When moris is gonna be reworked
Survivors have the Key. It's quite literally the same thing. Do minimal objective and profit for easy mode.
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Hopefully not before they fix god windows and genrush.
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This again...
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This again. I'm not going to go into my ideas again. I will simply say both Keys and Mori's need adjustment. Not massive nerfs. Some small adjustments to make them more fair for both sides.
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I think Mori should only work on last survivor, or if another survivor was hooked in between. This would give survivors more time, and prevent tunnelling a guy off he hook right away.
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I agree, they need a re-work. I can't tell you how many times I get camped & tunneled down from a Killer with a Mori.
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Or they just really like the killer? Wraith is dogshit and his only ability is a coin flip on hiding by a gen or something, or using high tier add-ons, I play scummy I won't lie, noed, blood warden, ruin, pop. But I still enjoy the killer as one of my favorites.
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If the killer is losing, the hatch means very little at the point, so that's not even worth mentioning. If the killer gets down to one player, then the key is worthless unless the killer closes the hatch. Most killers slug for the 4k anymore, so a key is a justifiable balance for one Survivor to attempt to escape.
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You play a killer you deem dog ######### because it's an excuse for you to play scummy. I play Wraith, think he's underrated and don't use any of those perks except Pop.
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Nah killer is supposed to be stronger
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Just because they got nerfed once doesn't mean they are fine now
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I think Moris are fine and fun.
You either get a fast game or an easy game. Move on.
You don't "win" with a Mori. You lose on BP and are more likely to de-pip. (Derankers win I guess?)
Devour Hope, Rancor and Tombstone Myers with Nemesis can let you Mori everyone without offering anyway. Can work on every killer. So all Mori Add-ons and Perks should also be reworked?
Moris and Keys are like easy mode in DBD, fun for the 4k/ escape but not really rewarding. (Personal power fantasies not included)
No Mither, perkless without add-ons would be hardcore mode.
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Well it works for me. Just survivors get salty
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Stronger =/= easier btw.
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ebony mori needs to go. it takes away all the trouble from the game for the killer and makes playing survivor miserable. if you get caught, you die. your team is doomed to fail unless the killer is an absolute potato.
people using "killer is the power role" as an argument, tell me this: why should 1 side be pretty much unbeatable in a multiplayer game?
i never use moris because they feel cheesy. what's the point of playing if you know you will win 95-100%? it's not even a game then, it's just a victory simulation
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It was already nerfed tremendously. Buff the yellow one.
"Ability to kill all survivors when the last gen is done"
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The same day keys get reworked.
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So whats argument going to be next. Killers shouldnt have weapons. Cuz its to hard to dodge the hit. Or or. They shouldnt have powers. Cuz thats cheating. Lol. But if you are complaing about moris needing to be nurf. Then find a nother game to play. But the survivors do have adrenalin, toolbox parts, ds, perks that can stun a killer. This is the reason why. I tunnel at the beginning of the match. I dont need mori to get my 4k. If they nurf moris. Then they need to nuf keys. If i had it my way. Buff the mori and delete the keys. This game is ment to be unfair. Theres a counter aginst moris. Just dont get caught. That simple. But if they show the survivors theres a morin offering. Then the survivors will just dc cuz they are scared or they just that bad. But im a killer main. And if ne survivors bring in a key. Then they are my target. And i will get them out of the game first. I run Franklin demise. And i will tunnel them. Till they are out of the game. And i dont need mori. Cuz bringing in a key is cheating
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So when survivors win, they deserved it and the killer got outplayed. But if a killer wins, survivors can come here and talk about how overpowered that killer was. Because every time a survivor loses it's a game mechanic issue, but if a killer loses it was "skill'. Ever since I joined this forum that's the sentiment I've seen. This is almost as bad as the subreddit.
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Oh yeah. When a killer gets 3 kills. The last survior can get the hatch. And the killer has to find the hatch to close it befor the last survior gets to it. And they have a rainbow map to help them find it. Thats not fair niether. But it is what it is.
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Well as I understand DbD, its about working together as survivir and trying to escape. Most of the time the killer uses a mori I see all survivors start going full ego mode or kill themselves/dc. If the killer uses a mori the game becomes more challenging. But there are so few survs that even want to try. For me it feels easy mode for the killer because of the survivors.
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I agree. As a gamer i love the challenge. Now day these gamers out there want every thing easy for them. And that sad. But heres a qustion? As gamers. Wouldnt you love the challenge. Would you want to be tested.
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You're right. It doesn't necessarily mean that, but in this instance it does.
Moris are balanced and rarely seen, plus its actually harmful to the killer regarding rank as it hurts their emblems. Killers actually have to work to get moris now. Keys on-the-other-hand can turn a 4k into a 0k, which isn't justified at all.
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Work to get moris? That’s funny. All you have to do is hook, tunnel, and kill. You know how many times I’ve gotten saved only to hear the “WHOOOOSH” from the Spirit just to get downed and moried?
One time, about a year ago I was salty at my last round so I brought in a mori on the same group. I played Spirit with double purple add-ons and I grabbed somebody off a gen in under 20 seconds and whoosed back to the hook and killed them in under a minute. I pretty sure they had a fun game. Back to the 10 minute survivor queue you go.
