Please note: Although we may stop by occasionally, this is not a developer Q&A.

How does rank-reset work now?

I signed in today and on the main menu, it showed me the rank reset (as it always does) and what my new rank would be. I was at a Survivor Rank 5 and the pop up screen showed my new rank (I forget the number, but it was a yellow rank).

However, once I got past the main menu, my Rank 5 survivor didn't change rank.

I remember reading somewhere that they were gonna change rank reset to be the highest number of the next color rank (or something like that) but it seems this time, the rank reset kept me at my same rank.

Did it glitch or am I just seeing things or confused?



  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    Rank Reset: The Rank Reset will now reset players back one rank crest color. Players who end the season in Red Ranks (1-4) will be reset to Purple Ranks (5), Purple Ranks (5-8) get reset to Green Ranks (9), Green Ranks (9-12) get reset to Yellow Ranks (13) and finally Yellow (13-16) gets reset to the Brown Crest Ranks (17).

    This is how rank reset works now. If your rank didn't change it could be a bug.

  • Smichaels82
    Smichaels82 Member Posts: 56

    Thank you. I must've been at Rank 4 then, and got reset to 5. Its most likely that I misread my rank than a bug. Thanks again!

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Glad to know your issue is resolved!

    While this comment seems useless and adds nothing... I just wanted to say that this might not be how the ranking system will be in the future!

    Of course, i'm not a dev and this isn't an official statement, but the ranking system might change overall in the future. I say this because it's one of the upcoming things on the road maps that have been made since the 3rd Year Anniversary LIVE stream!

    Here's the road map for context:

    So stay tuned!