Something needs to be done about Ebony mori
Ive noticed how the devs have the logic of nerfing killers and aspects of the game that don’t need a nerf, but have refused to nerf ebony mori, the strongest most overpowered aspect of this game.
think about this:
-a game can basically end in 5 minutes with mori, incomparable to a key which requires generators to be progressed through (with ruin most of the time)
-this offering, which is hated by the majority of the community, has been ignored. Why? No clue. the Devs must have their ears plugged.
Just please change it! it’s getting on my last nerve, especially during rank reset where killers find the need to have it every match.
A game can basically end in 5 minutes without a mori.
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It's been said a million times. You can't nerf Moris without nerfing keys. Both are unfair and cheap AF
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Lol i bet you wished that was the case.
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Wow, look, a comment that does nothing to contribute but offer a glimpse of your stupid petty in which has no real input whatsoever. Useful!
Not sure why ebony's are being ignored along with keys.
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I had a game earlier today where I walked to ruin, stalked it as ghostface, got a 4 man exposed into a 4 man slug and the game was literally over in the first minute. My best ghostface game I have ever had.
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hopefully mid chapter they finally get gutted
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I don't mind ebony moris personally.
I think that the match becomes more challenging, but sometimes I've still escaped even with an ebony mori at play.
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ITT: Killer's using whataboutism to defend OP ######### existing
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Ebony moris are the killers way of dealing with a SWF group. I hate it when people compare moris to keys as keys are much weaker but more annoying. If they nerf ebony moris then they should nerf SWF along with it. If they're not going to balance the game around SWF then ebonys should remain the same.
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No... not without a mori. you’d have to have potatoes for that to be possible.
sorry if that crushed your 4k gg ez dreams 😂
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I would love moris to be nerfed but I fully understand that both it and keys need to be nerfed at the same time. Maybe next mid-chapter with doctor?
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It is quite baffling how long moris have stayed. Even decisive strike that was undoubtedly the most hated survivor perk in the game, got changed (even if it took a long time). Just recently, insta heals as well.
It would make sense for moris to get changed in the next mid chapter since insta heals got changed the latest mid chapter. Here's hoping.
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And what do you survivors suggest nerfing it to? Nothing has been said to add anything to it but I'm assuming nerfs to something that only benefits you. Nice try but as long as SWF and gen rushing exists, Moris are the counterbalance.
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You don’t need moris to deal with SWF.
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you absolutely don’t need mori to counter SWF.
if you do, you should re-evaluate and get better at the game.
^ this goes for all killers.
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Against a very good team you do, the only person who wouldn't need it is a god spirit or nurse.
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I think they meant that survivors could escape in 5 minutes.
No need to be so disrespectful.
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you can’t assume that all teams are “very good” though. and even against a good swf (such as my group) we still sometimes get destroyed without moris. it depends on the killer.
seems like if the killer is garbage, they feel mori is essential to winning against swf.
it’s not the case though. it’s doable.
even though i don’t main killer, i’ve done it myself. 4k without mori to a swf. i’d rather get a hard skill cap killer to surv (like a red rank spirit/nurse) than a mori. and that’s saying something
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Red and green Moris should only work once every survivor has been hooked at least once so each survivor has a chance to play the game.
Keys should also be reworked as well. Both keys should only open for one survivor and close immediately afterwards (unless the second to last survivor uses it), and purple keys should only be able to open hatches that have been previously closed. This way, the "Where Did They Go?" achievement won't have to be changed.
Moris annoy me as survivor and keys annoy me as killer. They both need a rework.
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Keys are the same. If you don't see it, play a bit of killer on at red ranks, that maybe will change your point of view.
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You obviously don't play killer against SWF then. If you do and think that then you must deal with either a bunch of potatoes, are slugging, or camping. Getting better at the game means using everything available to you. Maybe you need to re-evaluate why you like to play handicapped in a game that has balance issues.
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maybe if solo surv was viable then we wouldn’t need SWF. 4 solos= guaranteed killer win at high ranks.
nice try with that double standard though..
