Functionality: BBQ vs We're Gonna Live Forever

jacowwow Member Posts: 51
edited August 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions
I've constantly been on the grind for bloodpoints trying to accomplish whatever short term goal Ive set myself. With the benefits of stackable bonus bloodpoints, it is so tempting to run one of these perks on either role you may be playing. HOWEVER, I question why BBQ has such a good bonus effect (showing survivors that are far enough away from the person you hook) which makes people want to use it anyway and the bloodpoints are just a HUGE dealbreaker: meanwhile, survivors are left to play more risky to earn stacks and we get no added bonus. Just a whole slot dedicated to bloodpoints and less survivability. Maybe it should AT LEAST benefit the person we are saving or it had a built in borrowed time effect so that you can build for yourself more than having a completely selfless build while putting yourself in danger for stacks. If not, the person doing the saving should get a benefit for throwing themselves out there. I dont see how it would be fair to have killers with a bloodpoint perk that helps them in a game and leave survivors with a bloodpoint perk that does nothing. IT IS called We're Gonna Live Forever but it seems more like potential self sacrifice in exchange for stacks. Should we not have a bonus that somehow compliments the name in some way to make it more worthwhile going for saves to build your stacks.