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Dark Senses Master Challenge

I'm finding really hard to complete this challenge and I just wanted to ask strategies or how other people did it.

Mostly because I can't control the flow of gens and it's really hard to pop 4 gens in one match.



  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288

    Pick Bond, Open Handed and Sprint Burst (...and Dark Sense, of course) + if you want throw in a map that can see killer belongings.

    First, search for your team mates using Bond (Open Handed will increase your aura reading by 8 meters - you'll see them in a 40 meters radius), and do generators only if at least one other survivor is on it (the more there are, the better).

    If you hear the killer coming don't leave the generator unless the other survivor left as well. In any case, use Sprint Burst to fly away but try to let the killer see the survivor that was with you - this will help you not getting chased, even if you will sandbag a bit :P.

    Obviously go immediately where were the other survivors working on a generator. If the one you were working on is close to be finished, though, stick around and see what the killer does.

    If there is ruin, you can use the map to look for totems and try to cleanse it quickly (but be VERY careful, killers could be patrolling), but if you can't find it in the first 20-30 seconds go where generators are being worked on.


  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited December 2019


    I asked in Pre-Chat this simple question.

    "Can you guys do me a favor? Can you only do the generators up until 99% and than let me finish them?"

    They agreed, and in the first game I did the challenge it was finished. The goal isn't to 100% them yourself, you just have to finish the generators. So just by simply topping off each 99% Generator in-game, it counts 1 completion towards your challenge.

    It isn't like the other generator/healing challenges that require you to 100% do them yourself in one trial, that would be impossible if that was the case...

    All you have to do is find a capable team that's will to only 99% the generators and let you finish them... and that's it. You only need 4 out of the 5, so if one is finished by accident than that's ok. It also counts if you have someone else on the generator when it's finished, it just requires you to also participate OR be the one that finishes it.

    As long as you're there to finish it, than it doesn't matter if 3 people are on it at the same time...

    My advice?

    Do what I did, just find a team that's willing to do this and than top of each 99% completed generator... and that's it. It doesn't matter if you live or die in-game afterwards, as long as you topped off/finished 4 generators than you're fine!

    Your team can finish 1 generator by themselves if they really need to... so if they do than that's ok! You only need 4 generators to top off in-game.

  • Yogerman1997
    Yogerman1997 Member Posts: 374

    Well, i do it at my first try, because i have a bit of lucky.

    On the lobby i ask if someone need do it, or no, also, tell them if please can let all the gens at 99%.

    This is the first thing u had to do... i guess...

    But no one aswer, and they finish a gen without me..

    Atleast i pick Bond to see where the survivors are doing gens so... i manage to find the other 4 gens before they finish it...

    About the luck part, is because the killer dont chase me during all the match and take the survivors out of their gens before they finish it all the time, and i can steal them XD

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    If you just ask people than they might help out.

    Some people are willing to help yeah, others... sometimes don't.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    This is easiest in SWF.

    Get 3 friends. Have then 99 gens and then you finish them. I got it first try doing this.

    Of course if you don't have friends you can do what @Edys said to do.

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,047

    Bond, Prove Thyself, Dark Sense, Decisive Strike

    I was able to do it in three matches. Would have been 1, but in the first match after we got 2 easily, the killer decide to tunnel the **** out of me. Hence DS as the 4th perk.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Was the DS added after that hard tunnel from that Killer?

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I don't personally think DS is needed, since if you're going to be tunneled... than they won't stop until you die, regardless of DS.

    Something like Spine-Chill would be better for a generator build, plus it lets you know if the Killer is looking/coming to you.