Challenges make me want to play less not more.

Challenges as they are right now have a few inherent flaws that will forevermore keep me not spending one penny on battle passes till they fix the challenges. I have become more frustrated and just fed up with what the challenges expect people to do in general, due to random factor and also difficulty. I offer a few suggestions to change these to allow people to complete more of the challenges all while keeping the difficulty in tact.
- Allow people to earn progress towards challenges without having to equip them for those special and rare challenges. Make is more like an achievement. If i have a standard challenge to Sacrifice survivors but also hook 4 people in the basement why not let me knock off another challenge completed? The fact I have to equip a challenge and pray that doesn't happen to be the game I could get another challenge complete is frustrating as all hell.
- Take away any and ALL "in a single match" challenges. The first suggestion is really something that could be designed in future rifts, but I can't imagine i am alone in HATING these challenges. I do not in any way shape or form want to have to change play style (and screw over my team in the process) in the hopes of completing challenges) The challenges are making killers and survivors play in ways that are unfun for both sides. (I played a sweaty try hard trapper with unnerving presence and prevented the doors from being opened. It took survivors 20 minutes to get beat as i had injuring traps on both doors which spawned within walking distance of each other. I felt like crap having to play like this and I do not think the survivors fun or killers for that matter was increased attempting to complete that challenge.
- Shorten the amount of time required to hit the max tier. The amount of tiers there are and the amount of time to complete them all is literally insane. This is a timed rift, which you want people to buy a pass for. (on top of already purchasing DLC/Game/Auric Cells.) It just feels like a free to play game gimmick.
In closing i just want to say I enjoy the game but I think in their current state the Challenges need work. At least for me (the last of 8 friends still playing DbD) I find that this makes me less likely to care about future rifts or about even trying for rewards. Maybe I am alone, maybe I am not. Please just consider some of these suggestions as I feel they can make the game more fun for all involved and at the end of the day that is the whole point of the system in the first place.
That's kinda interesting. I love the challenges.... I mean they're way too easy in most cases, but I still enjoy completing them. I play less when there are no challenges available tbh. Especially your second point is what I love the most about these challenge. But I definetly can understand why you don't like them.