Slow Vaults Shouldn't Exist

Slow vaults have been added into the game a while back, and ever since then us survivor mains have been needlessly suffering more.

I'm more than sure the only reason they were added was to nerf loops. Though even though that was it's intended purpose it's not what it's been used for.

Since the slow vault animation is so slow, since you get sucked back to the window after you'd vaulted it, and since we know that if you're too close to the window you'll get hit, it basically guarantees a free hit for the killer.

If you round a corner and vault a window and the killer can't predict that then they don't deserve that hit. But of course they get it, thanks to the slow vault.

There should honestly the a perk that completely removes slow vaults or something, make me use up a perk slow, I don't care! As long as the slow vaults are no more!



  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321
    edited December 2019

    Determined Athlete (Meg Thomas teachable):

    "your iron discipline and sheer will to overcome obstacles to improve your results drives you to extreme performance. Vault windows and pallets 5%/10%/15% faster"

    You like?

  • Umbrae_pk
    Umbrae_pk Member Posts: 482

    Mmm. I do! I wouldn't mind replacing Quick and Quiet with "Determined Athlete". I could do without the faster vault for pallets, though. slow vaults don't exist for pallets and they're pretty fast as it is.

  • Figas
    Figas Member Posts: 59

    Resilience makes you vault 9% faster while injured, plus you do everything else faster, and plus, it stacks with spinechill. Consider running those if you want some really fast vaults.

  • Umbrae_pk
    Umbrae_pk Member Posts: 482

    I am aware Spine Chill makes you vault faster and I love it to bits. I hope it never gets nerfed since I don't think it's an intended feature.

    Though, I had no idea Resilience ALSO helped, thank you for the information!

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110

    Slow vaults have been in for a while. Even more, you just need to get better at looping.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    I'd be closer to thinking fast vaults should be removed before I would think slow vaults should. There were very good reasons for those changes. Even with the changes windows are still far stronger than they should be.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    Once all loops are balanced around fast vaults, maybe then.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793
  • Umbrae_pk
    Umbrae_pk Member Posts: 482

    Spine Chill increases your vault speed when active.

  • Polychrome_Baku
    Polychrome_Baku Member Posts: 404

    Learn to run tiles. Nobody else seems to have an issue with this but you.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Repair, heal and sabotage unless they made some unidentified buff that isn’t in the tooltip

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    There are a lot of things it effects that aren't in the tooltip. Such as chest searching, exit gate opening, totem cleansing and yes vaulting.

  • beatddb
    beatddb Member Posts: 565

    Or just approach the window in the right angle? Or is it too difficult for you?

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    Considering the devs use their 2 killers, 2 escapes metric that now has survivors dying on mass they might look to bring it back.

    The problem the devs have created is that they have a long history of survivor nerfs which has led to entitlement within parts of the killer community who will effectively rage if survivor gets any kind of legitimate buff.

  • ArrowTheGreat11
    ArrowTheGreat11 Member Posts: 306

    I still get hit whether it’s a fast or slow vault. Makes no difference lol

  • silverwolf4455
    silverwolf4455 Member Posts: 496

    I'm guessing you mean medium vaults.... slow vaults are the vaults that make no sound. Medium vaults were put into the game to stop window abuse and make it knowledge/skill based.

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    What? Historically it's been survivor nerfs, they're used to it by now.

    1. Pallets nerfed

    2. Exhaustion added 

    3. Entity blocker added

    4. Blinds nerfed

    5. Medkits nerfed

    6. Self Care nerf

    9. Perks nerfed

    10. End game timer added

    11. Hatch close added

    12. Bloodlust added

    13. window vacuum,

    14 Gennie time increases/hex:ruin

    15 Infinite's gone

    16 hook respawn added

    Survivor's have gotten exceedingly good at adapting to this game, relative to killers who have had the game cater to them.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    This game has always been survivor sided. It baffles me everytime when my fellow survivor mains don't see how easy we have it compared to killers. 🤷‍♀️

  • Drazen
    Drazen Member Posts: 400

    yeh then try to play some average killers at high ranks to see how easy it is to play killer lmao dont give entitled opinions when u havent played the other side

  • Drazen
    Drazen Member Posts: 400

    only those surv mains complain who have less than 1000 hours rest of the above already know that surv is actually the power role

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    Played since release, made r1 killer when there were REAL infinites in the game. Not these pseudo-infinites some people try to hold onto. Next.