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How are keys unfair? I'm not saying they don't need a nerf I'm genuinely curious on why people say they do need a nerf, though.
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Any amount of comms between solo survivors make a coordinated unit that approaches SWF. Also, killer buffs are at the bottom of the list for the upcoming lengthy list of solo survivor buffs so as long as killers have to suffer through SWF and buffed solos, then Moris will stay they way they are. Nice reach on that double standard, surv main.
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Then you guys should have been fine with an unnerfed base nurse, as Nurse=SWF.
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I've been saying. Death hook at the very least come on devs
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Just don't go down
It's that simple
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Both that and Ivory should be death hook only.
Some people think Ivory's fine, but I honestly don't think so. Removing 1 person from the game is incredibly strong and slows the game down tremendously. Both should be nerfed.
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How are keys much weaker? Keys have no counterplay since if you bring Franklin's it can be picked back up not to mention plunderers counters it too also the hatch spawns regardless if the survivors win or lose so if they brought a key in or even worse found it in a chest it's a guaranteed escape even if you previously closed the hatch
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I think survivors have forgotten the Mori has already been heavily nerfed. Originally you could Mori without hooking first. It's funny that now the top viable killers have been nerfed into the ground for the appeasement of survivors that the Mori is suddenly a problem. Could it be that there is no killers are a problem and the Mori is the only thing left? Or, is it because killers are using the Mori more often now in hopes for a fair match?
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Unless it's SWF with rainbow map it's not "cheap AF" you still have to risk finding the hatch and getting past the killer each time you do.
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This is going to sound naive I know. I've been playing this game for years but until i came to the forums I honestly thought survivors liked getting killed by mori. I mean dont you guys get to see the cool animation and it's got to be better then the same old boring hook and dance.
As far as keys go, I've just always figured I'd get them in the sequel...someone has to survive if you want a sequel. Then gut all their friends in multiple sequels till we meet in some sort of final showdown where they almost kill me and I'm forgot about for 20 years till the reboot when I kill all of her daughter's friends. (Looking at you Laurie.)
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Remove all god loops first, thanks.
I use my moris so I can invest my time in chasing a survivoraround the ironworks of misery three times.
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Or don't do that and go for someone else.
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Yeah, I've tried that. Works when the others don't do the same.
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So everyone you ever encounter can somehow always make it to the ironworks of misery? It sounds like you need to learn how to zone.
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"So everyone you ever encounter..."
No. I'm not arguing that everyone does that or that everyone can make it to that loop no matter what. I simply saying that moris help me deal with them better, that's all.
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Well of course it does, it completely circumvents the flow of the game and gives you free kills.
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And most importantly makes my time chasing around a god loop worth the time, which is an important if not the most important resource when you play killer.
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Yes, a thing that can circumvent the flow of the entire game and give you free kills would indeed be an important resource, because you circumvent the flow of the entire game and get free kills.
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Kind of, just like judging by your advice going to that loop gives you a free escape.
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If you want to not deal with god loops, play a killer that counters god loops or use bamboozle.
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I'll deal with them how I see fit, as long as it's not cheating or exploiting the game I'm fine.
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I mean feel free to use a broken mechanic as a crutch all you want, just watch out for when they change it and now you can't play the game since you relied on it so much.
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It's call genrushing.
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It's funny, because I actually think those loops are broken too, so broken to the point in which your advice is to give the survivor a free escape; basically a safe zone for survivors that only a mori makes it worth your time or certain killers and perks can counter.
I want to be able to play more than just two or three killers and not be forced to have to run a single perk like bamboozle on every build just because I might get a map with a loop that potentially gives the survivor a free escape. The solution for me is not running always bamboozle or only playing as Spirit, Wraith, Billy, Hag or trapper. I think the solution is simply getting rid of those god loops.
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Unless you're looping extremely and painfully un-efficiently, they aren't infinites unless the survivor is using hope in the end game.
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I wondered what would happen if you slam a pallet on the killer right as he's about to mori a downed survivor. Turns out he'll still get the mori, and you just got moved to top of his list