Gen Speed is not okay



  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    Nice how this manifesto disregards the "Roll a die to pick which gen to check first; got anything but a 4? Whoops you lost the match" part of the problem and focuses on most of the wrong things. A 10-15 minute game where you don't feel helpless and get 2+ kills is my idea of a win and most killers can't manage that in ranks where people have figured out "oh just do gens" without their absolute A-game addon builds with ruin, snd even then it's usually down to that simple first 30 seconds die-roll

  • NinoV1
    NinoV1 Member Posts: 382

    I think as ranks get higher gen skill checks should get smaller, like overcharge size. Might help a bit.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited December 2019

    What are you actually on about? Roll the die? Tbh it sounds like you want the game to do everything for you and tell you where to go from the start. No one has ever complained about not knowing where someone is from the game after loading in. It's a new on on these forums for sure.

    Of course the start is harder its how assymetrical games are. The better you do the easier it becomes as you whittle down the other side.

    Stating one needs ruin isn't a fact it's an opinion and one that not all share. I never run ruin as competent survivors will just get great skill checks so instead I took the time to learn how to run tiles more effectively which is a much better way to apply pressure.

    Do you know how many times a killer lets a survivor dictate the way a tile is ran? Or how many times they loop extremely wide? Knowing the tiles you should learn to close of the most efficient path off which means either they have to drop a pallet quicker or you will get a hit.

    The whole aspect of killer play is to mind game survivors for hits and down. The more pallets taken out also makes areas void of safe places which in turn leads to easier hits as the game progresses. The more you hook or slug the more players get taken off gens going for the save.

    Edited to add this for you as its very useful.

    Post edited by twistedmonkey on
  • JoakimGrDay
    JoakimGrDay Member Posts: 105

    Lmao it's because like 80% of the DBD community is killer favored, therefor orbiting Tru3. He's the only one talking ######### about survivors how OP they are. Then you watch No0b3 who's extremely good at survivor no one gives a fk. No0b3 - "That Shouldn't have hit"

    DBD Community - "Too bad we're killer mains and tru3 orbiters"

  • TheMonadoBoi
    TheMonadoBoi Member Posts: 346

    I believe the problem is not so much with gen speeds but with survivors'ability to work on 3 or even 4 gens at a time.

    80 seconds to complete a gen is fine, but when you have 3 people doing different gens then it becomes ridiculously unbalanced. A good fix imo would be to greatly increase gen completion time unless survivors work together on a single gen, with the possibility of the time to complete being reduced each time a survivor is killed.

    This way there would be no games in which 3 gens pop in the first 2 minutes of the match starting.

  • yoi
    yoi Member Posts: 338

    entitled survivor mains that think thwey should 4 man escape every game. the argument is the same and if u think the gen speed is fine, u are not very smart.

  • yoi
    yoi Member Posts: 338
    edited December 2019

    if u think hag cant apply pressure u never played killer bring agitation and play around the bassement with make your choice izi 4k every match in red ranks unless they have 2 flashlights but still you are suppossed to place traps around not only in front of the hooked survivor.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    You just said 'play around the basement with hag to apply pressure' sometimes the basement is in the middle of nowhere, and her set up takes a long time to get a solid presence on the map. If you want traps around each hooked survivor how do you expect to have traps set up by each objective to be a basis of gen pressure?. Plus hag is pretty slow and can easily be looped if you use your traps for map presence. Also you have to be within a certain range to travel to your traps which defeats the purpose of them if you're too far away from them.

  • Umbrae_pk
    Umbrae_pk Member Posts: 482

    Gen times are fine. Good job fellow survivors for actually doing the objective!

    Don’t feel bad when you get called a gen rusher, feel proud that you did the objective quickly, swiftly, and sufficiently!

  • TheMonadoBoi
    TheMonadoBoi Member Posts: 346

    You sure seem unbiased, mature and competent enough to keep a discussion going.

  • yoi
    yoi Member Posts: 338
    edited December 2019

    hag and being looped dont go in the same asnwer also with agitation youll make it to the bassement most time anyway having one in the bassement with hag is already a lot of pressure and prety much gg, but u dont get hag dont worry most people dont. but comparing hag to those bunch of useless killers already says a lot about how much do u know about the game.

  • MarsAttacks
    MarsAttacks Member Posts: 179

    Nah us killer main need to just shutup and take our bully sessions like a champ that's their mentality lol

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    And you being in forum jail says a lot about how much you like to be wrong.