When moris is gonna be reworked

This is not a cry, this is a injustice, surivors dont have anymore the insta flashlights, insta heals and brand new part, and why the killer still have the mori, i´ts fact
if the killer put the ebony mori, the survivor will 100% lose or one surv can go into a hatch, seriously the mori needs to go, if the mori will be reworked, rework keys to, for the killers stop say everthing, just for the mori leave the game
Only thing related to moris that needs reworked is the survivors ability to see the Mori and therefore leave the games loading screen.
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When do keys get reworked?
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Getting a survivor out of the game early is the only way to win. 4 options against good survivors: Mori, Camp first survivor, Slug everyone, or Tunnel. But all 4 of these tactics make survivors salty
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It's not about getting outplayed it's about super safe loops and the objective getting done too quickly. It's very hard to put pressure with certain killers. How tf are you supposed to win with a killer like Leatherface if every survivor on the team is atleast decent at looping and you have ######### addons? It's not gonna happen so you have to play to the Killers strengths that you are playing which for Leatherface is camping.
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Mori is not always a lose, because mori has a counter which is not getting downed and gen rushing. On the other hand, keys do not have a counter, since the hatch will spawn regardless, if the killer is losing or if the killer is winning.
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If Leatherface is so bad, I wonder why you play him 🤔
It's because you WANT to camp. That's the play style you like. Embrace it instead of coming up with some BS justification.
Which is fine, but I don't see how it's fun except if you enjoy ruining other people's time. Which I'm guessing you do based on your username and mentions of salty survivors. 🤷♀️
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Actually I play every killer. Literally every single killer and i enjoy them all (except nurse). And the reason I play every killer is because they play differently and it keeps the game fresh
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Sure killers need more buffalo but moris also dont need nerfed
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Run baby sitter, you now have a counter to hook tunneling
Also I agree take your L and learn from it. Until survivors actually become balanced Mori can stay how it is. A strong survivor can loop a killer for half the game like wise a smart killer will abandon chase.
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Its definitely do-able without a mori
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Yea its doable but hard af without camping
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Same advice as saying "Just pressure more"
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Lol that is a weak team not indicative of even a remotely competent survivor the only meta perks I see are adrenaline lol one was only using 3 perks
And they all had trash points which tells me they weren't even remotely competent
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Just 360 more
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rework key first if rework mori, both are bad!
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Lol you complain about the game ending in 3 minutes but survivors can borderline end a game in that time a strong set of survivors can end a game in 5 minutes, what's 2 less minutes? 🤣 Lmao I love how the hypocrisy just eludes survivor mains
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Survivor main when I do play. Mori's are fine. Learn to evade better. Otherwise it'd be camp and tunnel but the mori gets you to a better game faster.
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It's not supposed to be easy. You are playing against other skilled players. You're not playing against NPCs. You can't win them all.
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Their points just shows how quick I was to get back to back downs, that chainsaw is no joke. Feel like I couldve shown a screenshot of ANY team though and youd call em garbage, no matter the ranks. The idea that a Bubba won is just mind blowing.
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hopefully soon sick of them mostly used In a ######### way
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survivors dont have insta flashlights, insta heal, insta brand new part.
ok, kills also no longer have insta mori... they dont need to be nerfed further
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Both are bad and should be reworked at the same time.Not one after or before the another.
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Never. Unless keys get removed from the videogame. Also moris used to be instant with no hooks needed. It got nerfed when they removed such billshit like insta flashlights.
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A lot of people complain, theres is a pretty good chance they will make them harder to do.
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I just think that they need to adjust how many of the ebonies spawn in bloodwebs. I get way more of those than the green ones. Make them much less common and it wouldn't be so bad.
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I would prefer mori's to only work on the deathhook
While keys will only work during the end game crisis, so after the killer closes the hatch or when the gates are open
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They don't need a rework.
The only thing that needs a rework about moris is the animations, especially for Trapper and Wraith.
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Noone cares about the crybabies if they are so one sided and only want ######### nerfed for the killers. They can complain all they want. No chance, unless again, keys get nerfed to the point it’s not worth using anymore.
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Yet you're first thing to request is needing moris lol how about you fix the balance of survivor against killer FIRST before complaining about the only thing the has even remotely any ACTUAL effect against gen rush by good survivors.
