Idea for a new perk.
Let your aggression aid you.
Stunning the Killer with a pallet will keep them stun for an extra 1/1.5/2 seconds.
The perk activates every 45 seconds.
Yeah don’t see how this is even considered balanced maybe survivor who stuns is exhausted for over exerting themselves in their fit of entitled anger for 30 seconds
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What do you think of this one:
"Stunning the killer with a pallet or locker has a small chance to apply the concussion effect. This doesn't affect the killer in any way."
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I honestly think pallets are already strong as they are, I doubt they need to be buffed in any way.
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Good idea Love it
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Oh shoot, you're right.
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It's like an Enduring counter perk
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please no, thats so boring, noone enjoys being stunned or doing anything, theres a reason so many killers run enduring, if anything it will just make enduring + spirit fury an even more meta combo
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Joke perk
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your a joke