No youre not gen rushing. youre playing the game. NO SUCH THING AS GEN RUSHING

im so tired of the term gen rushing. its so dumb, thats what youre suppose to be doing. the role of survor is to fix gens. no you didn't gen rush if you finished them quickly. the killers job is to stop you . there is NO SUCH THING AS GEN RUSHING
Yeah Gen Rushing exists
Its where survivors ignore teammates on hook and only do generators pretty much
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I don't think it's matter of "gen rushing is not a thing," but rather "Survivors are not doing anything wrong by gen rushing."
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no its not a thing. what else are you suppose to be doing?
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It's just a term used to point out the imbalance between the killer's objective and survivor's objective.
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The fact that the Survivors' primary goal is to do gens ASAP does not mean gen rushing is not a thing; it means that Survivors are kinda forced to gen rush for the most part because it is the most optimal thing to do.
4 -
There is.
Genrush: ignoring EVERYTHING and just pumping gens. No healing, no hook rushing (last second unhooking), using prove thyself, toolboxes and everything to speed up gens. Ruin? It doesn't exist. Dull totems? They don't exist. Chests? They don't exist. Stealth? No, I repair in front of the killers face.
Combine this with a team who can actually run the killer for quite a while and you can't even use pop very often.
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no hook rushing (last second unhooking)
as long as they are unhooked before they die why wouldn't you work on a gen? thats what youre suppose to do
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Yeah, survivors obj is generators, but if they are ONLY doing generators and nothing else that is literally called "Gen Rushing"
If you ignore totems, ignore chests, ignore healing teammates or yourself, and ignore hooked teammates, that is literally gen rushing
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no im not tunneling / camping. im playing the game. no such thing as camping / tunneling.
just doing my objective.
just because its the objective doesnt mean there wouldnt be different ways to do it. genrush is a term that is used when survivors ignore everything just to get the gens done asap.
this is very much a thing, especially if they are SWF with toolboxes.
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You are my hero
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Why would you not. It is only way to put pressure on the killer and perhaps force them into mistakes.
It is the way to power the gates and escape. It has already be stated by many on these forums too much altruism will get the whole team killed
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The Chances to run into a Team of Survivors who lets people die on Hook to fix all Gens is VERY small.
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You can still rush the gens tho.
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Survivors can rush their objective, the killer can’t.
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No its not, infact that is why I only play survivor with friends
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If gen rushing isn't a thing then camping/tunneling isn't true. It's the killer want to kill as fast as he can.
You must to see the difference between killers and survivors objectives. Killer have to find someone , chase him (could take some time) , pick up the survivor and hook him. Survivors have to find a gen and work on it. which one do you thing is faster and which one easier to do ?.
Not everyone want to main Nurse , Spirit and Hillbilly 95% of the time. Gen Rush is as fair as a mori to be honest even if i think mori should be nerfed at least the ebony.
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What you mean are bad Survivors.
What I mean are Squads who sacrifice their people (in a SWF) just to get the game over as fast as possible.
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I think that's the question that's supposed to arise when someone utters "Genrush".
Almost like people have been asking for a secondary objective for a while now.
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Then there's no such thing as camping , tunnelling and proximity camping keep that energy for sides.
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Correct. No such thing as tunneling either, or camping for that matter.
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Each side has terms for how the other side completes their objective to make it sound dirty/unfair... which is not the case!
Gen rushing = survivors complete gens. Sometimes they complete them faster then 'normal'. Survivors have to complete gens to escape, which is their goal.
Camping/tunneling/slugging = methods killer use to complete their goal. Sometimes a killer will strictly use one of these strategies and sometimes they will use a combo. Either way they be killing, which is their goal.
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we arent arguing the fact that survivors are doing the objective thats cool its fine good on you.
The issue i believe is two things the repair speed for three people (33 seconds) is way to fast and the sizes of the map.
the first point is kinda obvious how is it fair for the killer to locate, chase, hit, chase, downed, pick up, locate hook, hang hook, locate where its most likely a gen being worked on and head to hook in a mininum of 33 seconds (assuming they dont have any perks, tool boxes, bnp add ons) and of course you can agrue that we have stuff to slow gens down but the two biggest perks that can really harm gen speeds ruin and pgtw well ruin can be dealt with cleansing a totem and pgtw requires killer to hook someone find the gen in less than a minute and then hit it and on maps like farm unless you are a speedy killer that is no easy task which leads me to the second point
We can use the farm map as a case in point the farm map series is huge and the gens are spread far apart making it harder for killers to gen protect and keep an eye on. and relating to the first point in the time frame to get a survivor and hook them i could have to travel across the map to get to a gen which again if you arent a speedy killer is unlikely you get there in time
the best way i see it is to increase gen repair times but just on the medium/large maps i will never agree to increase gen repair times on small maps due to the fact even the non speedy killers can get point a to b quickly in those maps. i would say for the medium/large map 3 people on one gen should take 50-60 seconds to do and that based of a no perk or items survivors of course those numbers can be changed and i will say that if one person is on one gen it will still take 80 seconds that will always be the base line of the gens.
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This is such a common misunderstanding of the term "gen rush".