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    lol if my comments on this forum don't demonstrate that I have a sound history of where this game has come from to where it's at now, you can just assume I'm good at research 😉

  • Drazen
    Drazen Member Posts: 400

    yeah anyone can copy paste these nerfs and u got no proof so please instead of whining actually try to learn the game by playing both sides ur opinions will change

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    Says they guy that just assumes one doesn't play killer. Pot meet kettle.


  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    I doubt the devs will remove slow vaults. They're on a steady path of survivor nerfs. Granted, some were necessary, but most weren't.

    Nurse got nerfed, and that's been the only substantial killer nerf in some time. Because no, the Spirit changes don't count as nerfs as they make sense to be a part of her power and actually make her "hard" like the game says.

  • General killer nerfs:

    - removed the ability to be able to prevent the unhook prompt from popping up by standing in front of a hooked survivor (since you listed the fixing of an exploit as a "nerf", that's what I'm doing right here aswell)*

    - buffed pallets from the stun happening at the middle of the pallet drop animation to the start of the animation

    - the ammount of pallets have been increasing each time shortly after they supposedly made less pallets spawn on the maps

    - Nerfed bloodlust (3 times)

    - increased the hook timer by 15 seconds per stage

    - Removed the ability to be able to bypass borrowed time with insta down mechanics*

    - removed the ability to be able to consume decisive strike without it having any effect on the killer when dropped*

    - Made it harder to rank up for killers with the victory cube

    - nerfed the ivory and ebony memento mori offerings

    - Changed the killer's fov to make it harder to see survivors at a very close range*

    - Changed the scratch marks to in many instances not accurately represent where the survivor ran off to*

    - Changed the sound occlusion multiple times to make it harder for killers to hear where survivors are*

    - buffed mist (offerings) making it harder for killers to find survivors

    - added indicators for survivors to tell them when certain hex perks are being used

    - increased the (default) duration of the stun after wiggling out

    - Increased the wiggle penalty for dropping survivors from 25% to 33%.

    - reduced the size of the target lock-on hitbox of survivors

    - added the ability for survivors to be able to enter the hatch from all angles

    - removed the killer's ability to be able to see survivors on hooks

    - added that the killer blocks the aura of the hooked survivor when the killer stands or moves in front of the hooked survivor from the point of view of a survivor looking at the hooked survivor*

    - removed the ability to be able to use items that belonged to other killers (i.e. myers with a chainsaw etc.)*

    - added tiles in which there are areas which are unsurpassable for killers, but passable for survivors (the so called "fat shaming" spots)*

    - increased the angle from which you can blind killers

    - introduced pallets which can be broken from only 1 side*

    - introduced pallets which are standing upright that cannot be passed or broken by the killer until a survivor performs the "drop pallet" animation*

    - increased the range from which killers can be stunned with a pallet drop

    - added the pallet vacuum for survivors

    - changed the combine harvesters on coldwind farms to be more survivor sided (twice)

    - removed the killer's ability to be able to fly*

    - reduced the ammount of crows that spawn on the map

    - changed the way survivors interact with crows by making it so that when a survivor crouches near a crow it will not alert the crow

    - removed the ability to be able to earn bloodpoints from hitting a survivor that is on a hook*

    - reduced the ammount of information that is available to the killer about the survivors in the pre-game lobby

    - reduced the overall skillcheck chances of survivors working on generators which decreases the overall effectiveness of perks which affect skillchecks

    - Removed the 3 O'clock skillchecks which decreases the overall effectiveness of perks which affect skillchecks

    - Made it so that survivors can blind and force the killer to drop the survivor they were picking up during the pickup animation (twice)

    - Removed the ability to have no cooldown when you hit a survivor right next to an object*

    - Removed the ability to be able to reduce the effects from wiggling by hitting a wall while carrying a survivor*

    - Removed the ability to be able to push survivors away from hooks

    - Nerfed the mangled status effect from 25% to 20%

    - Removed the ability to be able to grab someone trying to jump into the hatch

    - Changed the time it takes to open an exit gate from 20 seconds to 15 seconds

    - Removed the ability to be able to block survivors at the basement stairs.

    - Killers do not see the Deep Wound status effect progress timer; only the Deep Wound bar to know the status effect has been applied.

    - The Deep Wound status effect timer does not decrease when within the Killers terror radius.

