Gen Speed is not okay

LoverOfDemogorgon Member Posts: 168
edited December 2019 in General Discussions

This first clip showcases what happens when you don't run ruin and try to chase someone for about a minute. Situations like this should simply not exist, the unfairness is real. There should be more for survivors to do if maps and looping can lead to decently long chases and lead to 80% of the game's objectives being done in just above 2 minutes... that is absurd and not good balancing just because tru3 here didn't bring ruin. *Also calls to the fact that ruin just works as a patchwork for gen speed*

Unbalanced map, weak killer, decent survivors who do gens, you do the math, very fast game with leaving the killer with their hands in the air like... "what more could I have done?" This isn't "Win some looser some" This is unbalanced, and this is with a very good perk selection and a red addon for clown... absurd again, all gens done just below 5 minutes...

I am not angry or mad, I just want this to be addressed fairly by the devs. Can someone explain this to me? Why are these games possible, Tru3 in either of these games did not play overtly horrible nor did he play in any toxic nature, yet he seems to have no chance of succeeding. Survivors wonder why killers play the tunnel/proxy camp style... this is why.



  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I get some maps are unbalanced but where did gens go too fast?

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    What about gen times on high tier killers, skilled killer players, and balanced maps. Gen speeds are obviously not the problem that needs to be addressed when maps and low tier killers enter the equation. Both killers need buffs and both maps need nerfs. Am I wrong?

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    They can't fix maps! Too busy nerfing freddy and oni.

    Srsly there are so many maps with busted tiles, they need a whole chapter only with map fixes.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    I think the main issue is not the gens but the pressure of some killers and some maps and why they are all being looked at. The main issue is mobile v less mobile killers as some dont have powers to put of pressure like the Clown where as Stealth Killer, Trapper and Hag etc can do better as they make people more weary about where they run trying to avoid traps or stay out of the open.

    The Doc cleary has a small charge range without addons but luckily they are next on the list for some love, It was a not perk game so knowing this we cant conclude much from it.

    Remember the same streamer has taken killers from rank 20 to 1 with no perks. Recently done a 50 game Wraith challenge with purple addons with 49/50 wins with another streamer counter it with Trapper in 50 games with around th esame I think using yellow addons.

    The Clown well he is one of the weakest killers but still viable with the right player. if you watched the video though you will see he did get looped quite a bit but he was triying to hit them with the bottles for insta downs. It was a viewer build for him to test out and by playing this way it cost him quite a bit of time than if Tru3 was using a build he knows so I doubt the result would have been the same.

    Bad games happen and you will lose some and win some but thinking one or two videos are a good mettic for game balance simply ignores the fact that this very person manages well over the average ratio in terms of kills/escapes in the sum total of their games.

    Thats not to say changes dont need done hence the devs are constantly working on things in the background but anyone of us can cherry pick games to try and prove a point but it is sort of telling when its only one person used in around 90% of these posts.

  • VincentRedfield
    VincentRedfield Member Posts: 285

    Entitled killer mains that think the game needs to be balanced around average 4k.

    LULKEK Member Posts: 82

    he dont have perks as you see so what you expekt??? stop cry thats fine as it is

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    The problem isn't gen times, it's the fact that since generators are the only objective, other side objectives like totem cleansing and chest searching aren't important.

  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131

    Was discussed lots of times before. No they won't make gens longer to do. It's already boring enough to sit on a gen.

    If anything , the they should make it impossible to do 3 or 4 gens at the same time.

  • Patiencehero
    Patiencehero Member Posts: 54
    edited December 2019

    I'd say it's a little of column A, a little of column B.

    Frankly I think base Gen speed and Slowdown perks both need a look. Slowdown is just a band aid fix to try to prevent 4 minute matches, and generally isn't fun to play against. But it's become a necessary evil due to the rate at which gens go down, to the point Ruin's considered mandatory because even in the worst case it means 30 seconds a survivor isn't working on a generator.

    30 seconds of extra time is still considered better than all the other perks available for most killers. That says something.

