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Have you guys been encountering INCREDIBLY toxic people lately?

Multiplenames Member Posts: 36
edited December 2019 in Ask the Community

In the past few weeks i've noticed theres two players, mainly one who keeps changing his name and another which i have only versed once, but they seem to make it their goal to be as toxic as possible, intentionally ruin the games for survivors.

And no, i'm not exaggerating 'just because he camped doesn't make him toxic', i mean this guy will down you, facecamp you (not just me, literally completely random survivors for no reason), then camp until your dead and repeat.OR down people, facecamp + slug everyone, then proceed to sit there doing nothing until everyone bleeds out. Then in post game says 'gg ez ni**ers' or 'merry xmas c*nts'.

I've been playing this game for a long time now and just getting camped or tunneled while annoying, is fine with me. But literally making it your goal to not even try to win, just to try and ruin the game for other people is ridiculous and should be bannable.


  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited December 2019

    It would be difficult to make an argument for facecamping and slugging being bannable, unless he specifically targets you and no one else over multiple games (which is a reportable offence, although you'll need video proof to back it up - see the link below for more details).

    What is bannable, though, is using that kind of language in the post-game chat. You can and should report him for that in-game, and if you like you can also submit a Support ticket with screenshots of the conversation.

    More details on bannable offences and how to report them correctly can be found here:

    And you can submit a Support ticket via the Help Center here:

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    Recently? No. In-general? Yes.

    Some Survivors are just naturally toxic to others for some reasons... and than they're just toxic for absolutely no reason. While I'm sorry for the inconvenience this brought, this still isn't a bannable offence (the "making it your goal to ruin peoples games" part, not the highly racist things he was saying in post-game... that is actually bannable!)

    But yeah, tunneling and or camping Survivors to ruin their game isn't bannable, since it follows under the argument that camping/tunneling is a strategy for Killers to do. While that's not bannable, targeting specific Survivors in-game is actually reportable! But the thing is, this Killer wasn't doing that, it just seems like they were actively ruining anyone's matches, not just a specific player.

    But, making those comments at the end of the game, especially the very offensive term they used... is reportable, and I advise you also follow up with a ticket submission as well if you haven't already done so.

    Here's the support link again for context:

    Otherwise, is camping/tunneling bannable? No. Is ruining any Survivors match also bannable? No. If they did something like... block you in a corner and didn't move, than went to get fast food for 2 hours... than that's bannable. If they make... those types of comments in post-chat, than that's reportable. If they're actively rude and or offensive to you with swears and such in post-chat, than you can also report that.

    But is random camping/tunneling to Survivors they don't know bannable? While also camping/tunneling them to death? No. Unless they did other actions that are actually bannable, than it isn't bannable i'm afraid.

    Also, here's the game rules link again for context:

    You'll find all the information you need in the game rules link, if you haven't done so already. If you did report them for the post-chat comments they made with the offensive lingo, than please do follow it up with a support ticket. If you didn't report them in-game, than there isn't much you can do i'm afraid.

    In-game reports are mandatory, so if you didn't report them for that post-chat comment, than there isn't much you can do now.

  • Multiplenames
    Multiplenames Member Posts: 36

    well the thing is tunneling and camping like i said, i dont mind, but what about slugging and leaving all 4 survivors on the ground until they're nearly completely bled out, then hooking them in the last 2 odd mins before they all die?

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited December 2019

    Slugging isn't bannable, and neither is what he's doing at the end I'm afraid.

    It falls under the category of a "definite end." Meaning despite it taking so long, there was an end to your match. Now you can argue that a game lasting 5 hours from a Killer holding it hostage and than finally DCing is a "definite end," but what they mean by a definite end is that there's a for sure death for the Survivors in short or decent amount of time.

    Holding the game hostage means there's no definite end. This is because it's unknown how long you'll be there, unless you force a DC to leave the match...

    You could've reported him for bad sportsmanlike conduct and or trolling/griefing, but its debatable if they'll ban him for that... and if they did, it wouldn't be permanently.

    It would more or less just catalog him as "that" type of player... so they might keep an eye on him after the report.

    If you didn't report him in-game, than there's nothing you can do sadly... in-game reports are mandatory for follow up support tickets. It might not be for every ticket, but most that involve in-game bans require an in-game report to further pursue.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    literally just had a spirit doing this to me

    without the insulting ez message at the end. just "ez".

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 719

    lol this game is ALWAYS toxic.

    The post-game chat needs removal.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I wouldn't say it's always toxic, I've met some very nice people in post-chat.

    Surprising I know, since a lot of people believe that post-chat is quite toxic... but this isn't actually the case!

