A (small) Nerf to Ruin, Arguably the most "OP" killer perk
No way, it should be buffed and not being hex to prevent crazy speed gen rushing and finishing game in 5 minutes. I agree with nerf after prolonging repair times.
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I think Hex:Ruin is fine where it is, because the perk itself is a gamble. You sacrifice a slot for a powerful effect that might last 20 seconds
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LOL NO hex perk is OP. Can easily get cleansed.
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I believe 'Memento Mori' is the counter to 'Decisive Strike'
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i feel the exact opposite. Ruin needs a buff if anything, because ruin is needed against a swf or just a solo with a toolbox. I think ruin should be an active perk for 120 seconds like corrupt or... it should be active until 2 or 3 survivors have been hooked. Then it de-activates. Because gen times are way too fast with toolboxes/multiple people on a gen without ruin.
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i play both sides, but i play survivor more so. So this is from a 75% survivor to 25% killer perspective... A survivor saying ruin needs a buff.
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Old Legion was changed because there was no real counterplay to a good legion. He found you, you were going down. Windows, Pallets, even exhaustion perks were useless against Legion. Not just because he was annoying.
Brand New Parts were changed because it drastically shortened the games length and once again had very little counter. The only possible counter that wasn't tunneling/camping was Franklins, and even that wasn't efficient enough to really do anything about it.
Insta-heals were in a similar boat as BNP, 0 counterplay but a perk, and even that didn't really prevent their use.
These things were not removed due to being simple annoyances, they impacted each game to such a degree that with a good team, they could make a match impossible for a killer. Ruin will never effect a match to such a degree because it can be rendered useless in 3 main different ways which are gen-tapping, being good enough to hit skill checks, or the easiest and simplest, destroying the totem.
Low ranks are for people with low skill. Those people will have trouble with many parts of the game. Doesn't mean they should be reworked or nerfed. If you don't want to deal with people who aren't good enough to hit ruin-checks, get to purple ranks or red ranks.
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Totems need to be really strong, otherwise there is no reason to justify running a perk that is liable to be gone within the first ~20 seconds of the game.
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Maybe the stun should be 4 seconds than 5 to lessen that effect but pretty much for the most part it’s anti-tunnel. BT is anti-momentum every time.
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That's a yikes from me dawg
Killer has perk that has two ways to be countered - we really need to nerf this perk smile
Just because your teammates choose to run around to try and find it doesn't mean a perk needs to be changed because they choose to do that. Ruin is the symptom of a larger problem
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the larger problem is called "entitled survivors"
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No..this would make ruin beyond useless..and as survivors dont have to worry about their perks being removed 99 percent of the time I cant say they have any fair ground to judge a killer perks strength when it can be permanently disabled from the match start..a better idea? Get the devs to give a perk to replace ruin as a good anti gen perk..then people wouldnt use it as much..but all but 2 anti gen perks are hilariously bad..and ruin is one of them
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Tl Dr. Op doesn't know what they're talking about
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Nerfed are you having a laugh mate. Don't be so stupid it needs buffs and if needs be to be removed off of a hex. Or better still built into base kit at a lower strength
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I am gonna stand by this and say I think killers should have the ability to relive survivor perks considering survivors can remove 3 killer perks just like that
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Why nerf a perk that is entirely RNG. A survivor can spawn five feet from it and cleanse it before a killer can even make it over to try and defend it. Or it can spawn right next to a gen making it very easy to erase.
Or even if it remains up for most of the game you can power through a gen getting 0 or 1 or 2 skill checks.
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Arguably the most "op" killer perk
Are you on something?
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How about you just learn how to hit skillchecks?
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This is the whole point of Hex Perks, they're strong but easily taken out. A Gamble to run.
If you make a Hex perk weak then what would even be the point of running it?
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It’s not op lol it’s used a lot because it’s needed if you don’t wanna he gen rushed especially at lower ranks
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ahahahahahaha, ahahahahahaha.
Imagine thinking ruin is OP.
Imagine being that bad at skillchecks.
Ruin has a built in nerf. It's a hex totem. This thread is a troll thread.
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Not likely to happen
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DS is still stronger then ruin. BT is still stronger then ruin. DH and SB are still stronger then ruin. It dosen't need a nerf.
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siriously, people complain about a Totemperk ?...i have no words for this. Oh wait: A day, a Totem and Noed goes away ?...Ruin ?...damn. How to nerf ????...go and find finally the totem or ignore it but then liv with the consequenses! Survivors crying to do more on maps...not only gens...the devs was bringing more objectives and now they complain about totems.....jesus.
opinions there, opinions there.....but
some people are rly ..... I don´t understand it...sorry.
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Don't call Ruin OP, most killers on these parts will try to tell you it's not simply because it can get cleansed.
Even though you know... it's a 50/50 gamble with this perk, and it's not meant to do anything but slow down the gens.
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If a hex isn't strong then why run it over a normal perk? I don't understand you people. Are we playing the same game?
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Hence why I said its a "gamble" like many other perks. Strong when it works, but a gamble nonetheless.
I never said it wasn't strong.
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i love how people see "small nerf" and dont read how it is not a nerf just a rework so that it gives the same slowing speed, but makes it less annoying.