    I say change base gen speed, and rework slowdown into something less fire and forget and more meaningful or interesting. In the end, it'd benefit both parties.

  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828

    but survivors said you don't need ruin?

    what other perk could've prevented what happened? corrupt intervention maybe stops 1 of those gens. Pop wouldn't have helped as no hook.

    so.. you do need perks, but if you need ruin you're bad (i've seen others say)

  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828

    when he 4k's he's usually sweating his balls off, survivors don't need to play that sweaty to escape or at the very least pip

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    The game needs a secondary objective and also better map design. Three gens popping in two minutes is not fun; the killer will not have time to do 12 chases, so as a survivor you already know that the killer will most likely not be able to sacrifice anyone, unless he tunnels someone to death.

    And in case he tunnels someone to death then the other survivors won't get chased and just sit on gens during the whole match. Sometimes you might get a interesting endgame, specially if the killer is running noed, but sometimes not even that.

  • JoakimGrDay
    JoakimGrDay Member Posts: 105

    Generator times is fines.

    1. He didn't use perks, they did.
    2. He played Doctor, it's currently being looked at.
    3. The survivors started working on each a single generator which made them repair them like 1,2 and 3. Nothing wrong at all.
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    yeah, secondary objectives for survivors would be nice.

    if they just focus on those engines, there is very little you as a killer can actually do against it, since even when you get chases done very quickly, you just wont have enough time to apply enough map pressure on them.

  • LoverOfDemogorgon
    LoverOfDemogorgon Member Posts: 168

    How can you possibly think that they are? Gens can be done faster than the killer can do much of anything to counter it, if you would watch the clown game it perfectly showcases Tru3 using a perfectly strong clown build and with his best addons, made sure all chases were done quite quickly and didn't screw around yet he got no kills... how is that fair? To try your best and have no chance to win, tell me how that is okay?

  • LoverOfDemogorgon
    LoverOfDemogorgon Member Posts: 168

    A false equivalency, survivors at the end of the day have a much easier time to win and have the advantage in dbd. There are much more survivor sided things that enable them to completely take away any chance the killer has to win than the killer does for the survivors, if a team is decent enough and focuses gens they have nothing to worry about under most circumstances.

  • LoverOfDemogorgon
    LoverOfDemogorgon Member Posts: 168

    You are making a generalization, these video's showcase a problem that occurs, do you actually think the only time someone was genrushed was in these two vids? Do you think that there are so many killers that complain about genrushing but we are all just whiny babies that need to git gud? No, maybe there is actually a gen rushing problem and it should be addressed and not constantly ignored and shut down

  • JoakimGrDay
    JoakimGrDay Member Posts: 105

    Sounds like you would have to play some survivor my man. Sometimes a killer has to leave a chase to interrupt generators. It's about tactics. And not all teams do gens. Some can't even push through ruin. I play killer a lot, but I think I rankup too easy as killer. I get easily to rank 5 within a week as killer. While playing survivor I get hit through windows when I fastvault because of the killers connection. Gen times are fine.

  • Pez
    Pez Member Posts: 17

    Why can't everyone be as intelligent as twistedmonkey who can prove a point without calling everyone bad and splitting it between killer v survivor on the forums. +1 to you for actually being intelligent!

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Old news day.

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669

     “Survivors wonder why killers play the tunnel/proxy camp style... this is why.”

    So having said that, you would agree then that measures would also need to be put in so that use of camping/tunneling as a strategy would be eliminated? That’s the side of the equation nobody talks about, it’s just “make gens slower”, or “add an objective”...with nothing said about the proxy camping tunneler who would just continue to play that way as it would be even more successful. Why would they stop? This is why they can’t really touch anything as it requires big changes to both sides to prevent that playstyle from being buffed.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Things that is, once you hook a Survivor then they get unhooked

    1. One survivor is injured need to be healed
    2. One survivor heals that injured survivor
    3. One survivor being chased

    And there should be 1-2 more survivors being injured while trying to do unhooking. So basically that circle will repeat itself until those last 2 Gens done.

