Queue times

I am a red rank survivor and a green rank killer. Both queue times are abysmal and I've gone through two rank resets (so i'm now rank 17) because killer queues were so bad (survivor queues still terrible) and I can't rank up in order to get faster lobby times. This is concerning because if newer players want to join the game, they will never be able to get a match. I am currently waiting 36 minutes at rank 17 with over 3k hours in the game. Even at rank 1 survivor, queue times are about 10 minutes. How is anyone going to rank up if we can't get a match? Is the game that dead? Especially with new rank reset and the new matchmaking where if you're swf, you get the highest rank in your team. What about people who can't rank up because we have to wait this long? Very unfair even someone as experienced as I am... even more concerning for new players.