SWF limit to 2 people?



  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    Comments such as get good aren't helpful nor ones about how swf Comms aren't tactical pros.

    Eg simply saving it's ghostface nullifies any stealth threat of sneaking up on someone who isn't paying attention.

    I play PS4 and you would not believe how many people play swf. BHVR know this and aren't willing to show the community/killer this which is poor, also it is poor how easy it is to rank up as survivor making red ranks have potatoes, I'm semi good but I am in the red ranks as survivor!

    Red rank killers I've played are mainly close proximity campers knowing their friends will try to save them.

    This means unless you are a sweaty 4 man swf you'll be playing with a player who is good but will get hooked slowing gen rushing.

    If killers were offered nonswf or swf we know which they would prefer. I like this idea as the games immersion as a survivor is what I prefer to chatting with swf on comms.

    Then if I were to play swf is expect the game to be balanced so have any solo and killer to be balanced with extra perks.

    At the moment swf on comms makes the game truly unbalanced and not identifying swf teams or mudding the survivors with potatoes is not the solution only trying to hide it

  • Cixon
    Cixon Member Posts: 133

    No. Limiting SWF to 2 would easily kill the game because it's limiting the quantity of friends to play together rather for competitive or for fun.

    Maybe BHVR should add a competitive game-mode that doesn't allow SWF because originally, DBD was suppose to be for fun, not competitive. Ranks are only there to help pair you with players who are at your skill level, that's it. They offer no rewards or anything. Maybe if there were seasonal rewards for grinding higher ranks like how PUBG has their seasonal stuff then I can see your point but no.

    I think the core game should 100% keep SWF no matter the amount of players. I hate to say this but this idea is not very bright.

    Maybe if they added a 2 vs 5 game for DBD so that killers can DUO but aside from that, I doubt any of this would be a thing. BHVR hasn't made a single change to the amount of players allowed in a game and probably never will.