No one is saying you shouldn't be doing gens as fast as possible.
What people are saying is that they shouldn't be able to be done as fast as they currently are.
That is a very big difference between the two.
It's saying that the gens need to be slowed down in one fashion or another, not that you shouldn't be doing them.
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Doing gens is breaking the game?
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no . it , isnt
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As @GeordieKiller pointed out, Gen Rushing isn't just "doing gens", its using specific strategies to get them done as fast and efficiently as possible. It is the equivalent of tunneling, in that its a legit strategy, but it sucks and isn't fun for the other opposing side.
I believe @GeordieKiller is wrong, in that its NOT 3 survivors on one gen - thats totally fine, because the killer can knock them all off it, and he knows where 3 survivors are.
Gen Rushing is the specific tactic of each survivor finding and doing THEIR OWN gen at the beginning of the game. Generators are spread out, and the killer can then ONLY focus one survivor since he still doesn't know where the other 3 are. Its not worth it to break chase, especially on big maps, and that survivor just loops until 3 generators are done.
If you are a survivor, and you see another one on a gen, so you join them this is NOT gen rushing. If you see them and go, "I'll find my own." then you ARE Gen Rushing.
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I'll see your no such thing as gen rushing. And raise you 4 commodious toolboxes. With socket swivels and clean rag addons.
Now that said. The term is ridiculously over used. But my above example sure as hell is gen rushing.
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I believe the solution to gen rushing is simply to make solo-generator speed WAY slower than it is now. You can leave cooperative generator fixing as it is. But this way, the "Survivors start together" offering is actually helpful (since it currently makes it harder to gen rush as defined above).
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No, you're not tunneling. You're playing the game. No such thing as tunneling.
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gen rush does exist, and i love it and will never stop doing it
mainly because i enjoy getting gens done fast. it makes me feel good, and accomplished.
i think if something in the game you do that you enjoy, just keep doing it, because it’s how you play
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Come on, you should know it only works one way.
Didn't you get your printed copy of survivor rule book?
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Must have gotten lost in the mail
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That's not gen rushing. That's being smart. You get no reward if your team mates survive the trial. It's every person for themselves.
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er what? theres a whole category for altruism points??
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there is no tunneling and camping either, These are legit strategies. You don't like them? You think these are toxic? TOO BAD. But unlike you, we killers get disadvantages by tunneling (DS) and camping (losing gens), while you can do nothing but gens and still pip.
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Gen rushing is just a term used when survivor do gens as fast as posible. So by it's definition it exists. Like tunneling and camping are just terms for sertent playstyles of killers.
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They can all be legitimate tactics albeit not fun for the other side.
I have found that once survivors realize your not tunneling or camping they tend to play less sweaty. Start checking chest, doing totems and such.
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I mean what else would a smart survivor do? Most killers proxy hooks now days anyways. Doesn’t matter if they are viable or not , still proxy. It’s sad to see.
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Genrushing is a term that exists in the “Buying the killer more time rule book”.
Sometimes I count to 5 seconds before starting on a gen, and then I gotta wave at my teammate next to me, only to go into a locker to make sure it’s not dirty and THEN I start to work on a generator. It makes me feel great knowing I helped a killer have more time to chase and kill someone. 😉
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If i was your English teacher; this would have "Please see me!" all over it...
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To me personally, "proxy camping" is a far less legitimate term than "gen rushing" simply based on the fact that they can't actually call it just camping.
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Gen rushing is definately a thing, this is why you got noed :D I have been flammed many times by genrushing survivers bringing in 4 toolboxes and dying to noed. its amusing 😍
And genrushing for me means doing 0 totems and bringing in toolboxes. otherwise if they do genrush.. ur not pressuring right.
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Why do you think it’s less legitimate?
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Because it was a term that had to be made up when a pre-existing term could not actually apply to the situation at hand.
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I mean proxy and camping are two different things but similar in nature. Proxy means the killer just loops around the hook area until survivors show up, and camp is basically just right there at the hook within like 0-10 feet at all times. There’s an exceptional amount of killers and survivors who can’t fathom what strategy is outside of hooks. Whether It be waiting for hook chases, or forgetting everything else for an unhook. So like if I’m hooked in an area of the map the killer will stay in that square of the grid until someone shows up. I’m not complaining, I’m just saying they’ll literally not leave(either side). You can throw the match for yourself either way on either side by doing this. Then both sides scream about the consequences of what happens when you play like this. Forehead.
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bit personal. hit a nerve did i?
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Again remember that by that logic "tunneling" isn't a thing because its just the killer doing their objective the fastest way possible just like survivors doing theirs.
It isn't the killers job to ignore the easy target, its the survivors job to save them.
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Joke on you. I play solo nea with toolbox + prove thyself + stakeout + kindred while I ignore hooked survivor unless the hook is near me
Also camping, tunneling, mori, trolling, farming, teabagging and tapping flashlight is also playing the game too.
But no such thing as camping, tunneling, mori, trolling, farming, teabagging and tapping flashlight too, right?
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Altruism, yes. But you get zero reward if your mates make it out the door.
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yes but you gotta unhook them to get en out.