Can insta heals be dealt with like the BNP?

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@Hillbilly420 Yeah I’m with ya, just the ability to instantly heal in DBD is pretty absurd0
It's almost as if the instant heal destroys the health kit in the process, oh wait it does. I've got an idea instead of asking for stuff to be removed make the survivors burn the items or better yet bring Franklins.
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@GT_Legend2 said:
@Hillbilly420 Yeah I’m with ya, just the ability to instantly heal in DBD is pretty absurdI agree, but let's also remove Iridescent head
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I'm pretty sure they said that after BNPs it's the turn for insta-heals to get nerfed.
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@BillCosby said:
@GT_Legend2 said:
@Hillbilly420 Yeah I’m with ya, just the ability to instantly heal in DBD is pretty absurdI agree, but let's also remove Iridescent head
Yeah wind up has been removed, nwo remove iri heads to completely make huntress dissapear. Since the patch, I have played a single time against her.....
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A thing I thought about for 'insta-heals' was this:
You'd use up a part of your med-kit, just like now you'd lose the add-on, either syringe or styptic. This add-on causes the Survivor you used it on to enter the borrowed time state. The 'bleed-out' timer would run just like the BT timer, but instead of falling over cause of bloodloss this is kind of a recucperation process. If the survivor is hit during the process they immediately fall over once more.
There would be a difference in syringe and styptic. The styptic still only heals for one health state, but syringe has the potential to heal for two. When a survivor injected with a syringe is hit, he would enter the normal bleedout timer like BT, instead of just falling over.
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It's annoying sure, but I'm fine with them. I don't think its that big of a deal. It kills the med kit.
BNP got nerfed heavily, it's still effective, but insta heals are fine,
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maybe if there were 2 skillchecks?
the survivor doing this wouldn't have enough time to complete this and the killer would atack on time
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@Thatbrownmonster said:
maybe if there were 2 skillchecks?the survivor doing this wouldn't have enough time to complete this and the killer would atack on time
If you get to the skillcheck you can't use the secondary effect then, or at least prior to 2.1 you couldn't. The Stypic and syringe aren't actually that common compared to the iridescent heads. I'm constantly running into huntress with iridescents and rare bag addon. It's also almost always a wide open map and they camp.
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The thing is that yoy have the potential as a killer of going agaisnt 4 Insta heals, which can prove to be a problem0
The devs said they're working on removing everything instant item wise.
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@Hillbilly420 said:
I think they should just be removed personally.Then I'd like Myers unlimited instadown and instadown hatchets to be removed then
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Thats pretty fair, IMO. Permanent T3 and Iridescent hatchets are both a bit broken, although hatchets are way less of a threat now that huntress got nerfed.
Any Myers mains who wouldnt give up that add-on to see instant heals go away?1 -
Whenever these types of changes come up I always think to myself "if swf weren't a thing these changes would not have to be made" it's simply because of the coordination that these changes have to happen... so yes I agree insta heals should be like the BNP... give them a series of difficult skillchecks that when they hit 2 the health state is is complete then for the ultra give them 3 difficult skillchecks to fully heal the downed survivor.. fail one addon will be consumed no loss of item..
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Dwight_Confusion said:
It's annoying sure, but I'm fine with them. I don't think its that big of a deal. It kills the med kit.
BNP got nerfed heavily, it's still effective, but insta heals are fine,
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@Baphomett said:
Thats pretty fair, IMO. Permanent T3 and Iridescent hatchets are both a bit broken, although hatchets are way less of a threat now that huntress got nerfed.Any Myers mains who wouldnt give up that add-on to see instant heals go away?
Lots of Huntresses at rank 1-2 still have tons and they almost never miss. I've run into the same Huntress 5x now and she still has them along with the Black Ward. The fact they can nuke you from any distance is stupid. Throw in the map rotation lately lots of coldwind maps and anything else wide open and dead.
@Bravo0413 said:
Dwight_Confusion said:It's annoying sure, but I'm fine with them. I don't think its that big of a deal. It kills the med kit.
BNP got nerfed heavily, it's still effective, but insta heals are fine,
Man it sure kills the brown medkit of theirs let me tell you I'm happy that it gets rid of that common medkit I can stop sweating (shakes head).. I dont see as many instant heals as I did BNP.. but they do need nerf.. swf going into a game with 4 is an issue.. if swf wasnt a thing then there would be no reason to nerf em
I've seen Yellow quality med kits with Syringes lately so saying it's just browns isn't true and even if swf wasn't around killers would still complain about it. Also requiring skill checks is stupid since the reason you bring it is because usually you're trying to get an unhook when a killer is hook camping the area.
