Don’t let killers lobby dodge

So BHVR removes the ability for solo survivors to see the ranks of who they are playing with to prevent lobby dodging.
So so let’s make it fair. Killers can no longer see survivors while in lobby. Why? Because lots of killers out there will lobby dodge if they see the same group of toxic survivors.
Or they might lobby dodge if they see the following:
4 toolboxes
4 blendettes with flashlights
1 key, a map and tool boxes together
multiple survivors with the same clan tag
this lobby dodging increases the wait time for everyone and should be remedied ASAP!
But seriously, just let us see the ranks again, or prevent killers from seeing the fact that me and my friends brought 3 keys. They may use that as an excuse to lobby dodge.
plz BHVR lemme see the ranks again.
EDIT: ok let me make this clear. IM BEING SARCASTIC. i dont actually want this to happen to killers. Im just saying that it would suck if BVHR tried to stop killers from lobby dodging by hiding information. Therefore i am also saying that it sucks that BHVR tried to stop survivor lobby dodging by hiding rank info. I want the rank info back! i just want to know what kind of match im getting myself into.
Seeing the items it's essential for a killer, why perk like franklin's or lightborn even exist otherwise? Also there's/there was a lobby bug where killer would see the survivor base skin, and not their outfit, so this kinda good I guess?
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I’m mostly upset that they screwed over solo survivors by not letting us see other survivors’ ranks.
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Most likely it caused many survivor dodge, hence the 3 man lobby bug, hence everyone waits more.
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Translation: "I love being toxic" lol
But seriously until bhvr can bring killers to a place were swf isnt god mode against them, get rid of god loops, and make it so that only the strongest killers even a fair match against survivors this shouldn't not be changed for killers.
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Survivors have a bug that lets them dodge lobbies they don't like. BHVR realizes they used it for that exact reason and removes it
Reply: Well remove the leave lobby button for killers then!
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I don’t really want them to do that. I just want them to let solo survivors see ranks again. Preventing killers from lobby dodging would be horrid, so why are we making solo survivors be more miserable too?
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Lol why would you want to play 4 nerds as a killer though? Completely defeats the purpose of fun.
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Because that's the way it was for the past 2.5? years and over the how many months? the bug was in the game they obviously realized people were using it for wrong rather than right, even when people are going "I'll be the good samaritan and totally take off my meta build to put on stuff like kindred to help out my newbie teammates"
Adding on: they should also let killers see their opponent's rank then. I personally used the bug to asses what rank killer I'd likely be facing. IE I'm rank 2 and have 3 purple rank allies, I'm likely facing a purple rank killer rather than red.
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Never understood lobby dodging, why bother searching without the intention of playing regardless of what you’re facing.
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I honestly don't understand BHVR here. Why is it fine for killers to dodge but not survivors? I don't think they should remove killers seeing items. But how is it consistent to leave one and not the other? Yes, I know it was a bug. But it was also something that everyone loved. I barely ever saw people dodging lobbies due to seeing the others ranks. I have to question whether it really was an issue.
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Just give people a time out if they lobby dodge. Unless the ping is really high or something.
as a solo survivor if I see a rank 18 I don’t dodge, the ranks just let me know what kind of game I’m getting myself into.
3 rank 12s? At least one of them is going to be urban evasioning around the map.
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Why does everyone thinks wanting the game to be a bit better = toxicity
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I know right??? It’s prob because I used “4 tool boxes” or “same group of toxic survivors” as an example of why a killer would lobby dodge.
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It's not you wanting the game to be better that is toxic but you literally said bring 4 keys and 4 tool boxes I legit surprised you didn't say with brand new parts. And 4 claudettes lol if you're telling me your intentions for those games was NOT to be as toxic as possible I'm gonna call you a liar. Why should killers be forced to deal with your toxic playstyles when it's obvious a mile away?
Solution add your items/ switch characters right before the end problem solved your INTENTIONS have been hidden
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You can still dodge as survivor.
For example, if anyone types in chat
Get the ######### out of there.
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Ah yes, having a specific outfit, or bringing in items like toolboxes is toxic. That mentality is so dumb. Nothing in this game is toxic but the player. Items and skins are not toxic. Literally survivors can do nothing in this game without it being regarded as toxic.
By your thinking, a killer who brings in very strong perks and addons is toxic too, right?
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It's not the act of bringing in an item or outfit that's toxic lol fail. It's indicators of the fact your going to do toxic behavior. But nice strawman 👍
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I’m just exaggerating to show how bad it would be if they prevented killers from lobby dodging by hiding info.
I’m just trying to say that it would suck if they hid useful information from the killer, so why are they hiding useful info from survivors? I don’t actually play like that.
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"And 4 claudettes lol if you're telling me your intentions for those games was NOT to be as toxic as possible I'm gonna call you a liar."
You're literally saying that if you're a squad of Claudettes you're lying to say your intentions weren't to be toxic. You're saying that if you're a specific character, your intentions are to be toxic. You're trying correlate something that has nothing to do with the other.
There's this stupid stigma around players because of 2017 DBD, and for some reason, people still hold on to old beliefs that hold nearly no actual value in today's game. Being a specific player in the game or bringing a certain item is not an indicator of anything that has to do with toxicity.
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Timeout for lobby dodging? U r not serious right? The game will die the next day after this lol
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I think it's a thing that should be implemented. But, once solos get buffed to SWF level and other killers in need are buffed accordingly.