    - Lockers negate all aura reading abilities from the killer


    - nerfed shadowborn (twice)

    - nerfed spies from the shadows (spies from the shadows did not work at all for a long period of time)*

    - nerfed bloodhound

    - nerfed No one escapes death (twice)

    - nerfed Play with your food

    - nerfed Save the best for last

    - nerfed unrelenting

    - nerfed thrill of the hunt

    - nerfed iron grasp (twice)

    - nerfed brutal strength

    - nerfed deerstalker

    - nerfed a nurse's calling

    - nerfed franklin's demise

    - nerfed sloppy butcher

    - nerfed thanataphobia twice (one of which was a bug relating to removing dead survivors affecting the living*)

    - nerfed knock out (made open handed affect it)

    - nerfed whispers (increased the volume of the whispers to make it harder to hear survivors)*

    - nerfed tinkerer

    - nerfed remember me

    - nerfed enduring

    HISTORICALLY, bhvr has done its best to even the playing field. With every thing given. it has been given to BOTH sides. for everything taken away, it has been taken away from BOTH sides.

    people need to stop putting one side on this "cater" pedestal and closing their eyes to everything else. this is why the rift between survivors and killers is so god damn big and why the community consistently nasty toward one another.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    I wish more people could have the “both sides,” view. It’s not always exactly even, or exactly at the same time, but survivors and killers both receive buffs, nerfs and other changes.

    The devs are TRYING tinker things fair-ish but they sometimes don’t seem to understand their own game completely.

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    I gave that a once over but you have an entire section about perk changes which you could have just titled as such, unless you think killer perks have been nerfed more than survivor perks!?

    Anyway, I didn't see anything major there that fundamentally changed the game negatively for killers. At least not on the same level as survivor.

    BHVR aren't aiming for an even playing field, they're aiming for 50% kill rate on survivors.

    There really isn't the same level of push back against killer ideas in this forum. That's because historically survivors got nerfed, killers got buffed (generally speaking). So people have come to expect BHVR to make decisions in favour of killers. Hence the upset over nurse etc.

  • carters_spark
    carters_spark Member Posts: 102

    hold on on sec

    before we say which role has got it the worst

    we need a side-by-side comparison of all nerfs and buffs

  • MrVecetti
    MrVecetti Member Posts: 41

    Slow vaults should DEFINITELY exist. However.. the hitbox is too big right now and needs fine tuning. with latency compensating on hits u can easily stil get hit as u make your 3rd step after a vault.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529
    edited December 2019

    If you don't like slow vaults, just learn to fast vault properly. I have seen survivors being able to fast vault the window of the 4-walls-tile from the wrong site. It litterally only has like 2 metres of clearance infront of it.


    Survivors pulling off that proves you can fast vault any window from any direction you want.

    Post edited by ABannedCat on
  • MrVecetti
    MrVecetti Member Posts: 41

    "any direction" So you dont notice hes hugging the left hand wall then turned 90 degrees?

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    The problem is that this kind of fast vaulting is not intended.

    They changed the vaulting last October, with the following message;

    "Adjusted the speed thresholds to hit a running vault (fast vault). They should now be more consistent. To hit a running vault, make sure to run straight at the window with at least 2.5 meters of clearance."

    The Claudette I posted vaulted a window with not even 2 metres of clearance. This makes basically any window in the game fast vaultable, and defeats the entire purpose of the medium fault.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321
    edited December 2019

    I'm not sure if it still affects vaults as it got shadow nerfed. It used to affect the healing speed while getting healed. That part is gone since the latest update so I wouldn't be surprised if it actually doesn't affect vaulting anymore.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    Yeah, I mean, you just got stabbed with a weapon, why should you slow down or even be woozy? It's like the killer is stabbing them with a adrenaline tipped blade or blunt object or something... Lmao

  • Zeddler
    Zeddler Member Posts: 1

    I remember when I first played this game on Day 2, no BS of windows closing, no slow vaults, no hits through windows as the killer hits would bounce off, no hits through fances no manner how tight they were, no high fall stuns to survivors.

    But Mattew, mattew had to go and ruin pretty much every aspect of being a survivor, including the "vaccum" pallet drop.

    Now, killers can fall from whatever height, they have the scratch marks, the blood, the mist is basically gone, the whole vision has been taken off, I mean, is it even the same game at this point?

    DBD is still played by many, but I highly doubt old players are happy with it's current state and pay to win killers and changes.

    Bubba no longer has direction nerf control with the chainsaw, brow can literally 360 with that Sh$# and gets 1 down pretty easily.

    Basically every killer with active powers have had their speed slow removed so killers like Doctor and Pyramid head are ever increasingly annoying.

    2022, and playing survivor is unpalatable.

    I kept playing for the "nostalgia", but it's about time to stop giving this no sense killer biased devs the green 🤢🤮