If you're so worried about 4 med kits then bring Franklins Demise same as when killers say they see 2 or more flashlights/toolboxes they bring Franklins.
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powerbats said:
@Baphomett said:
Thats pretty fair, IMO. Permanent T3 and Iridescent hatchets are both a bit broken, although hatchets are way less of a threat now that huntress got nerfed.Any Myers mains who wouldnt give up that add-on to see instant heals go away?
Lots of Huntresses at rank 1-2 still have tons and they almost never miss. I've run into the same Huntress 5x now and she still has them along with the Black Ward. The fact they can nuke you from any distance is stupid. Throw in the map rotation lately lots of coldwind maps and anything else wide open and dead.
@Bravo0413 said:
Dwight_Confusion said:It's annoying sure, but I'm fine with them. I don't think its that big of a deal. It kills the med kit.
BNP got nerfed heavily, it's still effective, but insta heals are fine,
Man it sure kills the brown medkit of theirs let me tell you I'm happy that it gets rid of that common medkit I can stop sweating (shakes head).. I dont see as many instant heals as I did BNP.. but they do need nerf.. swf going into a game with 4 is an issue.. if swf wasnt a thing then there would be no reason to nerf em
I've seen Yellow quality med kits with Syringes lately so saying it's just browns isn't true and even if swf wasn't around killers would still complain about it. Also requiring skill checks is stupid since the reason you bring it is because usually you're trying to get an unhook when a killer is hook camping the area.
If you're so worried about 4 med kits then bring Franklins Demise same as when killers say they see 2 or more flashlights/toolboxes they bring Franklins.
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Which would make them less of problem because maybe the insta doesnt even get used in the match0
while survivors could still pick up the item how often does that actually happen on certain maps where you can't find the damn thing. As a killer I remember where an item is dropped usually and if I see the item picked up I know someone is around. There's also the fact that other people will pick up a dropped item on the ground after losing theirs.Now most of the time when the killers sees 4 of any item they either insta dodge the lobby or they bring Franklins and negate the issue.
I've run into Nurses with Franklins, lots of Freddy's who have n issues or the killer just brings nurses calling. Hye you insta healed in my terror radius now you're mine.Oh you used the insta heal well now it and the med kit are gone now what are you going to do. Also not everyone always brings SC, I've seen at all ranks people not use it and instead bring a medkit. They also will go looking for a heal or just loot chests.
As far as picking the item back up after Franklin's you're missing the point about how it works since the item takes that 10% hit. If the brown medkit only has 12 charges and the person has tried using a few to get a quick heal off. Then if they get whacked they run the risk of it being destroyed on hit.
I've at times used only part of a medkit instead of sc when in a rush because I knew the killer was following me. I remember one time I had a medkit with very little usage left but had a styptic on it and got hit by Franklins and the kit got destroyed completely.
IF you're going to nerf it then nerf all the killer instant downs stuff as well since what's good for the goose is good for the gander the saying goes.
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@Bravo0413 said:
Whenever these types of changes come up I always think to myself "if swf weren't a thing these changes would not have to be made" it's simply because of the coordination that these changes have to happen... so yes I agree insta heals should be like the BNP... give them a series of difficult skillchecks that when they hit 2 the health state is is complete then for the ultra give them 3 difficult skillchecks to fully heal the downed survivor.. fail one addon will be consumed no loss of item..Wait. You gave me an idea.
What if they were to limit the uses of certain items and add ons if you're in SWF? I mean, coding wise it'd seem possible.
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i think they're okay.
the insta gens were a bit more of a problem, since they had the potential to instantly end 1/5 of a game. if all 4 brought one, 4/5 of the game would be over, before the killer even had the chance to hook someone.0 -
@GT_Legend2 said:
The thing is that yoy have the potential as a killer of going agaisnt 4 Insta heals, which can prove to be a problemBut this is exactly what has to be taken into account, especially since they added SWF
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@Master said:
@GT_Legend2 said:
The thing is that yoy have the potential as a killer of going agaisnt 4 Insta heals, which can prove to be a problemBut this is exactly what has to be taken into account, especially since they added SWF
So you have the potential as a killer of going against 4 isnta heals, so what it doesn't mean it's going to happen. You also have the potential of going against a bunch of complete idiots screwing around. You have the potential of your ISP cutting out on you etc. The list of potential things that could happen is endless and the only thing that's constant is that it's one thing after another complaint wise that's the problem.