You only need one hook on each survivor to mori them. You don’t have to work for a mori especially if you’re a killer that quickly ends chases.
Nobody cares about their rank. Who actually cares if you black pip when you’re already in red ranks. Even if you aren’t in red ranks, who WANTS to be at red ranks?
Keys can turn a 4K into a 0K but a mori can turn a 0K into a 4K. That’s not very justified is it?
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Moris are absolutely not balanced (and not really rare at all).They are the definition of overpowered, along with keys.
It hurts both the killer and survivor in terms of ranks, but who really cares about ranks?
Hook one person, tunnel them off hook immediately and there you go, easy kill. Totally worked hard for that. If you count that as working for it, then survivors also have to work to use their keys.
Moris can also turn 0K's to 4KS very easily. What is your point with that?
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Ah yes because an add-on that even gives a ######### killer a free win and isn't even that rare is fair huh. Not surprised your PFP is leather face haha
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######### are you guys on about? They are insanely powerful and remove all the pressure. Even the green moris are unfair, the purple moris are straight up broken. If you think that's fair maybe flashlights should permanently blind the killer when you do it huh? Would that be fair? Would it basically mean the survivors win when they bring it? Yup, that's what moris do...
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Alright, for sake of argument take ranks out of it. Cause you make a good point of no-one wants to be red ranks, ill admit im wrong there.
But, with the amount of pallets, second chance perks and current generator speeds (as well as map design and other factors), survivors who play optimal can loop the killer for many gens (nurse and spirit being exceptions, but still possible).
The fact that you have to hook the survivor first and then down them straight after means you have to win 2 chases not 1. and the perks that pro-long the survivor on the hook or save the survivor after a hook save make it so that it takes yet more time away from the killer.
Im not saying all games are like this obviously, a lot aren't, what im saying is if survivors play optimally then moris shoudnt be an issue. Its only an issue if survivors either dont do the objective or fail to loop the killer. The game shouldnt be balanced around survivor mistakes.
(not to mention several low-tier killers who have god-awful mobility)
With the time the survivor takes on the hook to die (and seen as there is a perk that extends this now) killers who camp and then tunnel/mori should get genrushed by the other survivors.
Killers that dont (most of them) dont have the right mobility to go back to the hook and kill the injured survivor in time before they dissapear, especially if theyve already got into another chase.
Survivors shouldnt be compensated when everything they need to beat a killer is right there. Killers only capitalise on survivor mistakes.
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Your just wrong. Keys have a counter, not letting enough gens get fixed for the hatch to appear. It's pretty simple actually and a much easier counter than never going down once. Your saying survivors should have a game 3x harder right? I'm pretty sure a key which will rarely get more than 1 person out (so not destroy the whole game) will only let more than 1 out if your being fcked hard by the survivors. If you haven't got a kill before 4 gens have been fixed so all survs manage to escape that's you being bad. Counter it by winning before they fix gens bruh
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Or just be good at the game and play normally. I 3-4k most games and don't use moris
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Moris need to be nerfed whether you like it or not.
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Ebony mori really should be reworked to require every person to be hooked being instantly tunnel moried is possibly the least fun thing in this game
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I swear ppl in this thread talk like every game they play is mori time. You dont bring ebony and kill everyone after the first hook if you want to pip. #########. What is the mindset here?
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So many games I play includes a mori, so many. I swear 50% of games I play include a mori of some sort (On PS4)
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They really don't. Not everything needs to be nerfed. Stop trying to turn the game into a snoozefest. My goodness, this new breed of players from the last year or so never stops whining. The DBD equivalent to millenials lol.
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Yeah I play ps4 too. maybe there are differences in ranks. what rank you play m8?
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You can't rework a mori 😂😂😂👌
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But they have to get downed first which can be hard against high rank players
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reddit must love u
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Even though that is slightly true, it's not a valid excuse.
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I play generally around rank 3-6
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The only mori that needs to be reworked/changed is the Ebony Memento Mori, I feel like it should be that you need to hook a total of 5 survivors then the Ebony would activate. (Also there's a good reason the devs made the changes to insta-blinds, insta heals & BNP's, because of no skill :)
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As I agree with most of what you said, I'm getting tired of seeing "jUSt appLY preSSurE". These survivors are played by humans who can simply ignore pressure or counter it altogether.
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Pretty soon though... moris and keys are gonna be the next to be nerfed. 😉
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Being mori'd can be prevented as well if you don't get caught twice. Stop telling people to increase their skills. You are the one who got caught. Mori's are ultra rare. They don't appear every single game. You don't get to use the apply pressure meme and then whine because your skills were lacking and you got caught.
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hm I generally 1-2. Well I have to admit today I got like 30% mori games. but I dont wonder coz most of these games I had mates with flashlights, toolboxes and something with toxic in their name tag xD
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Mori's can be changed when Key's are changed. Both are dumb and completely end games way sooner then they should and are unfun too face.
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As a killer main who plays a bit of survivor, I definitely see both sides. I think a fair adjustment for ebony mainly would be the requirement to hook each survivor at least once before being able to use it. I think keys are fine, especially since insta heals are gone. Easiest counter is franklins, and there are a few others :)