Why the Oni nerf?

Although the flick was unintentional, that's what made him such a fun and strong killer. He had counter play. What was the point of nerfing the flick?
No flick for Billy
No flick for Oni
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The idea the flick was unintentional is one of the most absurd things i've ever heard lol
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This content has been removed.
Never should have touched what made him fun... Nobody is going to be playing this killer soon. GOOD JOB BHVR!!!! :/
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it was a small nerf, lets not go crazy
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It was a massive nerf. It reduced his 90 degree flick to 30. This puts him far below Billy level now. His dash is entirely useless at loops now.
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It's funny how you can draw so many comparisons to Billy when it comes to Oni/LF, and you sit there wondering how stuff like this happens while Billy just kind of sits there sweating.
I always compare stuff like this to how killers like Legion or Ghostface lose their power, which has a moderately long CD, when they miss a swing. It's the type of mistake that's really, completely not needed but for some reason the devs think killers that aren't that great need such downsides. It's exactly why Billy, despite what I'd call being one of the most balanced killers, not receiving the types of nerfs or "downsides" that modern killers are given.
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Has anyone experimented on the consoles since the patch? I have heard that this is a BUFF for Oni. What do PS4 players think?
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Oni is more ruined on console because these ill thought out nerfs but screw console players huh bhvr?
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It's a HUGE nerf... Are you kidding me? lol
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To clarify, it reduced the up to 180 degree flick to 90 degrees. There is a hard limit at 90 degrees now. You can still turn 90 degrees no problem, even on a controller now. Being able to stack the mouse and keyboard controls to exceed the normal turn rate ratio was not intended.
We made this clear in the known issues when 3.4.0 first came out:
The Oni can rotate faster than intended with the keyboard or joystick during Demon Dash.
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Wait. I'm really confused. Because I saw people like Scott saying his flick was now 30 degrees. Even on console it doesn't feel like 90. I've played 4 games with him so far and it feels near identical to before. Or maybe it is and I'm just dumb lol. Thanks for the clarification, it's very much appreciated. :)
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it isn't a big nerf heck
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What about the red addon?
Now it is simply a downside for the oni, wont it be better to rework it completely?
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ty, it's these entitled people again thinking it's a huge nerf when it isn't
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He is more now controllable in his run!
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Then it's not working properly because I am certainly not getting 90 degrees with my mouse. Not even close.
MANY people are saying the same thing. It literally feels like I'm swinging a bus now. It feels terrible.
Please clarify why so many are saying they are not achieving this on mouse, but you are claiming we should be able to?
Perhaps I'm just dumb but I have played over 10 matches now. None of them I was able to achieve this.
Are you talking out of demon dash? Or just regular walk? Or both?
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I feel like I flick my mouse across my entire desk, and I don't turn 90 degrees. Am I doing something wrong?
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Thanks for taking the time to respond, the confirmation is appreciated. Have a good day
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I think there is a lot of miscommunication going on. Yes, you CAN turn 90 degrees at the VERY end of the lunge, but now before that you are locked to a max of about 30 degrees, meaning you can't turn around corners even slightly. All survivors have to do now is just run around corners and keep going forward.
Here's a perfect visual example: https://youtu.be/O_j9EtJmaoo?t=50
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Thank you, Scott..
This is EXACTLY the problem I've had. The 90 degrees isn't a true 90 degrees. It can't be. I felt like I was losing my mind.
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Rip Oni flick, it was fun while it lasted, sigh =/
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Yea this was basically my take on it too, the momentum of the charge and the throttled turning during the lunge makes the power useless at loops - Oni is no longer able to tag survivors around corners most of the time due to the new flick mechanics
Obviously, a flick that happens at the very end of a long animation is way less useful than one that's is controlled consistently throughout.
The clip in question makes wonder about this "Extended Lunge Range" Oni is supposed to have? I guess this is the result of the AoE on his attack nerf. This guy has been nerfed so much and isn't even that crazy good.
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Just revert flick back to its previous state. No one wants to play this castrated oni what cant hit people when they turn around the corner. No matter was it intentional or not it is what makes this killer fun and viable. Without it he feels like ######### to play. You just selled fun and viable killer and gut him week later after release significantly. I call this false advertising. If i knew what this would happen id never buy him. You just lost my respect after this
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Did you even play Oni before and after? It is a big nerf...your ability is quite useless on loops now against any survivor who knows to run in tight circles.
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Thanks for the clip, it's good to see what everyone's referring to. I can't say I've experienced that myself while testing it.
On a related note, we have a quick update here: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/112192/
The short version is that the overall limit of 90 degree is staying, but you'll have more control between the time you start the attack and when the attack actually happens. (So you'll be able to turn up to 90 degrees every time).
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You have to actively farm blood orbs off of an injured survivor, which slows your movement speed down considerably. Your reward when you fill up the gauge now? You can't punish survivors if they're not mindless robots and run in a straight line. Never mind if they run around a corner while you're tailing them.
Oni's now a high risk (terrible early game) and horrible reward killer. Myers has stealth, can feed his stalk with injured/uninjured survivors, and is very easy to punish survivors while he's in tier 3 with the right addons.
So, yeah - it is a big nerf heck.
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Hoping for the best
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Wow I’m a stupid idiot for buying another killer on release just for these clowns to immediately nerf the content into the ground.
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i’mma pitch in to BVHR and say make his 90 degree turn normal and if he’s “overperforming” don’t change the flick but the lunge of the his basic attack in fury (Otherwise then obvs he’s just fine)... honestly seems fine for the killer to get a 90 degree flick... makes him unique.
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1. Oni is powerless killer at first.
2. Hit healthy survivors two times or collect blood orbs.
3. Congratulation! You can become Hillbilly for 45 seconds!
4. Back to 1.
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It's literally nonsense. This wasn't a needed change that they just did at all.. Absolutely ridiculous.
EDIT: Just seen the intended changes, I hope this allows for a happy compromise and brings back the fun factor of this killer.
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I do well with LF in comparison to Billy.
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I care more about the bloody glove nerf tbh
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If Oni can't flick and it just makes demon strike a hillbilly chainsaw, then why does he even need to build it up if billy can have it on command?
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I think they don't even know what happend. it's not a 90 degrees flick so this can be a unintenional nerf. They didn't say it was it , they said that is going to be better for console. There are videos about it and players have already claiming it's not woriking as intended so...
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Because it was fun, and playing killer isn't allowed to be fun. Same reason for all other constant nerfs.
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His 90* turn IS normal.
The bug was that you could go even MORE than 90 degrees.
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No bump, AoE, better tracking.
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Actually 180 vs "90" (I put this in quotes because I don't see many able to do it) is a huge difference.
I have never been hit with Oni's insta down on PS4 since his original release and I must have faced an Oni every second match. Now that his flick is so much smaller you can just walk to the left or right and dodge it, its a VERY noticeable difference.
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I would never suggest buying anything on release, not just because of BHVRs questionable track record but due to the fact games like this will change for better or worst at some point.
As for this being a "bug" that was unintentional I say once more that this is a MAJOR reason why BHVR needs to spend more time testing before release. Each release brings about a onslaught of bugs (some reoccurring ones) that its actually getting difficult to separate "intentional change vs unintentional"...
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It's december 23 and THEY DIDN'T FIX IT.