In no particular order since these have all been used as excuses but after a complaint was dealt with it was onto something else that was the biggest problem.
- BNP's - nerfed.
- Flashlights - nerfed
- Pallets - nerfed
- Vaulting - some spots nerfed
- Looping - some spots nerfed
- SB - nerfed along with all exhaustion perks
7 SC - going to be nerfed. - DS - going to be nerfed
Now instead of it's 4 flashlights or toolboxes with bnp's it's 4 md kits with insta heals. How many groups bring 4 med kits with insta heals and how often does it actually happen? So they nerf med kit insta heals next and then what will you complain about?
1-8 I don't have a problem with other than they needed to make it so that survivors don't have to try to endlessly loop etc to get away. If they're going to make it so killers really are the power role then they better redesign it so survivors actually have a chance at hiding.
But lets be serious it's moving in the right direction but the endless stream of excuses of what if's is getting tiresome. I mean what if they stopped development and shut the game down there's the potential for that too.
They could remove swf or create separate lobbies for it and you'd still have certain killer complaining about things even when the game was balanced. The killer mains complaining the most need to be careful what they wish for because if they actually fix it properly there won't be anymore wide open chases.
It'll actually be a true cat and mouse style game where the mouse has plenty of places to hide and the killer has to outsmart them and vice versa.
Lastly I'd love for them to fix the game to what it should be as I described above but that requires a complete rewrite of the code as they've acknowledged. But that takes both time and money with time being the bigger issue since that won't be quick.
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Oh to not side track anything I had this thought early this am on how to deal with the insta heals issue without ruining it completely.
So the medkits all have a base charges amount without addons and you can add 2 addons that could add more.
- common - 12 charges
- uncommon - 16 charges
- rare - 18 charges
- ultra rare - 24 charges
Now you could add more with 2 addons but this idea would negate the bring high tier medkit issue with insta heals.
So if you equip either the Styptic Agent or Syringe on any medkit regardless of tier it has 1 and only one charge. When you M2 (pc) you immediately consume both the medkit and the addon and thus have no need to secondary action IE spacebar.
For instance say they bring the ultra rare medkit and add the gel dressing which adds 10 charges to it which would give it 34 charges. Now normally say the Syringe would deplete that by 50% giving you only 17 charges instead. But under the new formula it wouldn't matter because you'd still only have 1 charge to use.
Now this might be too harsh so a compromise could be made instead whereby each med kit tier would have some charges but not many depending on addons.
As an example a common medkit has12 but with Styptic Agent it's only 6 and any addons you add in to add more charges would give you the extra charges but at a cost. So say you add the uncommon for an extra 10 charges giving you then 16 plus the Styptic Agent.
You decide to heal with the primary portion of the medkit and try and save the Styptic for an emergency but here's the catch. Well 2 possible ones actually that could be done to make it a risky proposition.
Option 1 would be that if you decide to use the primary medkit heal then you'd get faced with difficult skill checks of really high difficulty. If you fail then 2x the amount of any the charges that would've consumed are lost as well. So if you would've used 8 charges you just used all 16 and kit is gone so it's a gamble how far you want to try and use that med kit before the primary is used up. Do you gamble and risk the entire medkit or use it partway and then use solo healing only?
The 2nd option is similar to the 1st but instead of difficult skill checks there's a chance that using the primary function of the medkit you have a chance of the secondary effect being triggered. The lower the quality of the medkit the higher the chance you get ruined. This could also be in reverse since the higher quality medkit always heals faster so hence you could be going so fast you mess up and boom there goes the secondary.
You could also make it so the killers terror radius makes it more likely you'll trigger the secondary effect on the higher end medkits since you're already healing quickly anyways.
This would put some sort of risk into using the item while still rewarding those who choose to bring them and would assuage the concerns of killers while not nuking survivors into the ground on an nice item.
Personally I prefer option 2 since highly skilled players would probably make the skill checks still and low ranks would suffer tremendously.
