Killer Changes I'd like to see

I'm stuck at home sick, so here's some ideas for killer changes I'd like to see. This is gonna be a big one...

Trapper: Start with all traps, obviously. Make setting traps less finicky and more reliable. It can take way too long to set a trap in a doorway because of how precise you have to be only to have a survivor simply walk around it. Not good. Also, toolboxes cannot be used to break traps, that's silly. Instead, they may be used to disarm traps faster and safely.

Pig: RBT now have a combination lock on them. Survivors must search each jigsaw box for a single digit of the 4 digit password. This would require survivors to search all 4 boxes to get the trap off their head. Also, I'd like to see RBT become active the moment they are placed on a survivor's head, not when a Gen is done. The lion roar could also be removed or at least adjusted so that it doesn't trigger until the Pig has fully charged it.

Plague: Force survivors to cleanse by making a second timer begin once they become broken. The second timer will be red unlike the first one, which is green. Once the timer fills the survivor is placed into the dying state. The time it takes to fill the red timer shouldn't be influenced in any way be the Plague's green puke. It should take 120 seconds or so for the red timer to fill up.

Doctor: We are all aware of incoming doctor changes, here's my idea anyway. Make him able to shock and attack without changing stances, like in bioshock 2. This would make him more fluid and fun to play. Have a cooldown after the shock so that if it missed the survivor would be able to vault or drop a pallet if something was close by. I would also get rid of madness tiers. You are either mad or not. Once you are mad you get weird skill checks, illusions, ect. and also scream randomly. Survivors will be able to use items and interact while mad, but cannot snap out of it.

Myers: Get rid of tier 2. Myers starts in tier 1 like normal and stalks until he becomes "powered up" and can now instadown, vault faster, lunge longer, break pallets and gens faster, basically do everything better for 60 seconds. Also, there is no limit to the amount you may stalk a single survivor. I would also like to see him have built in spirit fury while powered up, but that may be overkill. Still would be cool though :)

Huntress: Increase movement speed to 115%. She is now a threat regardless of the map she is on. May have to decrease her movement speed while holding a charged hatchet to even things out.

Hag: Simple. Flashlights no longer disarm her traps, but instead mark them for all other survivors to see for 30 seconds.

Spirit: Survivors hear the spirit when she is using her power, even when within her terror radius. They cannot use that sound to determine where she is, basically like a lullaby. No more stand still "Mind Games." BHVR already fixed prayer beads and added a vault animation, which was great. I disagree with the other changes she got.

Leatherface: Remove or lower the slowdown when charging his chainsaw. Increase movement speed while chainsawing and make charging his power more reliable. Too many times have I fully charged his chainsaw only to let off and have him lower it WITH A FULL METER! Also, his add-ons need some love.

Clown: More bottles. He needs to carry about 10 bottles at once. That would justify the terribly long reload times and slowdown when reloading. Or, just make reloading faster and not slow him down as much. 4 bottles as base is not enough either way. That's less Hatchets than the huntress and those things are lethal. If someone rushes the hook for a BT save before you can reload, you are essentially a killer without a power. Also, ever try to reload mid chase? Survivor gets away, but you have to reload or you don't have a power and get looped. It would also be cool to see the clown be able to place balloons around the map, say on a Gen and have it pop when a survivor gets too close, releasing the purple cloud and causing survivors to scream. Would be useful during those weird loops that you can't use bottles at or as built in surveillance.

Legion: HooBoy! Here we go....Cooldown base is reduced to 3.5 seconds. Colddirt reduces cooldown by 0.9 seconds, Joey's Mixtape reduces Cooldown by 0.6 seconds, and Julie's Mixtape reduces cooldown by 0.3 seconds. Restore old Movement speed add-ons, Susie's Mixtape, ect. Legion should also be able to grab survivors off of gens while in Feral Frenzy. Remove the power reduction penalty when hitting a survivor with a basic attack (seems pointless). The Pins add-ons should apply their status effect to every survivor struck by FF, including the first survivor. A common survivor strategy against legion is simply spread out and run in a straight line if they come your way with FF active, Legion will not catch you. FF will always run out as long as the survivor has enough space to keep running away. This makes it very difficult or next to impossible to use Legions power to injure more than one survivor at a time. The pins need to effect everyone. Legions FF should recharge 1 Charge per second and have a total of 10 total charges for a 10 second duration once activated.

Feral Frenzy Specific Changes: Feral Frenzy needs to be a lethal threat. So here's my idea; Attacking a survivor with Feral Frenzy applies deep wound and fully restores power duration (10 seconds). Attacking someone who is already suffering from deep wounds lowers the deep wounds timer by 20% (6 seconds out of 30 total) and restores 20% of FF duration (2 seconds). This will take 6 total FF stabs to down a survivor. However, stabbing and missing while in FF will reduce duration by 20% (2 seconds) and getting pallet stunned will completely end FF and force Legion to wait 10 seconds for it to recharge. This would make legion a threat allowing them to "Bum Rush" a survivor and brutally stab them to death over a short period of time or use killer instinct to spread injuries before finally settling on one survivor to chase and down.

Ok, that's enough for now. Thanks for reading :)


  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    I absolutely abhor the doc idea honestly..hes already getting a cd..though I do agree stance swapping would be a fair trade for all that hes already losing

  • Pigpen
    Pigpen Member Posts: 58

    The cooldown would be there for when the Doc misses his shock, allowing survivors to make the pallet/vault and it would be short, about 1 second. If the shock hits the survivor they will be "shocked" for 2 seconds and not be able to vault/drop a pallet, thus allowing Doc to pretty much get a free weapon hit. The survivor counter-play would be to avoid the shock and then vault or drop the pallet before he can swing again.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Your Pig change regarding the boxes would make it so Pig can always always force a Kill by just camping the last box. to that one.

  • Pigpen
    Pigpen Member Posts: 58

    Any killer can "force" a kill by camping the hook. That's way more effective than camping a jigsaw box. Hooks lure other survivors off of gens. If the Pig camped a box and the survivor knew about it they could even go do a gen or two before they died, making it even worse on the Pig. So while sure it would secure 1 kill the Pig would be throwing the whole match by doing it. Also, how would the Pig know which is the last box?

  • Plaquer
    Plaquer Member Posts: 197

    The problem with FF being lethal is Legion's mobility, he is able to totally ignore pallets and windows, and his slow and uncounterable lethality was the main reason he got nerfed in the first place, slowly being wittled down by someone you can't even avoid or outrun is what made him so boring. Personally I think FF needs to be scrapped and Legion should have a new power.

  • Plaquer
    Plaquer Member Posts: 197

    It would matter, if you haven't searched any boxes then she could stand infront of any of them and it would be the last one. Even if she threw the game it would still be unfun, its like getting tunneled by a salty killer, they will probably be throwing the game by focusing you, but they don't care, they just want to ruin your day (whether it is justified or not doesn't matter)