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 885

    I was once the last survivor left and the killer wouldn't let me die. That was extremely frustrating. He downed me, then picked me up and took me into an corner and hold onto me until I struggled loose, but because I was blocked in, I couldn't get far, and he would down me again and do the same thing. After several goes at this I stopped struggling, hoping that he would get that I didn't want to continue. Instead he just kept carrying me around. I assumed that he would get bored, but after about 10 minutes of that nonsense I just DC'd. It's hard to imagine someone that intent on ruining someone else's game that they would waste all that time to do it. That was not recent, however, but I thought I would share. :)

    I occasionally see toxic people in chat, but not often, and when I do, I report it. For the most part, though, it's just gg's all around or nothing at all. I can't remember the last time I saw a killer be toxic in chat.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    This sounds like he held the game hostage in that scenario... for no real reason either.

    AAAAA Member Posts: 558

    I had a really toxic game as killer last night. I had just prestiged my Wraith, so I had two bad perks at level one and brown add ons.

    I wasn't expecting to do well, but I was not expecting what I got, which was a 4 man SWF. Of which three were red ranks (I'm a green rank killer btw). On Rotten Fields. And this freaking dwight in an ohTofu shirt teabagged at every. Single. Pallet.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987
    edited December 2019

    Since the tomes the game in general has felt more toxic and serious, can’t have fun anymore. I have problems as both killer and survivor

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Well, some people are so determined to finish their challenges... so it's natural that they're serious about it.

    But toxic? Idk about that. I've seen toxicity way before the tomes existed, feels about the same or for me personally less than before.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    Of course there always has been toxicity, but we’re talking about it being even more common now. It’s much more difficult to find a friendly killer or even survivors. I like farming a few times a day as a killer to just relax and it was fun running into killers looking to do the same thing.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited December 2019

    Eh, I personally don't agree.

    It feels about the same to me. But that's probably because i'm always facing Red Rank Survivors/Killers, so I never really expected anyone to not be serious in those ranks.

    But since those are the ranks that's most commonly talked about, it should kind of be relevant in what i'm saying. See, Red Ranks is always this way... so you never really find anyone that's not serious or just memeing... mainly because that rank is known for taking the matches too seriously.

    That isn't really a bad thing, but it can really make things dull sometimes. So when you said "It's gotten more serious lately" as well as toxic, I personally disagree... since it's always been that way, at least for Red Ranks.

    Purple and Green are different, but Red is the most commonly used example in discussions and or arguments here, so that's why i'm going off of that. If we're talking Purple or Green, than I wouldn't know because I don't stick around in those ranks for obvious reasons... (Not obvious but my own reasons)

    But tbh, whether I see it the way you do doesn't really matter. I just thought I could share that with you... I guess?

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    Oh you want me to explain what’s toxic? Challenges that encourage basement camping, tunneling the obsession, flash lighting at pallets, and I’m sure there are more. Of course this isn’t how they say they want you to complete the challenges, but this is how I’ve witnessed them being completed.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    See, that isn't inherently being toxic since you're just trying to complete a challenge. Now, I could insert an example that for some reason isn't "relevant" or "makes sense" to what i'm trying to link it to, but for the sake of simplicity, i'll just explain myself instead.

    For one, these are the most common answers to these challenges... so people naturally use them MORE because they're the easiest to do. I'm sure you've seen plenty of people camp the basement/proxy camp it with LeatherFace because it's the easiest way to ensure that person will die AND possibly gain more kills with downing Survivors trying to rescue them.

    But, for people like me, I instead just played normally and than sacrificed them in the basement to get the challenge over with. Players that don't mind camping with go the easier route, players like me who DO mind it will go a different route.

    But it all comes back to "what's the easiest way to do this." So some people just copy others to get the challenges over with, or they go about their own plans of doing it a different way.

    now, here's why it isn't toxic... to me anyways

    Unless they're flaming you in post-chat about it after, or saying how ez the game was, or "BMing" in-game, it isn't really toxic.

    The idea of being camped SOUNDS toxic, but I feel that word has been altered over the 3-4 years of this games life. Toxic, usually means the Killer is intentionally doing these things for their own nefarious or "mean" intentions.

    Same goes for Survivors, they go that extra mile to ensure the Killer is having a bad match... which is where the word "toxic" comes into play. Now, camping someone for ensure they finish a challenge isn't really "toxic" since the Killer isn't intentionally doing it to ensure this game is the worst out of all of the ones you've played today.

    The intention is different, it's to finish a challenge in The Archives. They might see this as the only way they'll get the challenge done, or they might see it as the easiest way to get it done. If they don't like camping (like I and other Killers don't) than they'll find another way to finish the challenge... if this is the ONLY way to do it, than that's different.

    There is no "real way" to finish challenges like that, since that's quite subjective and up to everyone that faces it. That isn't to say i'm encouraging people to tunnel and camp Survivors to get the challenges done... but if that's the only way they TRULY think they'll get it done, than that's what they'll do. If it's the easiest to them, than that's also why they'll do it. If they don't want to do those options at all, than they'll find another way like I do.


    That's why I don't perceive it as toxic, despite it being kind of annoying for the Survivors. I doubt the Killers doing this really want to ruin the Survivors game... it's more so to just finish that challenge.