Nerf the nurse

can we make 2 blinks max for the nurse, also can you keep her from blinking through pallets, put a cross on it and call it sacred I don’t know. It sucks to not be able to really use the pallets vs her


  • rObLoCo
    rObLoCo Member Posts: 23
    Pallet looping is a good defense for someone with no weapons. Give us a bat or a knife or a gun to shoot the killer with to maim them and then we won’t need pallets!
  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832
    rObLoCo said:
    Pallet looping is a good defense for someone with no weapons. Give us a bat or a knife or a gun to shoot the killer with to maim them and then we won’t need pallets!
    Pallet looping is a brainless and boring free win that offers 0 reliable counterplay.
    You absolutely don't need it to survive, try losing the killer for once in your life instead of relying on 0 skill looping
  • crabby247
    crabby247 Member Posts: 58

    Maybe they should buff her so we can see her more often!! She is my favorite to go against but I go days without seeing her :'(

  • jiyeonlee
    jiyeonlee Member Posts: 211

    @yeet said:
    rObLoCo said:

    Pallet looping is a good defense for someone with no weapons. Give us a bat or a knife or a gun to shoot the killer with to maim them and then we won’t need pallets!

    Pallet looping is a brainless and boring free win that offers 0 reliable counterplay.
    You absolutely don't need it to survive, try losing the killer for once in your life instead of relying on 0 skill looping

    wired 0kill looping only happen yellow killer vs red survivor now

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832
    jiyeonlee said:

    @yeet said:
    rObLoCo said:

    Pallet looping is a good defense for someone with no weapons. Give us a bat or a knife or a gun to shoot the killer with to maim them and then we won’t need pallets!

    Pallet looping is a brainless and boring free win that offers 0 reliable counterplay.
    You absolutely don't need it to survive, try losing the killer for once in your life instead of relying on 0 skill looping

    wired 0kill looping only happen yellow killer vs red survivor now

    t. Yellow rank survivor
  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @Orion said:
    Stop trying to pallet loop the Nurse and use her real counter - stealth.

    Or mindgames or Lery's or Dead Hard or play console or corn or bad ping or disconnect get the idea.

  • BlazeMatcher63
    BlazeMatcher63 Member Posts: 2

    To be fair, with the aura reading perks (bbq & chili, bitter murmur), make your choice, tinkerer (if you swing that way), and some other stuff, the only thing that's stopping the Nurse from curb-stomping survivors are bad nurse players, not running hex ruin and survivors with toolboxes are actually working on gens rather than trying to pallet loop nurse (and failing), and actually good jukes from decent survivors. So... I don't actually have anything to contribute to this conversation.

  • go1gotha
    go1gotha Member Posts: 108

    A maximum of 2 blinks is what she needs. 2 blinks really do require skill and knowledge of the game. 3 blinks and more is too much and does not require any skill. Everything else in this killer should remain as it is now, with 2 blinks (and some weakening of addons for range and speed), it can be considered balanced.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737
    edited August 2018

    Nurse was the most heavily-nerfed character in the game's history, which then made her the worst killer in the game.

    She did not receive any buffs between being the worst killer in the game and becoming the best killer in the game. All that had to happen was for survivors to get worse. They got worse by leaning more on their biggest crutches: infinites, then pallet-loops.

    Nurse became better because survivors forgot how to play against her. They were told before she was nerfed how she could be beaten, but ignored it. They only paid attention after they got the unjustified nerf to happen, making her useless. Losing that information with their goldfish memories was as good as deleting the Nurse's obvious glaring weaknesses. Those weaknesses got worse during the engine-revamp, which permanently set every killer's viewpoint further forward and meant we can't see anything right in front of us.

    It's never going to be enough though. Survivors will not stop trying to nerf Nurse even more.

  • shadowsfall42
    shadowsfall42 Member Posts: 201
    The only thing that should happen to Nurse, is making it so that she can't get more than 3 blinks. She should never have more than 3. It breaks her balance and makes it so a bad Nurse can make mistakes and still have room to correct it. 3 blinks hits that sweet spot of giving a little wriggle room with mistakes but if you mess up a blink you're punished. Plus people who have her down pat, can easily go with just 2 and be fine. 4+ blinks is ridiculous and stupid. But no less than 3.
  • shadowsfall42
    shadowsfall42 Member Posts: 201
    The only thing that should happen to Nurse, is making it so that she can't get more than 3 blinks. She should never have more than 3. It breaks her balance and makes it so a bad Nurse can make mistakes and still have room to correct it. 3 blinks hits that sweet spot of giving a little wriggle room with mistakes but if you mess up a blink you're punished. Plus people who have her down pat, can easily go with just 2 and be fine. 4+ blinks is ridiculous and stupid. But no less than 3.
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    @Orion said:
    Stop trying to pallet loop the Nurse and use her real counter - stealth.

    "stealth"? what is that? can i eat that?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Mister_xD said:

    @Orion said:
    Stop trying to pallet loop the Nurse and use her real counter - stealth.

    "stealth"? what is that? can i eat that?

