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Anti troll in the game

hello we still leave me on the ground to force me to disconnect, the killer troll me by saying yes continuously while I was on the ground (I didn't play toxic we did that for free) can we do something against that please?


  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I know it isn't much fun, but being left on the ground isn't forcing you to disconnect, and even though it is kind of scummy if they're not doing it for a strategic reason but just standing there nodding at you until you bleed out, it's also technically not doing anything wrong on the killer's part.

  • jiwix
    jiwix Member Posts: 64

    So if I understand your logic correctly...

    I have to stay on the ground waiting, wasting my time..., watching him troll and nodding my head continuously while I'm on the ground. Whether I use a decisive hit or not. Wasting my time of game, not being able to play with my friends, and standing there waiting 5 minutes on the floor, I hope you're kidding?!?

    (TIP FOR DEV) (removing the obsession from this skill will remove this kind of troll and removing metagaming that the killer is aware that there is a decisive hit in the game)

  • chase131119
    chase131119 Member Posts: 839

    Slugging is a valid tactic and isn't forcing you to DC, neither is it holding the game hostage. Just go watch Youtube or get a snack.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I'm not sure what situation you're describing (was he actually leaving you there for 4 minutes until you bled out, or just waiting out a potential Decisive Strike before hooking you, or what), so it's hard to give you any more specific information or advice, but yes. That is what you have to do under those circumstances.

    You can crawl around and look for the hatch if you like, or if you really don't want to play anymore you can go AFK and get a snack or something as the comment above suggested. But since the game wasn't being held hostage, you are not being forced to disconnect in that situation and therefore, although that is something you can do, it's not something you can really justify. Especially if it was a tactical play on the killer's part and not just a troll - again, without any more information to go on, I can't really say one way or the other.

  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413

    Only time I'll purposely let someone bleed out is if they're in a hook dead zone and they have a hatch key. No sense in letting them wiggle free and escape.

  • jiwix
    jiwix Member Posts: 64

    I understand what you mean, and I just answer in this case, it's very toxic, it damages the user experience, the majority of players no longer want this in the game, if you listen to your community I let you do an official poll, on your forum, YouTube or other. And you will see for yourself the answers of the community, because currently justice in the game and very badly done, all the players I meet complain about this. It's a real shame for a game with such good potential.

    Ps: I'm doing this post to help all the players who complain about this system


  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I'm part of the community. I'm not a dev, nor am I affiliated with BHVR in any way.

    Just because a mechanic isn't fun for some people doesn't make it toxic, or indicate that it should be removed from the game. Being hooked isn't much fun either. Neither is being stunned with a pallet, or being left behind to die by the other survivors, or watching all four survivors escape at the last minute. But none of those things are toxic either, and I don't think any reasonable person would argue that they shouldn't be part of the game.

    If you really want to do a poll on how many people want the ability to slug removed from the game, go ahead, but I think you'll find that the majority will vote to keep it.

  • jiwix
    jiwix Member Posts: 64

    In this case where are the dev? since he doesn't answer the forum message?

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    The devs do visit the forums - some more often than others. Peanits is probably the most active, and not_queen and Almo are also around a fair bit. However, all of them have jobs that keep them busy outside of the forums, and so they don't have time to reply to all or even most of the posts that get made. They do look through the Feedback and Suggestions subforum fairly frequently, so there's a good chance they'll see your post even if they don't respond to it.

    However, if I had to guess, I can say with reasonable confidence they won't be removing slugging from the game. If you think it would help to prove to them that many people want it to happen, then by all means make a poll like you mentioned, but as I said I suspect you may be surprised by the results.

  • jiwix
    jiwix Member Posts: 64

    all the people I played with all told me the same thing, so I think you'd be surprised too: D ^^

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I would be genuinely interested to see the results 🙂