The Archives - Challenges based on luck, bad killers and survivors...

Why there are challenges like...

"repair 3 gens in a trial"

"do something while endgame collapse is activated"

First of all: It shouldn't be a killer challenge to do something while endgame collapse is activated. It should always be a challenge before this is happening. Why a player should change his play style? When I sacrifice all survivor before, why I should give them a second chance and stand for 2 minutes in a corner and do nothing so they can finish the last gen? This is not the game, devs.

And in a normal trial you will never get 3 complete gens to repair. This only happens, when the other survivor not doing gens and the killer is doing something else. It's not really rare, one survivor get chased, 3 survivor repairing gens and 3 gens are finished. 2 gens left and how I am supposed to repair 3 gens by my own? You have to play so different. I see a totem, but I have not time to cleanse it, because I am in hurry, to repair gens... this will hurt the team, because it could be a hidden HEX-NOED...

And I don't want to have a challenge I need 10 or more games to finish it. ONE Challenge... there are 30 of+ it.

Minimum 10 games/day only playing this challenges... not really funny.


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Good news - you just have to be the one to complete. You can go over to someone who did a gen to 90% and just dink it.