also, as a qualifier, I’m talking REAL infinites, not the pseudo-infinites people try to claim are infinites.
‘only reworked one map’
Lol what? Firstly the guy you’re talking about said 90% of maps need to be reworked and I laughed at where he managed to pull that number from. So I’m not sure of your argument.
But ignoring that I still don’t understand what you’re talking about. Auto Haven maps has been reworked, reduced pallets, walls removed etc. Even maps like Disturbed Ward were reworked because they were buggy as hell; issues with hair/costumes clipping, invisible walls, dead spots etc. Visually the map stayed the same but they still reworked it.
It sounds like you have a specific idea what constitutes a ‘rework’. Auto Haven was an ‘overhaul’, Disturbed Wall was a ‘self-serving civil lawsuit’.
‘Survivors..... control the match with gens. One mistake doesn’t lose them the game’
O_o what am I even reading.... There’s so much reach in this statement, seriously. Let’s take your position then that survivors have ALL the power (which I don’t believe for a second but that’s a different argument) and it’s all based off gennies (according to you). What does hex:ruin do in this equation? What happens if the survivors are no good at gennie simulator? What happens if they can’t find the hex. NVM the myraid of other things that allow gennies to be stopped/slowed. Is it a L2P issue, so ALL survivors are just bad if they can’t gennie simulator? There’s so many generalisations in this statement its tough to know where even to start, but let me wrap it up like this:
‘One mistake doesn’t lose them the game’ these broad sweeping generalisations are in short, ridiculous. They turned left instead of right? It costs killers the game? Lol just lol. The more likely outcome is the (good) killer recovers if we’re talking about the killer being in a chase and hooks the survivor. What happens if a survivor makes a mistake? *BOOM* They’re on the hook. There’s absolutely no context to your statements.
‘Killer nerf’
Everything you mention is recent because the devs see the metrics. Survivors are dying. FULL STOP. The devs say consistently that they aim for 2 dead 2 escape and it’s just not happening. You don’t like that unit of metric, take it up with them because there has been YEARS of survivor nerfs based off this metric, just scroll up to see my list.
I’m actually happy to come back to the game and see nurse in it’s current state. It was a broken killer from the beginning and NEVER should have been introduced.
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I see a lot of emotional arguing from both sides. Numbers>>>>>feelings
At all ranks, excluding DC's, kill rates don't fall below 55% with the notable exception of recently reworked Nurse. At ALL ranks. For ALL killer characters. At red ranks they're all at or above 60%.
Those are averages. Meaning that there will be 0k, 1k, 2k, 3k and 4k games. The average is above 2k. That's a fact, not an opinion.
There is no ground complaining about alleged selection bias, I prefer to see number of hooks, what about when my ruin goes in 15 seconds, PC vs. console, and this and that. Data over feelings. True kill rates. At ALL ranks. For ALL killer characters. Accounting for SWF as well.
I will say something unpleasant, but reality often is just like that. If you can't keep that average kill rate at red ranks, it's not because base gen time is too short. It's because you don't belong to red ranks as a killer. That's why there are ranks in place.
The devs want to balance the game around an average of 2k per game, for whatever reason, like it or not (personally, I don't).
True, there are still a lot of unbalanced stuff on both sides, i.e. keys, moris etc. However, the balance the devs want is not predicated on single scenarios, but overall. And as of now, the OVERALL balance isn't unfair to killers. At ALL ranks. For ALL killer characters.
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I get stressed playing killer but that's my fault as someone not being a killer main. I personally don't like playing killers like nurse or spirit so it makes red ranks tougher. However there are more viable killers at red ranks than ever. Spirit, Nurse, Billy, Freddy, Tru3 fans will say Ghostface and Wraith. Lastly Oni depending on where your playing him. Now the doctor is getting a rework so he also could be.
There are tons of gen slow down perks and with the recent nerf to instaheals I think they have made good progress in helping red ranks.
If they did change gen speeds then they'd be adjusting a lot of other perks and add-ons to compensate.
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And then you play a game where all 4 are alive with one on the hook, the gates are open and NOED is active. they all attempt to save that survivor in your face and you end up with a 4 man.
You step back after this game and come to the realization that survive and death metrics with zero context are utterly pointless as long as surviving has zero meaning towards a survivors pip, while in most cases, a killer will not pip unless they kill 3-4 survivors.
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I agree that it cant be fun but at rank 1 doing fun builds and have not too much problems
also if u really want play nurse i play nurse without add ons and win she is still the strongest killer in dead by daylight
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Thats interesting because the killer gets punished for doing way todo good (decisive) but survivors don't. However that could be easily changed With rank system 2 kills pip as they pretend right?. Survivors pip easily Make ir si killers pip easily aswell.
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Doesn't matter what rank you are. I'll be a literal rank 10 and get matched up with a Red Rank Bully Squad who don't even try to have fun.
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The main thing I hate about red rank is how toxic the survivors are. Their ego is unbearable. They honestly act like they have won an award on live TV when they escape XD
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yeah i struggled with that one too!
got it from a noed billy tho lol
im currently struggeling with the "blind the killer while he's carrying someone" challenge... thats really difficult.
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Right, so it sounds like you agree with me. Because, like I said, if you don't like the metric speak to the devs. If anything survivors would appreciate that because, once again, like I said, they've had YEARS worth of nerfs based of this metric.
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You spam this video alot.
Can you provide a ToC because the opening few minutes is just about insulting devs. From an intelligent perspective its kind of eyerollingly emotive in its content that's more about reinforcing group think bubbles than anything else. What parts are we supposed to watch specifically that provide this insight that you claim?
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If the average player in this game and average commentator on this forum had your ability to rationalise. This game would be in a much better place I suspect, 10/10 would read again.
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except for the fact those stats are incredibly inaccurate as it doesn't take any factors into account, they even merged the PC and console stats, making it even more pointless.
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Right, but his post offers more than what half the other posters on this forum offer. And your right to pull apart the numbers, I actually encourage that.
My point being that half the arguments, even in this thread alone can be broken down to 'nah I don't think so'.