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What's the true purpose of lobby dodging anyways? So you're a killer up against a toolbox and a medkit. You may end up having a good game or a really bad one. The world will continue to turn. The sun will continue to shine. Play and move on to the next game. Bunch of grown up babies in this game.
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The world whil still turn, if you lobby dodge and the survivors have to wait for another killer. So, what was that for an argument?
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It's more detrimental to the killer than survivors that's your reason
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I mean, maybe the next would to show surv the killer? Its so dumb its funny, but honestly when i see 4 toolboxes i take ebony immediately, if i wouldnt see if they had items, reaching red ranks would be posibble only with quite big stash of mori which would be played one after another, which would make playing in high ranks abysmal. Then there would be really small group of people wanting to play as a killer which would result in big queue times for survs. Congratz another great idea
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Actually I I would bet MONEY that if we polled every killer main and and every survivor main that actually plays killer reasonably often that the MAJOROTY would say if the WHOLE lobby was the same character they'd played as toxic as they could. I say this cause I have literally NEVER seen a whole lobby of ANY 1 character not try and be as toxic as possible. And I've played A LOT of those lonbies
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I'm so tired of the double standards from the devs and killers. Why is it okay for the killer to dodge lobbies based on profile names and items (and sometimes skins) but survivors can't dodge based something as simple as teammate's ranks. Nobody even complained about lobby dodging ever sinse dedicated servers came, I bet it wasn't even a bug either, otherwise they wouldn't have left it in the game for such a long time...
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If I don't want to play against a clearly toxic bully squad, I shouldn't have to waste my time.
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What does Killer have to do with a survivor feature "bug"? It got fixed so what now you want an eye for an eye? Even though None of the killer's complained about the feature.
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If I, a solo survivor, in red ranks don’t want to play with green and yellow or brown ranks I shouldn’t have to waste my time. Let us see ranks again BHVR plz
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Still doesn't change the fact that a skin or item doesn't define a player.
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You're right it doesnt, but it's not the skin I'm talking about I mean I guess it is kind of but it's the action.
You ACTIVELY coordinated to use the same exact character and outfit which is a STRONG INDICATOR of the behavior to expect from the team your about face. It's not a guarantee but it's a high probability.
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what If I have to answer the door ? Oh get away for something that I almost forgot ?
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The thing is, I've seen many squads who were the same character, but they're solos. And even if they were and chose to all be the same character, what does it matter? If I play in a 4man and were all baby megs or Dwights, it doesn't mean were trying to be toxic. It can be used strategically, or used for nothing. Like I said, skins don't define a player, and even if they're all the same, it still doesn't change that statement.
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Imagine complaining about killers dodging, when the ability to see teammates ranks was removed because of survivor dodging 😆
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This is not gonna happen. You just tell me that if i queue, i have to play the game no matter what or i'll get a timeout. BIG LOL
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why do perks like distortion exist?
Anyway, they need to bring back the feature to see the ranks of your teammates, it was a good support for solos. But hell no it was useful for solos, let's remove it asap. BHVR logic.
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OP: Let me be the stereotypical gen rushing SWF!
Killer: Dodges that stupidity.
But really, though. You want to stop lobby dodging? Then stop trying to waste a killers time by rushing a match. We killers need to wait as well, and to be thrown into a match against a swf that wants to have 'fun' at the killers expense is depressing. We're people as well, ya know. Though, I encourage you to bring as many medkits as you want. Lets me grab my Plague and spank you lot.
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because facing 4 toolboxes isnt fun, because facing keys isnt fun and sometimes we dont want to bring an ebony mori to balance that stuff so i dodge and leave that for a try harder if i dont want to try hard. the game already is way too survivor sided and still u want it to be even more already queue times are a thing and why do u think it is a thing?... dont throw gas to the already existing fire. GOOD red ranks are the most unfun thing to go against and there is a reason.
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There are less people playing killer nowadays because of how stressful a game can be, imagine removing lobby dodging lol. There will be only survivors playing the game, I mean, waiting in a loooooong queue for a killer to come.
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Ranks was nice, but what you propose screws with some killers.
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Survivors quit DCing
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I think people should be able to see ranks, items, offerings and everything. It is literally so dumb to force people to play with no teamates, force people to play against ebony and force a killer that is not confident or just trying to enjoy the game to play against Hex:GG eazy and his SWF.
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Ok i made an edit to the post.
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Can we go one day without someone crawling out of the woodwork and suggesting this?
Its never going to happen. Killers need to be able to see what Survivors are coming in and with what items. Survivors can see it, and so should Killers.
Lmao. Look at this person being arrogant and having an ego about something that means nothing.
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all i want is the rank info back... i dont actually want killers to be blind during lobbies. Also if i see 3 rank 12s or 3 rank 16s i still wont dodge, i just know that "yeah this is gonna be a ######### show, but ill put on a fun build just to see what happens" But without the rank info i just sit there and wonder "WHY TF IS EVERYONE SO IMMERSED"
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Just hide names. There are some people I would leave the lobby to not play with/against since there are some really toxic people. Left 4 survivors not die dropped them and let them wiggle soI could chase, then they all cuss me out as the worst killer ever? I won't ever play as a survivor with them nor killer if I see them.
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If I see 4 toolboxes or your obviously a coordinated group I'm lobbydodging I didnt wait 10 minutes to get bullied and get 8000 bloodpoints and 0 progress towards my challenge
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It was a bug. Also to set killers on the same level as survivors in terms of pre game information is just a bad idea.
The day Im not allowed to dodge a 4 man swf I know for playing toxic is the day I delete DbD.
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Why would I play when I can identify an unfun match from my eyes?