    Its not like 1 Survivor gets hooked and the other 3 still on Gen.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    They’re not okay, but Survivors will keep using the “jUsT aPpLy PrEsSuRe 4HeAd” bullshit because they don’t like a lot of Killers being an actual threat. It’s bad enough that Nurse, Spirit, Hag, and Freddy exist in their current states.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Update the maps and then we'll see how bad gen rushing is.

  • theres real survivor mains being lemming, they don't play killer and lowskilled as survivor

    many of them waste their route from pussying or just stay at nowhere or useless stealth they think

    i don't believe other survivors so i take the loop and make others alive long as possible for win,after one people dead killer very easy to confirm all kill and most of others lain in 20sec

    and does retardic stealth around hook after someone hooked so unhooking is also my job most times

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Gen speed is fine (coming from a player whom play more killer then survivor and on console and in the mid ranks)

    Let's talk about all of the perks items and add on that survivors can use to make the gens faster... first up Perks

    SC: 6% faster repair speed but 10% increased skillcheck trigger odds and skillcheck zones are reduced by 10%

    PT: 10% repair speed bonus

    Resilience: 9% increased speed on evert hinges while injured

    TINH: 30% bigger skillcheck zones while injured

    Next are toolboxes:

    Brown toolbox: moderately increases repair speed... slightly decreases skillcheck zones

    Yellow toolbox: moderately increases repair speed

    Green toolbox: considerably increases repair speed

    Purple toolbox: tremendously increases repair speed

    Now add-ons:

    BNP: installing automatically repairs 15%... hitting skillchecks do 5% repair progress up to a total of 25% of Gen repair progress

    GW: moderately increases skillcheck zones

    SS: moderately increases repair speed

    CR: slightly increases repair speed

    I know I left some out but (I hope) you get my point...base Gen speed it fine... its the speed of progression vs. regression

    But on to killers (you know... the regression part)

    DL: hooking non-obsessions causes the non-obsessed to have 3% penalty to repair per stack (I think 8 is max)

    Hex: HL: 6% regression on missed skillchecks

    Hex: Ruin: Good skillchecks cause 5% regression... great skillcheck give 0% bonus to progression

    Overcharge: 5% regression on the missed skillcheck

    TT: Gens can't be worked on for 16 seconds after picking up a survivor... but also can't be regressed

    CI: 3 gens furthest away from killer are blocked for 120 seconds

    Surge: applies 8% regression on all gens within 32 meters of a survivor put into dying state

    PGTW: 25% of total progress is instantly gone after hooking a survivor and kicking a Gen within 60 seconds

    Can someone add in what the base regression is for base kicking gens... TY

  • LoverOfDemogorgon
    LoverOfDemogorgon Member Posts: 168

    So cuz you rank up fast because you are decent and go against okay or bad survivors means that gen times are fine? And if you don't play red ranks that much either i especially don't expect you to understand

  • LoverOfDemogorgon
    LoverOfDemogorgon Member Posts: 168

    Number 1 saying the vast minority of players is on my lane about gen rushing is an utterly absurd statement, i've seen numerous players, streamers, forum posters all complain about gen rushing so that point is complete bs.

    And 2 you seem to keep derailing the video's I posted as bad examples? Uhm how? I can see the first one in some respects but how the second one? Tru3 literally lost to bad game design, no matter how he played in that game he wasn't going to win it with how the survivors played. It utterly astonishes me to how blind people are to this issue, do you even play killer at red ranks? Do you know what it is like to loose not because you played bad, not because you got outplayed, but because you aren't playing a meta enough killer with a meta enough build on a busted map with a million and one safe loops to waste your time as 3 other survivors go hold m1 on a gen... it isn't fun loosing no matter how optimally you juggled or chased or navigated around the map with whatever best perk set you could make to where none of that matters. You go play a legion, or a clown, or a bubba against gen oriented survivors on coldwin farm or haddonfield and come back and tell me how balanced gens are, it doesn't even have to be them. The point of it is that gen's can be done SO much faster than the killer can kill all the survivors, why do the survivors get it so much easier to complete their objective huh? What happens if survivors die 2 hooks instead of 3? Maybe then they'll feel what it's like to be "hookrushed"

