Something needs to be done about Ebony mori



  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    What are you even talking about? How is what I said even close to hypocritical? You clearly don't understand what the word means, saying people rely on something and then YOU saying "Well survivors rely on these" does not in any miniscule amount of the word make me a hypocrite, lmao.

    You clearly don't understand the point that I'm making, I'm not even complaining about anyone using the perks, all I'm saying is that game has gotten to a point where killers put on these perks, and then when they don't have them, they play badly, and blame it on imbalance, instead of playing without the perks, and getting better without them, so when they do get destroyed or they don't have them equipped there playstyle isn't' so reliant on it.

    Youre absolutely missing the point and arguing for nothing.

    " BUT WAIT THE SURVIVOR USE..." etc ok lmao.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919’re getting a little bit too defensive my dude.

    I most likely read the post the wrong way the first time. It happens ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    The game is the point where the game is circled around a few perks (like Ruin, Pop, BBQ, DS, Unbreakable, Adrenaline, etc). What do you really expect players are gonna being in? Monstrous Shrine and Deja Vu? Or perkless?

    I get what you’re saying about “getting better without perks” but that’s simply not going to be the case against players at your skill level. Playing as Wraith without meta perks isn’t going to be fun or go over well against players who are just as experienced and good as you are. You can beat up Rank 15’s all day but going in as Wraith without good perks is going to be hell in red ranks ESPECIALLY going against the meta survivor perks.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    I mean, you're incorrectly calling me a hypocrite, why would I not be defensive?

    I'm not telling people to run stuff like monstrous shrine etc but people get so attached to ruin, so when it breaks, they forget they have to check gens more often, they pick survivors up immediately instead of stopping the survivors on the gen next to them.

    Or they get attached to spirit for the easy hit, so when a survivor starts dropping pallets early they have no idea how to play the loop because they're so often given that easy hit

    Or they run pop, and get so used to only kicking gens when it's active they stop kicking gens mostly and only when pop is active.

    etc etc

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919
    edited December 2019

    Ruin is only good for early game. If I get one or two hooks before it breaks then that is all I need. Can’t expect it to last forever. All it’s really supposed to do is help you apply pressure early and keep survivors from popping gens quickly

    So I guess Spirit is a perk now XD. I mean...Spirit is one killer I’ve played a lot of. If you start “running loops” with Spirit then you aren’t playing correctly anyways. Most of your hits should come from “Grudge” hits. You should never be running loops with Spirit.

    I don’t use Pop, like ever. I don’t like stopping to kick a gen while in mid chase.

    Some players can develop bad habits from perks though so I see where you are coming from.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919

    Damn. I’m an idiot. Sorry about that.

    I do agree that players develop bad habits due to perks. Fundamentally they’re still “good players” but become reliant on certain perks. Even when I play Spirit I’ve become a bit reliant on Stridor since I run into a lot of Iron Will. Since sound is broken this patch basically everybody has free Iron Will.

  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    The game is fine....people just get salty because they have a bad game and need to vent. I'm guilty of it myself. I personally enjoy watching myself get mori'd unless I brought a good item and add ons then I complain too. Killers are a little OP but they are supposed to be. I just hope they don't listen to all the killer mains that want Ruin as part of the game without using a slot, that would ruin the game, lol. I do feel BBQ needs a little nerf but Mori's are ultra rare and you shouldn't see them that often. I hate when the few times I decide to play killer and use one because I need to kill by my own hands and everyone DC's like cowards not realizing I was only going to kill 1 or 2 depending on the daily

  • TeddyR
    TeddyR Member Posts: 46

    Everyone complains about this crap like survivors are bad or killers are bad because when one side posts something the other side feels a need to attack, i like playing both killer ans survivor, but i only play survivor with friends because for solo i personally enjoy killer more, unforunately when me and my friends want to play, were just trying to have fun, crazy right? We sandbag and laugh but this community wants to punish all swf, screw you, keys and moris should be nerfed idc if one is nerfed more than the other but dam this community needs to play both sides and stop saying things when theyve never touched the other side

  • DepressedClownMain
    DepressedClownMain Member Posts: 924

    That is not true. Swf can tell where the killer is, but good solos also have that ability by using the perk bond, empathy, alert, spine chill, aftercare, listening to the tr, checking if the obsession is getting chased, seeing if someone got suddendly injured, etc. And you keep repeating the same thing so I can only assume you ran out of things to say, Nurse still equals swf

  • NovaliumTS
    NovaliumTS Member Posts: 162
    edited December 2019

    Ebony's should be changed from killing everyone by hand to 2 or 3 not everyone i mean the first mori is kill the last player, second is hook any 1 person then kill them, then straight up to 4 and before anyone asks i main killer and i do think it needs to be nerfed and keys shouldnt be the amount of people ive killed before they even get to use the key is unbelievable so stop comparing moris to keys because there is a clear difference in power

    Post edited by NovaliumTS on
  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,777

    I'd expect a person that "mains killer" to know that Yellow Mori does not require any hooking to use.

