Six Feet Under Challenge is damn near impossible

You have be play extremely sweaty, have absolute control over the game, and hope that people are stupid enough to even run near the basement to get hooked just to even have a chance at getting a 4K with all basement hooks.

With all of that on your side, survivors, especially at red ranks, can still disconnect not giving you credit for anything and even then because survivors are not trash cans 24/7, you can just flat out not be able to do it.

You can't slug because survivors will disconnect

You can't camp because survivors aren't stupid and will just do gens

You can't even farm it because no survivor is going to watch as you hook everybody in the basement and just let you do it.

Maybe the devs had Rank 20 - 13's in mind for this challenge, but even the most brain-dead green ranks aren't going to just let you get this challenge and with disconnects survivors again hold all of the power in whether or not you complete this challenge. How is this at all fair?


  • Justin32
    Justin32 Member Posts: 8

    Personally I did not think it was hard, it took me 4 games at rank 1.

    Unfortunately, about survivors DCing, your right.

    My first two attempts survivors DCed when I would have had it.

    But in the end it took me four tries so I would just keep trying.

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    I think devs have to change it. Make more hooks required, but remove the one game challange thing.

  • Fitzo
    Fitzo Member Posts: 11

    Not gonna lie i got it done first try as trapper on pale rose. Bloody coils stitched bag trap all entrances and make it so you have to either get injured by bloody coil or step in the trap.then they join their friends in the basement

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    Luck is part of the formula, unfortunately (no pun intended). I did it first try with Clown on Rancid Abbatoir. The last survivor did everything she could to run away and find the hatch, but she didn't dc even tough it took me 3 runs to get her to the basement. So, fair to say I was super lucky.

    I suggest playing Hag with Agitation, Iron Grasp, Ruin and a short-range tracking perk (Nurse's, Infectious Fright, etc.), because you're not trying to go miles away from the basement to chase survivors after your first hook, so BBQ is kinda pointless. Whispers could be useful to find the last survivor.

    For the rest, keep trying and don't get discouraged. You're bound to get good rng with the survivors you're versing eventually.

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441

    Just play with Ghostface using Security Camera add-on on either Lery's or Hawkings, hide behind a wall then when you hear or see a survivor(s) enters the basement go for a Lean stalk and down them. Make sure to use Agitation, Monstrous Shrine & Iron Grasp.

    (This is how I did this challenge)

  • ChaosMaster130
    ChaosMaster130 Member Posts: 24

    If they released this challenge after the got the 'Husk" system working in-game it would probably suck less. But as it is now. Yeah, DC's screwing you over really sucks.