    And as far as the wraith games, i didn't watch them nor do I care to comment on them, but gen rushing kinda doesn't work when you are playing a meta killer with meta builds and addons against survivors of varying degree's of skill with a seasoned player like tru3. Sure it can happen but did it? No, and that goes to the testament of tru3 as a player and wraith's viability not securing your argument that gen rushing doesn't exist. It DOES exist and is a problem because not everyone is tru3talent and not everyone is playing with the best of best builds and addons for with the best killers. My entire point is I want gen rushing to go away, those times where's gen's get done in 3 or 4 minutes need to stop, those games shouldn't exist unless the killer isn't trying at all or is playing so awfully to where survivors have all their time to spend on the objectives. For the killer to complete their objective mathematically considering all the factors that hinder them can take significantly more time than survivors can. By the time a killer can hook 1 survivor 2-3 gens can be done on average with a good team. That's 40-60%! Of their objectives done already very early into the match compared to a killers first hook which is only what 3 hooks per survivor... 4 survivors.. 3x4=12... so roughly over 8% of the killers objective is completed in one hook while the survivors gets over quadruple that?! What fairness?? So what happens to cut the numbers down that survivors always complain about? Tunneling/proxycamping/slugging all tactics killers use to help their numbers catch up with the survivors efficiency with holding m1 for a varying amount of second, 80 second per gen but that can be cut down VASTLY due to mechanics. And yes killer CAN do the same with a mori or very powerful addons but I think everyone can agree both of those sides of the coin deserve a nerf.

    All and all I think you really need to check on what gen rushing is and maybe experience it for yourself before you go around telling me or others that it isn't what we think it is bud

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    There's a reason people play the more mobile killers with all the slow down perks. Anyone saying that all you need is to do better at applying gen pressure fails to understand the grasp of the issue.

    The killer can only be a dangerous presence where he is. A clown/legion/Huntress/bubba/hag/trapper etc cannot be a threat to anyone who is quite a distance away unless they play really recklessly and trigger traps/fail skill checks themselves.

    I swear some of the people who disagree have never played killer.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited December 2019

    You are using a minute demographic for your conclusion. The vast majority of players just play and never comment on the game. There are just as many streamers and players who don't agree so who is right or wrong? It's an opinion normally based due to a bad game.

    I explained why the videos are bad examples. The clown video was a viewer build using the pinky add-on where hitting them with the bottle gives him a one hit down. You could see him trying to hit them direct and not taking hits at times he could. Do you really you consider trying a character with a new build and testing add-ons a great way to provide data on a potential issue? He is also considered to be one if not the weakest killer to some. Thay says its The Clown that needs some love as if this was a Spirit or Billy game the reuslts would probably be alot differnet.

    The Wraith is not meta. They are considered one of the weaker killers by this community It's why everything posted needs to be taken with a grain of salt as its down to personal skill and experience. That's the issue if one wins 49out of 50 games then why complain they lose a few to better players? That's down to being too competitive as many with this mindset feel it shouldn't happen but it does and will. There are always players who can play better, we can all play bad at times and some on both sides simply don't play that well most games. It's the nature of gaming we can all be good at everything.

    I never said wealth secured my argument but your argument in that paragraph is telling. You admit tru3 can and does do it but it's because he is seasoned or just a really good player. Doesn't that in essense say something about players wanting to be better than they are? If one is being constantly gen rushed then doesn't that say more about how players need to improve to do better and shows its not impossible? Shouldn't games be challenging anymore? Should every game end in a 2k at least regardless of how the other side play?

    Sorry but it makes me think of participation medals when we know players do well but some want to do just as well without being as good.

    I have been here since 2016 when gens were 40s, no slowdown perks, SB had 20s cooldown and true infinites existed along with BNP which actually gave you instant gens with one tap (4 gens within 20s used to be done that was a true gen rush). I know what gen rush is and what we have today doesn't come anywhere near the same scope of things of the past.

