Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Maybe it's time to make Mori a cosmic offering.

I'm tired of the fact that through the game the survivors leave the game during loading. Despite the fact that I just want an animation of the murder, no more. Finally make the killing effect only after the second hanging. Thus, for everyone, you will make the gaming experience easier and more enjoyable.


  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Yes I want to see the kill animations without being hated and or loading screen dodged by the survivors.

  • Mashtyx1
    Mashtyx1 Member Posts: 188

    Moris and keys are unbalanced and need to be reworked not given to a killer as base kit.

  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471

    Only Mori I would be okay with being basekit is Cypress. Rework Ivory and Ebony, rework keys as well.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I don't think he's suggesting moris be made basekit, I think he's proposing a nerf to moris such that they only activate after the second hook rather than the first.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    Though I would love to see the Cyprus mori be added to base kit. It'd be a nice finale at the end of the game.

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    Slugging is already a problem when playing Solo. If you give a last kill mori as base kit, you're going to need to balance it with an Unbreakable-esq Basekit for survivors as well.

  • Rin_is_my_waifu
    Rin_is_my_waifu Member Posts: 963

    If moris get nerfed then keys should get the same treatment, too

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    Why does it need to be balanced with anything. It'd just be flavor. Last hook is a near guarantee death, even if you're a sabo squad you'll just get slugged to death.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Making moris basekit after second hook robs survivors of any chances they currently have to escape from that situation - adrenaline, unbreakable, pallet saves, flashlight saves, DS, etc.

    It may be a lot less powerful than the current mori, but it does have the potential to affect the outcome of the game, so you can't realistically argue that it's just a matter of flavour.

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    You must be new here.

    Majority of players are excessively toxic. Giving a killer a last kill mori as basekit would unbalance the game for solo players. Maybe not for SWFs but i'm not talking about that. Nor am i talking about a Sabo team. I'm talking about making the game for people who don't SWF even harder and more unenjoyable. DBD already has a population crisis with big wait times once you get higher in rank. This will make even more people quit. They try to alleviate this with literal randoms. Most of my games as purple rank, i see mostly brown ranked survivors. But that leads to almost every game being unenjoyable. There's so many ways to play around having that at base. I'm tired of toxic games as it is.

    Like my last game. I'm rank 8, and got paired with a rank 20 a rank 17 and a rank 13 with a rank 11 killer. I didn't get hooked all game while carrying my team with gens saves and heals. So not being hooked still means i can be be killed. My combined score was more than everyone elses. How is that at all fair? my team didn't do squat but hookrush and die. Yet lets punish the guy doing stuff. lol... A burnt offering or a perk is a different story. A Flavor item should not ever be able to change the tide of a game if all players do not have the same ability.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    What the hell are you talking about. By the way, I'm a rank 4 survivor and a rank 9 killer. So, if anything you're newer than me. Getting Moried is not toxic. It's just an animation in the game. And a cyprus mori (look it up) only allows you to mori the last survivor. It has no affect on gameplay.

  • Nomadd
    Nomadd Member Posts: 167

    I feel like in some situations mori helps way too much, vs some better survivors, now you only need to catch them twice, don't worry about DS and finally it makes the game much harder and intense for survivors. Although, sometimes ebony mori was helping (like I said - vs much better group) I don't really feel like it's 'fair'. Killing instead of hooking should be only possible on third hook I think. Then it would have very small impact on the game, you're basically dead anyway, sure, you might get flashlight save, block and wiggle or something, but in most cases, you are going to die. So in this situation it would only save few seconds for the killer and usually it wouldn't do anything, since mori lasts for a few seconds and often hooks are nearby, so mori instead of last hook would be just a cool way to end a survivor, without making it too fast.

    Then ivory mori could be exactly that - gives ability to kill any survivor, if they've been hooked twice, ability to replace third hook with execution.

