Legion buff
First off I wanna start by saying that Legion is my favorite killer so I do have some positive bias towards him.
One of the main problems I have with Legion is that his Feral Frenzy attack applies the Deep Wound status effect and that the Deep Wound status effect is really not that threatening. The only thing it does is it gives you a little bit more time.
So I think a way to buff Legion is by making Deep Wound more threatening.
• I think that if the Deep Wound timer gets too low it should also apply the Oblivious status effect. (This could be explained by the fact that the survivor is losing a lot of blood and might be getting lightheaded). This effect remains while Deep Wound is applied and a couple seconds after mending.
• Make it so when Deep Wound is active survivors cannot perform actions besides dropping pallets and vaulting windows.
Besides only changing what Deep Wound means I also have an idea to make hitting survivors with Feral Frenzy a little more reliable. This is to discourage the killer to put on Frank's Mixtape and/or Stab Wounds Study and immediately tunnel the first survivor you hit.
• My idea is that after every time you hit a survivor you gain a movement speed boost (I was thinking like 0.2 m/s). Feral Frenzy speed is 5.2 m/s, you hit one survivor 5.4 m/s, second 5.6 m/s all the way up to 6 m/s.
• I think this is fair because I believe it discourages tunneling and often when I go into my Feral Frenzy I go after other survivors, but when they are on the edge of my Terror Radius I can't hit them because the survivors know better than to just stay still in one place. So I end but with almost nothing, especially since Feral Frenzy hits are not considered basic attacks anymore.
• To give survivors a little more counterplay I thought it might be fair that for every survivor you hit with Feral Frenzy your field of view decreases by 8 degrees.
Another problem Legion is his lack of map pressure. Yet by his discription alone he very well could have.
It is a group of 4 people. Here's my idea:
• You pick one with which you will start the game. When you start the trial you see 3 auras of lockers highlighted, in those lockers are the other 3 members.
• When a survivor gets within a 10 meter range of a locker one of the members is in you can see that survivor with your killer instinct. Then you can press the active ability button to select that locker and enter a locker. You then jump out the locker as another member and you get the Undetectable status for a couple second.
• When you come out of a locker Feral Frenzy is on cooldown.
I had one more idea for Legion. Some people might think it is OP, but I don't think it is because survivors have a good amount of influence on whether Legion can use it or not. But like I said: I'm biased.
• If Legion can put 3 survivors in Deep Wound during a single Feral Frenzy he can active a 'rage'. This allowes the Legion to put a survivor whom does not have Deep wound applied to them immediately into the dying state.
Thought and feedback is appreciated:)
I like the idea of the DWs giving the Survivors Oblivious, it makes sense.
Also I like that increasing speed idea!
I'm not sure about the locker "teleport", I never liked that idea tbh...
About that last idea, I had something very similar in mind, let me explain.
When Legion enters FF and hits a Survivor everything will be like now, Killer Instinct will reveal every Survivor in your terror radius and all that stuff, but after hitting a second or more Survivors, all the previous Survivors will be revealed by the "Red Killer Instinct" (No name yet), if they are in your terror radius of course, this version of KI will let you down Survivors with FF (doesn't matter if they have DWs or not, but they must be injured), Survivors will be notified if the "Red KI" is applied on them by the DWs timer turning red and their aura being red (they will see them selfs like Legion does when KI is active).
This will punish Survivors staying close to each other when playing against the Legion.
What do you think? Is it balanced?
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I think it is balanced.
That is also why I don't think that my idea was too OP, since survivors have almost all control whether it will happen or not.
Out of curiosity, why do you not like that locker idea. I thought it was pretty fitting. In the spotlight trailer for them they said that 'the Legion is in fact a group of agile killers, able to catch survivors off guard with their power of navigation'. This idea give the Legion a pretty good sense of navigation and with the Undetectable status effect he is really capable of catching survivors off guard.
Thanks for your reply;)
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Nothing against that idea, it fits with the character very well, I just don't like teleportation in General, I enjoy more Killers that rely on their high mobility.
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I think your idea is balanced.
That is also why I don't think my idea is too OP, since survivors have almost full control on whether The Legion can use it or not.
Out of curiosity, why don't you like the locker idea? I thought it was pretty fitting. In the Spotlight trailer for them they said 'The Legion is in fact a group of agile killers, able to catch the survivors off guard with their power of navigation.' This idea gives Legion a good sense of navigation and with the Undetectable status effect they will really be able to catch survivors off guard.
Thanks for your reply;)
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I definitely like killers with high mobilty too.
But Legion is my favorite and I want him as strong as possible without being OP.
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Like the oblivious thing.
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I would love the oblivious also being aplied to DW, would make mending a lot more excitting too
No longer is it pauze your game for 12 sec while in full safety, but 12 sec of franticly looking around if Legion isn't coming
I had a simular idea, but let Legion put survivors in the dying state if they are able to hit them twice without deepwounds in the same frenzy, that punishes survivors who instantly stop and mend when Legion changes targets
But put it on an addon, like frank's mix tape or stab studies