Add Voice Chat Already

I'm a Killer main. There is a massive hole in balancing, and it's all because BHVR refuses to add the same tools for everyone to the game. I don't care if you think "but I don't want to listen to some 12 year old get mad at me all game over voice chat", or "Nobody will use it anyways". Thats the only point of tough luck that should be included when playing as a solo player in a game where you are expected to be a TEAM with 3 other people. I'm tired of getting steamrolled by a 4 man SWF because BHVR only balances the game for solo survivors who play like potatos because they don't have even a morsel of the information that gets tossed around in a 4 man swf game.

Once you give the same tools to all the survivors, then you can balance your game so that Killer is actually a power role, and not have this ridiculous game ruining divide between the solo survivors and the SWF's.


  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726


    almost only ppl that wants it to be added are killer mains that wont have to deal with:

    A) kids that shouldnt play this game (i met 13y.o child with 2k hours)

    B) ppl that dont even speak english xd (if you sometimes check post game chat if youre near certain country, ppl are writting with their letters)

    so you want to give ppl tool that they wont use to have excuse

    btw "I'm tired of getting steamrolled by a 4 man SWF " its not like survivors can say the same "im tired of getting steamrolled by killer with ebony mori or with best possible add ons" and because youre killer main youre not noticing that other side xd

    i play both roles (1400h on survs, 1000h on killers) and i meet much more ebonys and red+purple add ons (or just best possible) as soloQ

    soo how we solve other side of the coin?

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    As much as I agree with this it should probably never happen. While i think bringing solos and groups with comms to a closer power level is most definitely needed. We can't just put comms in the game and buff killers to that level. Its remarkably clear that a huge base of the game would refuse to use the feature. What would end up happening is those people would get absolutely destroyed by stronger killers and probably quit. I don't know the solution. But forcing players to talk to each other will only cause more problems. Hell, even survivors hate each other sometimes

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    That has nothing to do with it. It's a Team game, people who quit because they don't want to play a team game - doesn't matter. Right now we have a problem that survivors are starting to be able to solo killers in a game where it should take 4 survivors to take on 1 killer. Then with the added the SWF straight up decimates any killer, and treats them poorly during game and post game because they get an entitled mindset through their handicap that BVHR allows them to have.

    So even the playing field, and watch as this game suddenly starts to actually get more balanced.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Im not disagreeing with you. But, i posted a thread on how to make people realize its a team game and not a solo experience, and half the thread told me it's not even designed to be a team game but 4 people working towards a common goal. Even peanits said it wasn't a team game.

    I personally don't agree but how do you argue with a dev about their own game?

    Again i absolutely agree with you. Voice chat should be made standard. Survival points should be based off teamwork. But it's not. Its a solo game. So survivors should be able to 1v1 a killer anytime and anywhere.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632
    edited December 2019

    Cool then remove survive with friends. Like I don't want to go into that mindset that SWF should be removed, but if even the dev's themselves don't want to have killer be playable - then it's what's its going to need, because even as we discuss in this thread - Killers are quitting the game each and every game going against these people. Myself am going to take a break from the game until my friends join me and then i'm just going to play survivor till the game is fixed. I'm not the only one, because as a rank 1 survivor I seen - for myself. 4 Killers I faced yesterday, say they were quitting the game because the unbalance is ridiculous and i'm not even playing SWF.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    I pretty much switched to survivor as it's less stressful. I don't know how to fix the game tbh. I don't envy the developers.

    Maybe a 2v6 or 2v8 base game would help. I don't know

  • Megatome
    Megatome Member Posts: 34

    a correction: add proximity-based voice chat already because that would be way, way, way cooler.