    No, but if you don't use it, you'll be eating a hook through your shoulder.

  • SoulKey
    SoulKey Member Posts: 338
    edited August 2018

    @Orion said:
    Stop trying to pallet loop the Nurse and use her real counter - stealth.

    lol if only more people knew about that. I just hope she won't be using any tinkerer or bitter murmur. So you are one of those who think the nurse is balanced, huh ?

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    The nurse in her base form does not need any nerfs. Some of her addons however should be reworked. The 4 and 5 blink nurse in my opinion should be removed and then changed to something that helps optimize the 2 blink nurse. Longer lunge, lower fatigue, faster base movement speed as some ideas. Fragile wheeze should then be made an ultra rare so that 3 blink nurse is still a possibility but not as common.

    That is the only changes i would make to her.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    @Orion said:

    @Mister_xD said:

    @Orion said:
    Stop trying to pallet loop the Nurse and use her real counter - stealth.

    "stealth"? what is that? can i eat that?

    No, but if you don't use it, you'll be eating a hook through your shoulder.

    if i cant eat that, i dont want it!

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    rObLoCo said:
    can we make 2 blinks max for the nurse, also can you keep her from blinking through pallets, put a cross on it and call it sacred I don’t know. It sucks to not be able to really use the pallets vs her
    Obviously your knew to high ranked survivor, I'll teach you some counters!

    Iron Will: As a nurse player, I reply on sound to know where to blink at if I don't have LoS on you. Without any audio for me to listen to... I'm doing a blind guess on where you are at and can make me lose you.

    Calm Spirit: Again, I struggle when survivors use this because it mutes the survivors' scream when I injure them and I can loss you during the fatigued time.

    Dead Hard: You can survive a swing from her and can extended the chase slightly! However usually when I know someone has Dead Hard, I'll blink directly behind them, wait, they use Dead Hard, then I'll blink again to down them. <== Try your best to not get baited!
  • JackieEstacadoWhen
    JackieEstacadoWhen Member Posts: 78

    @rObLoCo said:
    can we make 2 blinks max for the nurse, also can you keep her from blinking through pallets, put a cross on it and call it sacred I don’t know. It sucks to not be able to really use the pallets vs her

    There's your problem if your getting rekt by nurse, DO NOT PALLET LOOP HER LIKE EVERY OTHER KILLER!

    Nurse requires more skill to beat, knowing where LoS breakers are and utilizing them to lose her mid chase is the key to juking her, not the usual brain-dead run around stuff 3-4 times before dropping the pallet, rinse & repeat.

    Iron will & urban evasion also gives average nurses a hard time so try mixing those in your builds.

  • laKUKA
    laKUKA Member Posts: 406

    Dont pallet loop....just go to a place full of walls!

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    Try finger butthole 
  • Splort
    Splort Member Posts: 13

    I agree.. nerf her hard.. So annoying..

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Splort said:
    I agree.. nerf her hard.. So annoying..

    Try actually countering her.

  • pandorayr
    pandorayr Member Posts: 603

    @rObLoCo said:
    can we make 2 blinks max for the nurse, also can you keep her from blinking through pallets, put a cross on it and call it sacred I don’t know. It sucks to not be able to really use the pallets vs her

    git gud

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    You can juke the nurse by running behind the obstacle and move in unexpected direction...
    Also you can stop the nurse mid-blink with pallet drop.

  • foxboxunionttv
    foxboxunionttv Member Posts: 48
    rObLoCo said:
    can we make 2 blinks max for the nurse, also can you keep her from blinking through pallets, put a cross on it and call it sacred I don’t know. It sucks to not be able to really use the pallets vs her
    The nurse is one of the few semi balanced killers that make the game actually feel like a game. Fix the othee killers before nerfing the one good one. 
  • Fres0c0
    Fres0c0 Member Posts: 115
    edited August 2018
    Nurse is in a good place she shouldn’t be touched because she can easily be countered if played against correctly before nurse is even looked at the rest of the killer should be able to do what she does as well all killers should get major buffs to play just as well as the nurse with of course that they can be counter wraith is weak agains flashlights so that means since there that huge counter wraith should get a good buff trapper can get a huge buff just make were is traps don’t come back after being sabotaged like idk how you all feel about this but this I what I feel because it’s dumb for every single killer except nurse that pallet looping is the number one strat were I would prefer haveing killers super strong with one major counter (just not a counter so bad that it makes the killer weak) so that way each killer brings different excitement and play styles to play against which is why it’s fun to face a nurse because your not just pallet looping 
  • Yucchi
    Yucchi Member Posts: 250
    Don't forget the biggest enemy of THE POWERFUL NURSE! - tires. Those rubber circles stacked in a pile are hell
  • IsmaelWTD
    IsmaelWTD Member Posts: 42

    Nurse is on the watch list of the devs and will be nerfed in the mid chapter patch of chapter 14.

    Really? That's sad, the only killer as broken as survivors
  • Larcz
    Larcz Member Posts: 531
    More blinks longer fatig after blink = balance killer? no need change mayby only some afdons.