    And ebony mori could've been mix of improved ivory and nerfed ebony - gives the ability to kill ONE survivor that's been hooked at least once. This way you'd have one 'OP' mori, to eliminate quickly biggest threat, or some 'funny' teabagger ;)

    Although I have to say that I don't really run into mori too often and also I don't really use that too often either. Mori-ing takes away some of your points and I tend to be too greedy to use that. And although ebony feels too unfair and unfun to play against (or even play with it), I don't really feel like it's the biggest issue right now, it's just not used often enough. Unless others have different experience and it actually is used often.

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    I'm newer than you? Ok. If you say so. I'm trying not to assume by your post count as how long you've been playing the game. Your rank doesnt mean a damn thing because Matchmaking is broken and even in purple/red ranks i get brown and yellow constantly because i'm Solo and don't SWF.

    Allowing a cosmetic item, nonconsumable, not taking up a perk slot, to let you kill a survivor even if you didn't hook them is in fact problematic.

    Then what do survivors get? They're a bunch of skins. Nothing special about each one except cosmetics. Mori's also take away from pip progress and overall points. If this flavor item had other requirements, that would be different. There would be no point to the cypress offering at that point and i don't think the devs are going to support taking out an offering like that. This would ultimately affect gameplay. If you can't grasp that then I can't help you and neither can anyone else in this thread telling you otherwise.

    Now if you suggested a flavor item that was area specific, like the basement. Example: You take the last person to the basement and hook them, it would trigger a mori animation. That isn't breaking anything and the survivor still has a chance to wiggle free. The developer at that point could actually charge real money for that flavor item because it actually does something special. They could even create more character specific things.

    I also wouldn't mind seeing cosmetics that killed specific survivors in a specific way. ie: Demo killing Nancy or Steve would be a different animation compared to Demo killing say, Blendette.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Why? The only arguably relevant thing Cypress stops is DS, and if they are the last person, there are ways to make sure DS doesn't go off anyways. Giving Cypress as base kit adds almost nothing to the Killer's tool kit.

  • Haku
    Haku Member Posts: 614

    But didnt all the killers say that when you see a mori you should play more carefuly with that in mind. How do you do that if you don't even know there is a mori ?

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    Cyprus Mori is the yellow one. It only applies to the last survivor. If you knew that they used a Cyprus Mori you wouldn't play any different. It does not grant a gameplay advantage.

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    No one is talking about a gameplay advantage.

    Yall play against SWF too much. I get that you hate it and want them to all die. gotcha. You just want to -kill- the survivors.

    i play the same as any other Mori. The tier doesn't matter. You obviously don't play the game solo. Me? I'm not going out like that. But now i'm going to play even more immersed if its base and there's no chance of it being a shroud. As will other players. This will drag out games. Dragging out the game a game doesn't mean more points either. Me and the Blendette can hide for the next 2 days while you do what? patrol gens? yeah i see a big value in adding a cypress mori to a killers base.(that was sarcasm) Hope you brought Whispers because i promise, you won't find me for days until i get bored and let you.

    Cypress at base kit will change gameplay and people will start quitting, again over Moris. Like when the Ebony didn't a hook requirement. Just slug all 4 as soon as the game starts and end it. If someone makes it to the end only to get Mori'd over and over, they aren't going to play. Then killer queue times will get even worse. I really wish you folks would come up with suggestions that were actual QOL fixes instead of these guises as flavor items lol

  • Gravewalker200
    Gravewalker200 Member Posts: 451

    It doesn't matter, if you even have a brain as killer, you want to hook each survivor twice anyway so you can get the most bloodpoints out of your mori game.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Forgive me if I am misunderstanding you. Are you comparing Cypress at base kit to Ebony with no hook requirements?

    I don't understand your point. The stuff you are suggesting would happen as a consequence is still all possible without Cypress Mori. What does Cypress change about, say, slugging all 4 players? Why would someone hold a game hostage to avoid being Cypress'd as opposed to avoid being hooked as the last person? What is the difference beyond what I mentioned in my previous post?