That was almost a decent deflection
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Pretty straight forward you're more worried about nerfing an item that barely gets used to begin with than ACTUALLY addressing the huge discrepency of survivors vs killer
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Lol there is literally nothing more I could say to make it any clearer than I already have.
You're not concerned about balance you're concerned about surviving/winning and it's apparent by the fact that you cried about an item that barely gets used in the first place
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''Noone cares about crybabies'' is this why every new killer gets nerfed right after launch?And some of us are not whiny, we just want to have a fun game.And moris aren't fun to begin with.
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I think we can all agree that keys also need a rework, but please, let's not start a killer versus survivor type of thing here and stay on topic about reworking mori.
Now, this next part is directed to OP: @MyName123
Ebony Mori definitely need a rework and if I remember correctly, they are getting one — it's just a matter of time now. 😁
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Ebony Mori should certainly be changed. Not sure how, but it's way too powerful especially for an offering and it doesn't matter that it's "ultra rare".
And I guess it's absolutely impossible to discuss moris or keys without instant and almost automated whataboutism. Balancing isn't a zero-sum process lmao.
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You forgot the ™
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They only need a rework for SWF not solos... I won’t be happy with BVHR if we get another SWF only item... basically nothing going for solos. Just make the hatch shut after jumping in with a key... easy fix. Also let broken keys work but take several seconds like 12-16 or something idk.
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You can kill them quick, close the hatch and camp the exit gates, then they open the hatch with the key. Slugging also isn't a viable option, since if a survivor hides and a killer without any point of reference can't find them.
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I think they need to make them completely secret (meaning the survivors cant see them on the loading screen) but make it so the killer can start mori Once all survivors have been hooked once. (I try to do this mostly anyway makes it easier because then you just streamroll them once theyve all been hooked once).
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New killers are usually broken that’s why they getting changed before launch. Oni for example was able to break pallets instantly with nearly no recovery time and coud do 180* flicks and stop instantly while runing which is a bit of a nonsense. Demogorgon in the other hand got buffed by giving him one of his addons as a base kit item and he was fairly strong even before it. Also when it comes to fun it’s not fun playing against 4 DSes and borroved times either. Both of them are brainless timewasters and doesn’t serve their original purposes so they need changes (big arse nerfs) also.
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keys require gens. if you’re planning on a 4k, then don’t plan on it (because you aren’t guaranteed a 4k).
stop feeling entitled to one.
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Agreed. We could even say that in 5 minutes, you easily complete most generators if you do it pretty well. I'm a survivor main myself and it pisses me off when i get killed by an Ebony Memento Mori, but if you avoid getting caught the second time and play more safe the guy wont get the mori.
I hope you're kidding. If you're playing against good survivors, they wont be dumb. Moris don't mean anything as you need to hook them in the first place, of course it gets you a kill faster nonetheless. As for camping, are you aware that by standing right in front of a hooked survivor, at least 2 others will be doing gens meanwhile ? You'll get gen rushed and as soon as someone with Borrowed Time will go for a save, you'll be crying. As for slugging, sure, why not, it's a good tactic if you know how to do it. Tunneling will get you a kill faster but i wouldn't recommend it, always good to get at least a first or second hook on everybody else, not a good idea to focus on a single survivor during the first 5 minutes of the game.. Again, while you're doing that, people are doing gens, peacefully and it feels like holidays for them.
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Would you like the Mori's to be like how it was when the game came out ?
Mori without being hooked ?
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Both Moris and Keys should be looked at.
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I hope soon
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I like the moris how they are. You can have more control over the game as killer and I love the animations. On the other hand I run into many killers catch and mori survs right off the hook. but I dont mind because its not beneficial and if killers decide to mori everyone after the first hook they also get less bp and emblem score. So I just go in the next match.
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I tottaly agree mori should not be an offering rancor and Devor Hope should be the only mori
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The only time a mori should be available is if the killer has to work for it. Us survior mains have to work for everything.
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Dude whatever if the surviors are rushing gens. You need better map control as a survior main I see how the killers are always getting what they want from the devs. And why is every killer main a freaking cry baby. Get better stop 😢