  • Deltin
    Deltin Member Posts: 240

    okay, so key's can't be compared too?... lets talk about the Comodias toolbox then, with the right add-ons you can complete all 5 gens by yourself and still have enough charges on the toolbox to sabbo.. and each gen takes around 50 seconds instead of 80. A mori needs you to be hooked in the first place. For an ebony i reccon it should be after 2 hooks.. but if that's the case a key should have a skillcheck to open the hatch, like DS or Overcharge. and if you miss, the key becomes broken. I'm trying to have an actual debate, so if you come back at me with a ######### response i'll just ignore it.

  • NovaliumTS
    NovaliumTS Member Posts: 162

    Yeh i ment kill the last player not hook them wasnt paying attention to what i was writting as i was doing something at the time

  • CrispyChestnuts
    CrispyChestnuts Member Posts: 175

    Sometimes survivors mistake you for a killbot, and send wave after wave of themselves to try to rescue each other in front of you.

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    SWF can be compared to a nurse, as a bad nurse can be destroyed by good survivors, just as a bad SWF can get destroyed by good killers.

    A good Nurse can destroy good solo survivors and average SWF teams, just as a Good SWF can destroy good killers.

    When both a good Nurse and a good SWF meet together, it's a fair and balanced game, where two kills and two escape can happen.

    Both old basekit nurse (pre-reworked) and SWF both break a fundamental of the game.

    Nurse can wrap through objects ignoring survivors pallet defenses, but a survivor can counter that using LOS blockers and that they can still use windows.

    SWF uses comms, which aren't intended for survivors to have breaking a fundamental. SWF also basically get a ton of info that a solo survivor cannot get without having perks such as kindred, etc.

    Yes, the old add ons on Nurse were broken and needed to be nerfed, but old basekit Nurse (pre-reworked) was balanced and was counterable.

    Therefore, SWF=old Nurse (Pre-reworked)

    Currently SWF> Reworked Nurse

    And that's the problem you fail to realize, Solos need perks to gain the same information a SWF gets, that's not equal.

    SWF gets free information through comms, while a Solo has to either learn information throughout the match without any of the perks you metioned, or they need to run those perks in order to get the same info as SWF.

    Also I'm saying the same things because that's literally the evidence, and you have yet to disprove what I have said.

  • DepressedClownMain
    DepressedClownMain Member Posts: 924

    Good nurses still destroy swf after the nerfs, so that is what disproves your point of view

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    Good SWF can also destroy good nurses before and after the nerfs, so that also disproves your point of view.

    Currently SWF are literally the power role of this game

  • DepressedClownMain
    DepressedClownMain Member Posts: 924

    When a good SWF and a good Nurse, Spirit, Freddy, Ghostface, Hag, Billy get matched, the Swf s not guaranteed to win like you people say, so no, SWF is not the main role in the game. You can say a swf would be survivors at their best state, but you cant say they are overpowered or impossible to play against, since there is evidence of good killers destroying SWF

  • bigbeefynacho
    bigbeefynacho Member Posts: 351
    edited December 2019

    Every time I see a hidden offering by the killer in the load screen, I close the app, restart and move on to the next match. Bring a mori = dodge.

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    The same can be said about a good SWF destroying a good Nurse, spirit, Freddy, etc. especially when 3 of them were nerfed. Those killers you mention aren't guaranteed to win like you people mention as well.

    This video even mentions how a good team of SWF can utterly destroy a killer:

    Very few mistakes made, and yet a 3 man escaped. And this was Ghostface at his best, yet they destroyed him with the Killer making 2 to 3 mistakes, where as the survivors made many mistakes and they still escaped.

    There is evidence of SWF destroying good Nurses, spirits, Freddies, etc.

    I never said they are impossible to face against, but SWF are OP in the right hands, just as a Nurse can be OP in the right hands.

  • DepressedClownMain
    DepressedClownMain Member Posts: 924

    Actually, that is very correct. I didn't catch that idea from the start, but doesn't that mean balance? If both can win it seems to be there is no need to change. Also, I will watch the video later and write my thoughts on another comment

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    I don't think taking a poll is necessarily the best way to deal with it. Squeakiest wheels aren't necessarily correct. And I see far more ebony moris come into play than keys. It's not even close. I've never understood the complaining about keys but again. Squeaky wheels.

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    I personally notice more keys than mori's, but both of these numbers are skewed atm due to archive challenges.

    Keys are also a little different because they don't even need to be brought into the game to affect it since they can be found in chests.

    I must be lucky because I probably only go against a mori in about one out of every ten games.

  • Wesker
    Wesker Member Posts: 339

    It is not. With this change you are allowing the 4th survivor to hide in corners all the game while the other gen rush what the hell get healthy buddy

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441


  • goat10em
    goat10em Member Posts: 749

    Keys and ebony mori both need removed/changed. I agree with your point on the moris but to say keys aren't an issue is pretty silly.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,612

    And its perfectly fair that if theres 3 gens left and a survivor dies and one of the other 3 have a key they can all just instaescape? But yeah i personally save my mori till their on their last hook and i still get judged and i say "Dude you were gonna be dead on next hook anyway what difference does it make that its a mori?"