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Small Leatherface buff idea

  1. Reduce his tantrum duration by half
  2. If the chainsaw hits a locker with a survivor in it they are injured or downed
  3. If you are chainsawing and someone drops a pallet on you then you cut throw it as normal without being stunned. This ends your chainsaw charge.

Most of his add ons need reworked but one thing at a time.

thoughts? Keep in mind he’s one of the bottom tier killers at higher ranks.


  • kreeper124
    kreeper124 Member Posts: 492
    edited December 2019

    I've always thought his tantrum time should be halved, but he moves maybe 25% or so faster. I like this idea too

  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241

    How about buffing his speed while charging the chainsaw to 100%, instead of actually being slower than a survivor.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    All of these changes reduce the need for good predictions and precision.

    Tantrum? Caused by bad chainsaw control.

    Locker juke? Easy to predict and counter as Bubba.

    Pallet stun during chainsaw attack? Again: A matter of prediction/skill. You can predict whether you'll get stunned by the pallet.

    All of these changes would reduce the skill ceiling for Bubba while NOT buffing him against good players. His worst weaknesses are:

    - only 86.25% movement speed while charging the chainsaw

    - low chainsaw movement speed without addons

    - low chainsaw range without addons

    - low chainsaw acceleration even with addons

    Personally I've posted numerous ideas to actually buff his ability while increasing the skill ceiling for him but I doubt he'll get any big changes at all.

    Something I like about him in the original movie is his "wild" way to handle the chainsaw so I'd like him to have a chainsaw attack that's difficult to control but rewarding when you manage to control it.

    That's why one of my suggestions was to actually increase his tantrum-stun, increase his base charge time AND make it so he gets slightly pulled to the direction of his chainsaw swings in exchange for considerably more movement speed during the chainsaw attack.

    That would make it extremely difficult and risky to maneuver his chainsaw around objects but you'd actually be able to catch people running around stuff if you are good enough at controlling the chainsaw.

  • kreeper124
    kreeper124 Member Posts: 492

    That would actually be amazing. More of a high risk high reward

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Exactly! Right now his (base) chainsaw is just not good for chases unless the survivors are potatoes. That's why many people end up camping as Bubba. Because they feel like that's the only thing his chainsaw is good for once they face people that know how to loop.

    So the solution is simple. A high risk / high reward concept that's difficult to master but fun once you know what you're doing.

  • ZFennecFox
    ZFennecFox Member Posts: 510

    He doesn't need a buff. He just needs people to stop camping and getting all butt hurt when the screw up a chainsaw. I play Bubba in red Ranks on console and have no issue. Get better.

  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413

    I think what he needs is an add-on overhaul, much like Billy. Honestly i wouldn't be surprised if he gets a full rework, though. He's a notorious camper in the community's eyes, so bhvr might see fit to make him a poor camper while buffing everything else about him.

    His power is incredibly effective IF he has pwyf stacks, so maybe they should increase his base movement speed when charging; a cap might be necessary, as a charging Bubba with well over 110% movment speed might be too oppresive. It would also be nice if the chainsaw worked like Billys in that it activates when fully charged, thus giving the ability to fake the chainsaw at pallets. Too often I'll think I have it fully charged just to let go and realize it was a single pixel away from being charged.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Let me ask you something. How many chances did this Rank 3 Bubba have to chainsaw me?

  • ZFennecFox
    ZFennecFox Member Posts: 510

    That Bubba had no excuse to miss you that many times, thanks for the time stamp by the way.

    The way I see it the Bubba was way too anxious to get you down and on the hook. He got tunnel visioned. Plan and simple.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321
    edited December 2019

    The bitter reality is there was no way for him to chainsaw me during the entire 5 gen chase except for the moment where I double-360'd him at which point I was injured anyways. Do you think a power should really depend on survivor mistakes THAT hard? Right now Bubba's chainsaw can ONLY down bad survivors with no exception. I don't even remember when I got chainsawed by a Leatherface.

