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Some Ideas BNP and maps with security cameras

RazDragon24 Member Posts: 27
edited July 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

I had a few ideas now that BNP has been nerfed and from playing on maps. I think that BNP should be changed to a yellow or green add on and a new add on should be added that is an actual good rare item. My suggestion would be to have an add on that consumes your tool box but secretly keeps a generator from regressing. The killer would see a normal kick to a generator but survivors see an aura that this is a safe gen that will not regress. This would be great to us in maps with difficult gens in the dead center of a map. Also, from playing in Lery's, it would be awesome to have a security room a killer can go to on maps with security cameras that allows them to see whats on the cameras. Hope you like the ideas


  • Citano
    Citano Member Posts: 5
    I totally agree. Brand new part doesn't feel like it should be ultra rare anymore. That being said, I'll probably be avoiding it altogether in bloodwebs now, since the nerf makes it fairly useless unless the killer has tinkerer. Also good idea with the security camera room. It would be a fun idea to play around with, maybe the killer could go check it out too and I could see this working on the Gideon Meat Plant as well.
  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    It should be purple i agree the it's not ultra rare status but BNP is better then its given credit for... survivors especially when in swf are a team now when you're playing random and dont have coordination that you have with swf BNP is not as strong... the devs finally took SWF in account and nerfed bnp accordingly which I love them for.... next on the list i hope they nerf instant heals accordingly... even though I dont see them as often as I did BNP's