    Some killers need worked on as they don't have the pressuring ability of others or chase potential. Maps need reworked and some windows especially need removed or made shorter as they are too safe. The game isn't perfect but it's far from as bad as people complaining tend to go on about.

    Remember at the true peak of balance 2 kills should be considered a match of equal skill. While that can be done for some only with camping or tunnelling others can achieve this or more with multiple hooks.

    What we should never expect is kills handed to us when we the those who are better at certain aspects of the game. We will lose games and some quite badly on both sides but that is a reflection of our own skill versus others like in and PvP game.

    The most frustrating thing is the emblems and how they don't reward for a perfectly balanced match even with multi hooks at times and why that itself is being worked on right now.

  • LoverOfDemogorgon
    LoverOfDemogorgon Member Posts: 168
    edited December 2019

    You seem to disregard just about a lot of what i'm saying, you are disregarding that these are example's and just because the streamer was running a viewer build and didn't get immediate hit off put's it off as invalid? Wow you are something special. The reason I pull to these and not my own experiences of getting gen rushed is because Tru3 records and I don't, yes the game has gotten better but to say, all maps and killers a fine and balanced in alignment with the current gen system is a farce. But if you want to pretend what many killers say then feel free, and the ones that denounce it are the killers that don't play high enough to care for what problems the most prestigious achieving players face or survivors that think gen rushing is cool and isn't a problem seemingly such as yourself and are happy to pump out 3 or 4 gens in the 3 or 4 minutes and think, yeah... that's balanced while you loop around your coldwin farm loops of saftey and no risk.

    And btw, the current system doesn't reward or even punishes you for a 2k but will mostly award a 3k depending on how optimal the survivors were and even 4k's can occasionally be thwarted for a black pip, how is that a system that show's equality of skill at 2k's?

    And tru3 has stated multiple times that there are plenty of day's where he goes against top tier gen rushing survivors, there are many matches that he play's that stay on his stream. Is that just to be ignored? He himself struggles with genrushing plenty and say's that it is a issue and survivors can are the tru3 power role against most killers. Is his opinion the one that resonates with so many others mute? I don't think so, I think you honestly wan't the game to stay as a survivor bully fest that laughably makes killers look like a joke because of how weak they are compared to them. That's what I think with how you seem to just deny deny deny all of what I have been saying.

    You say my opinion is based on bad games... well. WHY ARE THEY BAD GAMES? Is it because I played bad? Or is it because the game is tailored against you from the start of the match based on how good the survivors are, the map, and the killer you are playing. It is unfair and why is it so bad to think that "ALL GAMES SHOULD HAVE FAIR CHANCES TO WIN FOR ALL KILLERS" but no, that would ruin your bully simulator wouldn't it.

    Also I think wraith is meta, meta is very subjective half the time.

    And you seem not into take into account the numbers I stated, are those numbers fair? Those are cold hard facts yet you don't even talk about it hmm? Yet find it more pertinent to talk about the viability of an irrelevant killer to this discussion.

  • LoverOfDemogorgon
    LoverOfDemogorgon Member Posts: 168

    Perks just act as a patch work for the lopsided system. If the system was better meta builds wouldn't all revolve around slowing the game down.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Made by me

    We have tons of other DBD youtubers with reliable information yet we always get a Tru3 video

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    The killers you mentioned aren't even at the same power level. If lots of people say applying pressure works maybe you should try it and see for yourself.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Just because slowdown perks are meta doesn't mean they are neccessary for having a fair chance. The real problem as I stated is underpowered killers and poorly balanced maps.

  • LoverOfDemogorgon
    LoverOfDemogorgon Member Posts: 168

    Applying pressure doesn't much work against optimal survivors without a viable killer or playing scummy

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    In many maps you can turn an area into a dead zone by eating pallets and kicking generators. Low tier killers and high tier killers can both do this (although on some maps this doesn't prove effective due to poor map design).