    But then again most survivors don't know how pallets and windows work even at red ranks so I don't blame you for thinking his ability doesn't need any changes. I'm a Leatherface main myself since 2018 and I play most of my games using the chainsaw only but even then I know it's always the result of survivor mistakes rather than my "skill".

    Just watch these SWF red/purple ranks with 3 toolboxes. 0 gens against a chainsaw-only Bubba yet none of the chainsaw downs were the result of my "skill". Everything was just the result of their own mistakes. I broke 2 pallets and vaulted 0 windows that game. Does that sound like they knew what they were doing?

  • ZFennecFox
    ZFennecFox Member Posts: 510

    If you want me to be real with you most Leatherface players are usually campy little things. That don't bother chasing someone else unless they get to close. And most just go for the swing of you get to a window or pallet.

    The best thing is leave it as it is. Giving it any kind of buff even if it's to the tantrum time will just get survivors pissy and screaming for a new nerf to counter it. Just hope people learn to cookie cut the obstacles, and time window saws.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    The only way to nerf his camping potential is to remove the possibility to hit multiple people. However, that is essentially his trademark. You take that away and he becomes a Billy with perfect steering and no map pressure.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Actually I saw 2 chances, which he messed up by potatoing around. Single videos are not really good proof of any balance or viability. Same to @Yamaoka . And talking about "how to use pallets", it didn't look so optimal in your video either. Waiting and throwing it instantly, no mind gaming at all making him charge the chainsaw for waste... He just gave you back way more time by mindgaming safe loops.

    The problem is that Leatherface is simply an M1 killer and there is not really something in his background that could give him any other approach to get something beneath his chainsaw. And the chainsaw cannot really be changed in any viable way. Instant downs whenever you want is strong, but he has no way to counter chases in any way with his power. If he doesn't find survivors offguard or in the open or manages to body block in any way, he has literally no power.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    He had no Ruin so throwing every pallet immediately was more efficient than looping and mindgaming. Why would I risk getting mindgamed/downed if I know all the gens can be done in one chase as long as I find every pallet on the map? 🤔

    And as I said there was maybe one or two chances to get a chainsaw hit but in both cases I was injured already and I took too much of his time anyways making the chainsaw pointless.

    What Bubba needs is an overhaul. A mechanical change to his chainsaw. Something that makes it difficult to control it but allows him to use it around loops in exchange. Either that or they could try and make him a jumpscare killer that can temporarily suppress his terror radius under certain conditions.

    I mean... In the original movie he took his victims by surprise - especially Franklin. So I don't get why they made him a regular "chase" killer in the first place.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    @Yamaoka if you rely on your team being that efficient... And there were at least 2 pallets where you could run at least one turn before dropping. And mostly, I was saying this because you said "survivors don't know how to use" while presenting a bad example. But well, don't want to get too picky on it.

    And I wouldn't agree to make him another GF. Rather make the chainsaw not lethal or add a lethal mode in addition, and the normal mode has no hit cooldown but multiple hits adding Bleedout, then Broken and then down, but the longer you run it, the longer the cooldown to reuse it or something.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Obviously I could have played more like this:

    But yeah in that particular game I knew the other players (just by their names. No SWF) so I had a rough idea what the game will look like as soon as I realized the killer had no Ruin. Also when I said people have no idea how to use pallets and windows I meant it more in a "they have no idea where they are" way. If you watch my killer clips you will notice even red ranks run AWAY from pallets and windows allowing me to snowball like crazy.

  • Zender
    Zender Member Posts: 178

    A lot of the videos here show idiot red ranks. I see a few things that good red ranks do that totally shut down Bubba:

    1) just window vault

    2) they dive in a locker forcing you to either try a grab or just get a single hit

    3) they loop you to hell and back. If you rev too early at a pallet they just circle it again. Pallet breaking with chainsaw totally unready is the same it feels time wise as just kicking them.