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@powerbats said:
@Master said:
@GT_Legend2 said:
The thing is that yoy have the potential as a killer of going agaisnt 4 Insta heals, which can prove to be a problemBut this is exactly what has to be taken into account, especially since they added SWF
So you have the potential as a killer of going against 4 isnta heals, so what it doesn't mean it's going to happen. You also have the potential of going against a bunch of complete idiots screwing around. You have the potential of your ISP cutting out on you etc. The list of potential things that could happen is endless and the only thing that's constant is that it's one thing after another complaint wise that's the problem.
In no particular order since these have all been used as excuses but after a complaint was dealt with it was onto something else that was the biggest problem.
- BNP's - nerfed.
- Flashlights - nerfed
- Pallets - nerfed
- Vaulting - some spots nerfed
- Looping - some spots nerfed
- SB - nerfed along with all exhaustion perks
7 SC - going to be nerfed. - DS - going to be nerfed
Now instead of it's 4 flashlights or toolboxes with bnp's it's 4 md kits with insta heals. How many groups bring 4 med kits with insta heals and how often does it actually happen? So they nerf med kit insta heals next and then what will you complain about?
1-8 I don't have a problem with other than they needed to make it so that survivors don't have to try to endlessly loop etc to get away. If they're going to make it so killers really are the power role then they better redesign it so survivors actually have a chance at hiding.
But lets be serious it's moving in the right direction but the endless stream of excuses of what if's is getting tiresome. I mean what if they stopped development and shut the game down there's the potential for that too.
They could remove swf or create separate lobbies for it and you'd still have certain killer complaining about things even when the game was balanced. The killer mains complaining the most need to be careful what they wish for because if they actually fix it properly there won't be anymore wide open chases.
It'll actually be a true cat and mouse style game where the mouse has plenty of places to hide and the killer has to outsmart them and vice versa.
Lastly I'd love for them to fix the game to what it should be as I described above but that requires a complete rewrite of the code as they've acknowledged. But that takes both time and money with time being the bigger issue since that won't be quick.
BNPs nerfed, sure
flashlights are still quite strong because you can guaranteed flash after every pallet/window and then there is a chance to flashlightsave even though tis harder now, soon you can flashlight save during DS too
Looping hasnt really been changed, there still are several super safe loops on the map and the large building..... just lol
The sprintburst nerf was laughable if we are honest, sprintburst is so strong because it allows you to easily get away at teh beginning of the chase, that is still the case
SC is not gonna be nerfed apparently
Im still waiting for the DS nerfWhat am I gonna cry about next? Its mainly SWF voice comms and gentime I guess. That needs to be fixed next
Oh and you cant say "how many teams play like that", its a fact that it can happen and it isnt an excuse either that you can face retarede survivors too (thats a matchmaking issue)
And thats another point, they need to make it such that rank actually mean something, just like in other competitive games.
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I think make insta heals like how BNP was. Crazy fast, but you gotta hit a number of skill checks.
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All the bulls*it addons should be removed from both sides.
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@powerbats said:
It's almost as if the instant heal destroys the health kit in the process, oh wait it does. I've got an idea instead of asking for stuff to be removed make the survivors burn the items or better yet bring FranksOh look, those poor survivors lost their precioius BROWN medkit! Not like killers ALWAYS lose both of their addons after the game.
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RSB said:
@powerbats said:
It's almost as if the instant heal destroys the health kit in the process, oh wait it does. I've got an idea instead of asking for stuff to be removed make the survivors burn the items or better yet bring FranksOh look, those poor survivors lost their precioius BROWN medkit! Not like killers ALWAYS lose both of their addons after the game.
Not like killers can use their addons for the WHOLE GAME with NO CHARGE LIMIT or COOLDOWN.Not like instaheals work only once meanwhile it must be sOoOoOo hard for a poor wittle Huntress get a hatchet in.1 -
@RSB said:
@powerbats said:
It's almost as if the instant heal destroys the health kit in the process, oh wait it does. I've got an idea instead of asking for stuff to be removed make the survivors burn the items or better yet bring FranksOh look, those poor survivors lost their precioius BROWN medkit! Not like killers ALWAYS lose both of their addons after the game.
It's not like that doesn't always never happen, almost as if the killer sometimes gets to keep 1 or both addons after the game. It's almost as if the killer never uses Franklins Demise or that they can use a Black Ward. It's almost as if being obstinate and disingenuous isn't what some killers always do on here just to be jerks.