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    "Everything is fine, this is awesome how dare you" - Every survivor replying to video hard data showcasing this obvious problem. It happens to every killer and even with ruin sometimes. About 30% of matches no matter what killer or perks are being used or the killer player's skill level go this way Walked to gen C istead of gen E in the first 20 seconds shouldn't be an instant game loss for killer. Anyone that thinks that's acceptable is either severely biased or very unwell.

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    Everything you've said here is true but survivor players love it that way and lower rank/inexperienced killers don't understand how bad the problem genuinely is. I can play for 4 hours on console and have every game end like that no matter what tactics, killer or perks I play. Nothing you do impacts them meaningfully, especially if they have chat and just call out everything you do. And it's not "git gud" it's a serious design problem

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Also don’t forget that the devs like to balance around green ranks.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited December 2019

    I don't disregard anything but you do when you see someone playing with something they don't know well yet expect them to do amazing with. Anyone who changes things up will have a learning curve with it. It happens in all games.

    I touched upon that with the emblems as they do go against the balance which is 2 due 2 escape and why I dont like it. Its also why the ranking system is being reworked as we speak. The whole game is setup so you can verse a 5k hour player if you have 100h. Unless someone is truly amazing at the game from the get go do you think they should be on the same comparative level?

    There are people who play CS:GO and may have 2k hours but they never get out of silver. Then you have ones who have 50h who are higher up. If you disregard any skill LVL needed then its like asking for a participation prize. Time played should not determine how well you do it should always be down to knowledge and skill.

    Some may think they are good but if you se4 a good player doing well and you chat match that doesn't that say something?

    While tru3 does go against good players he himself still has way over the average. You seem to think just because you seem someone as really good they should never have bad games. You can look at many other stream to see they themselves do extremely well. You need to get off the one person train and look at many different ones as it gives you a very jaded viewpoint. One person is not the be all and end all of balance in the game. It says a lot more when most videos if not all recently shown to try and state something are of this particular person rather than an array of different players.

    I get it some think what is stated is gospel but that's not how things work or should. I'd recommend you watch some others Scott Jund, Ohtofu, Alanedgarbro to name a few. They have good and bad games and talk about both sides openly regarding issues not just one.

    While your numbers are true you ignored the average match time of 12m per game I posted earlier. DBD was always a fast paced chase game. To slow it down can and will make it less so. Now you have to consider those that tunnel or camp as they feel they need too. Slow it down too much and those strats actually become stronger as no matter what players will always use what gains them an advantage its just human nature.

    It's the same argument when some say ruin is mandatory. It isn't as again many do extremely well without it or any other gen perks. What ruin does is give one a sense that they are doing better at the game and helps them climb ranks where they wouldn't normally. It actually removes learning and can make players worse over time as without it their true skill LVL shows making them feel like the game is unbalanced to them. It becomes something one relies on rather than it helping.

    The point still remains that you sue someone who has way over the average in terms of what one could consider balance and also that they are a great player. A great player would be over the average by it doesn't mean they won't meet players better than them still.

    Think about this. If the game was balanced on how well tru3 himself does then what would happen to killers? This is why using one person is completely the wrong thing to do and should always be taken as an opinion rather than a fact.

    As i said him winning 49/50 games with a non meta killer who is considered weak by this comminitu should in your mind then be considered as a reference point to have that killer nerfed which is highly laughable. That is a fact you cant deny as to use one example for ones own narrative and ignore the other from the same person shows not only bias but a hypocritical viewpoint. It's disregarding anything apart from what fits the purpose of the post.

    This is why balance is done on a huge number of stats. Its not just about the kill ratio, the game length, perks or add-ons used etc. Balance comes down to every single little thing being taking into the equation.

    I leave you with this. Forever Freddy had the add-ons changed. This was due to the stats showing it slowed the game down way too much when usef with slow down perks giving them too much of an advantage. It was not what the devs wanted to happen and nerfed the concept.

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    It was a red rank problem since the beginning, but now it's a common purple rank problem and it's starting to bleed into green ranks