Buffs to underwhelming surviovor perks

LemeTheMeme Member Posts: 403
edited December 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

Firstly, I'd like to say, if you share any disagreements, let me know so we can discuss them!

I will be making a killer list soon too, so keep on the lookout!


Reduces scratch mark appearances by 3 seconds

Reduces noise made by footsteps by 30%, 40%, 50%

Boil Over:

You obscure the killers ability to see auras of nearby hooks by 16/20/24 metres.

You struggles against the killer are increased by 75%


Just make it affect medkit healing too. Don't know why it doesn't already.

Buckle up:

Remove the 48 metre condition and make map wide.

Show the killer's aura and hides scratch marks for 4/5/6 seconds.

Deja Vu:

The next time you come within a 16 metres of the next 3/4/5 generators, their aura will be revealed to you until they are completed. Once a gen is completed, the aura of the 3 closest spawned generators are highlighted in white for 60 seconds.


Ability to gain tokens from safe hook rescues.

Lucky break:

Your frequency of bleeding are reduced by 60%/80%/100%. Only activated after your first hook. (Maybe even removing the need to be hooked, just thought it needed something to make it less oppressive for killer.)

Mettle of Man:

Just fix how protection hits are granted. Sometimes they don't even grant stacks. Maybe increasing the range too?

No Mither:

Reduce grunts caused by pain by 100%

You leave no pools of blood.

You suffer from the broken status effect for the remainder of the trial.

Increases post trial bloodpoints by 50%/75%/100%.


Add a Gel Dressing to it so it can count as 2 heals.


You leave no scratch marks and gain 3%/4%/5% haste for 10 seconds after a generator is completed.


Get an auditory warning when facing in the direction of killer within 36 metres.

Cooldown 30/25/20 seconds


Sabotage hooks at 50% speed with hands.

Increase sabotage speeds with toolboxes by 50%

(remove the extra added time they stay sabotaged)

Up the Ante:

Rework the luck mechanic, then maybe this would be worth running?


Increase recovery from status effects by 20%/25%/30%

Better Together:

Make it so the gen is highlighted map wide.

Keep the other part them same


For every survivor Injured, gain a 3%/4%/%5% increase in healing speeds

Make aura reading map wide at all tiers.


Reduce the cooldown to 30 seconds in the killer's TR.


Converts 100% of your recovery rate into wiggle progress, up to a maximum of 40%/45%/50%.


Make it affect medkit healing too


Gain 3 tokens. Everytime you blow up a gen, you do not reveal your location to the killer. Reduces noise you generate while repairing by 8 metres.

We're Gonna Live Forever:

Keep the BP token system, but lose a token on an unsafe hook rescue.

After unhooking someone, the person you unhooked gains 5% haste for 10 seconds.

Didn't mention Camaraderie, Sole Survivor, This Is Not Happening because they need complete reworks.

Post edited by LemeTheMeme on
