Why is nobody talking about nurse anymore?

She went from being hated by survivors and loved by killers to just being hated all around. You cant play her anymore with that cooldown on high rank, I mean you barely could before the cooldown nerf because survivors at rank 4 and below know how to break line of sight but now its just impossible to ever catch someone.

Nurse was a guess game from the start, as soon as someone breaks line of sight all the nurse can do is guess whereas survivors with their superior third person vision can see you around corners. There was no reason to give her power a cooldown, absolutely none. Look at her stats now, she went from being the most liked killer to the least liked one. I feel like my sister was abused bruh....



  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    whats there to talk about they aren't changing her again probably in like another 2 or 3 years maybe

  • Roses
    Roses Member Posts: 21

    Pre-rework, I played Nurse and the Huntress as my mains. She was hard, very hard. If I didn't pay her for even a short period of time, I got ran around in circles by survivors, not to mention if I ran out of the add-ons that I usually used I wouldn't be able to properly gauge her blink range. She was incredibly strong with those in the highest of killer ranks and oppressive against those who were lower ranked when a good nurse went against them. But she could also be just as easily looped and dodged by experienced survivors.

    After the rework, what used to be a quick and sudden appearances across maps and sudden drops on unsuspecting survivors became a slow slog across maps with reduced blinks, lowered range, slow blink rebuild, nurses normally slowest killer speed, etc. She is basically stuck with a single blink per engagement because if you are chasing a survivor, you wont have the time to wait for the second blink recharge before you blink to try and catch the survivor you're chasing. If you miss, you're stuck slowly walking in their dust, even if you hit, if it's you're first one, you're stuck in the same. Ironically, after the rework, her best add-on removes half of her blinking ability just to make her walk a little quicker, no power = more viable. Her play is no longer fun, it's just slow and grueling, a slog like no other.

    The reason nobody talks about her is because everybody knows how DBD development works. If a killer gets any big change or rework, they aren't going to touch that killer again for a long time, even if the community doesn't like the changes made. So there's no reason to wait our time I guess?

    Best scenario for changes, I would say that I want to see either an add-on revert while keeping the recharge or a recharge revert while keeping the new add-ons. In reality, I would like to see a change where the recharge of her blink is for any and all blinks the Nurse has rather then just on blink at a time, or allow extra blinks to recharge while a blink is being used so the Nurse has a little more dynamism.

  • ZFennecFox
    ZFennecFox Member Posts: 510

    I'll be honest she wasn't my favorite Killer more like a close 3rd so the change didn't really make me want to grab pitchforks and want to raid behavior. But I will defend that having a Killer that can remove the infinite loops, supposed mind games, is a necessary evil. The way I saw it grinding her for all the Perks was survivors are predictable.

  • Roses
    Roses Member Posts: 21

    I played Nurse as a duel killer main with Huntress before her rework (I also play a ton of survivor btw). Before her rework, she was the strongest killer. Easily oppressive with the highest tier of killers, top of the top in the higher ranks but quickly becomes weak and loopable by average survivors against even decent Nurses because of her strong reliance on muscle memory and guessing.

    Pre-rework. She was the physically slowest killer, the slowest walking speed of all killers that could be outran by survivors because of her ability to blink across the map in no time, pop up on survivors on gens, surprise engage unsuspecting survivors, quickly get in first hits and, if the survivor wasn't much better then said Nurse, she could quickly close the chase as well. Her greatest downside was basically all on the person playing her and the occasional great play by the survivor.

    Post-rework. She is still the slowest killer of them all and is still easily out-ran by survivors. But her ability to blink has been gutted, add-ons which gave her more blinks and those which extended their range are now gone (accept the one pink add-on which makes her blink incredibly restrictive). The frequency of her blinks has also been gutted, the recharge rate on her blinks has not only slowed down her blink rate, but the stalling and cancelling of their recharge cuts blinks down even further. She can no longer quickly jump across maps, she can no longer multi-blink in chases, her blinks are short, she walks instead of chases, and you spend equal times blinking as you do with a blackened screen facing the ground. All in all, Nurse is a slog to play now. Slow and undynamic. Her greatest downside is no longer the mistakes of the player, but the duel punishment and restriction on using her only asset - her blink. Survivors now have a much easier time avoiding her, escaping her, surviving her - which is very good and is successful because it meets the goal of the rework. But it came at the cost of enjoying the majority of her play and her own ability. It's telling that the second of her pink add-ons gives her the ability to walk faster because it's the only way to get her to move at a faster pace then a crawl.

    Why don't people talk about her rework? It's not worth it, basically. We all know that DBD reworks come with radio silence in regards to reverts, even if the player base thinks it's unsuccessful which I would say this rework is. Some people do like the changes and they are welcome to liking them, but I just know that I don't, and because of that I now main Ghostface instead.

    So, Fixes, ideas for changing. I'm happy with changing old Nurse, she definitely needed a tune up. I think the problem with the rework was that it was too devastating to her play. I would prefer that they either revert the add-on changes and keep the recharge idea or revert the recharge and keep the add-on changes. If they keep the recharge (which I personally prefer they revert away) I would want them to make it so that secondary and tertiary blinks could recharge while using other blinks and would not have their recharge cancel when using a blink. Ideally, I would just want them to keep the add-on revert and if they felt that it wasn't enough, have them slightly extend her fatigue time rather then add two punishment/ restrictions on top of using her ability.

    That's me tho, much love

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    Maybe on PC that's true but not on the Xbox. She's borderline unplayable. She already looks at the ground during fatigue and she's already slow as hell. Then survivors complained that she got in the way of their "fun" because they couldn't handle her so now she gets a cooldown to further hold survivors' hands and walk them to the exit gates.

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    I don't know any personally because I'm exclusively killer main. But she was still playable and was at least some kind of threat and an option to have if you put the time into her. I'm surprised that the devs didn't "adjust" her basekit so she got slower with every hit and added a stun effect whenever you grabbed a survivor. But nerfs to strong killers overall is par for the course anyway.

  • Helevetin_nopee
    Helevetin_nopee Member Posts: 408

    You can still play her, and shes still the strongest killer in the game in the hands of a good player...

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    I went against my first last nigh. As in, the first this month. I had two matches last month against her. Last nights, though. . .yesh. Legacy skin Nurse, and she only managed one kill, because they dude was rank 20 with one perk. It was pretty bad.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    No no, the David was rank 20 with one perk. I'm guessing one of their first games ever. Only kill that the Nurse was able to get. That Nurse had the works. BBQ, Nurses, PoP, Sloppy. No addons, and a bp offering.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737
    edited December 2019

    Nobody talks about her because it's just not worth the hassle. The devs don't give a ######### and survivors are, in turns, happily taking a dump on her grave and prancing around it.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Skrill0x
    Skrill0x Member Posts: 50

    the fact that you listed these 3 as "good killers" tells me so much about you its unreal. I am at rank 1, I was a nurse main, take it from me she is not good and the nerf to her base kit was completely unjustified. I`m guessing you dont get to rank 1 with survivor here in europe because if you did you would know how easily you could juke a nurse. It doesnt matter how good the nurse is if you break line of sight the nurse has to guess.

  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Member Posts: 608

    The nerf wouldn't be so bad if her add ons were more meaningful. Only one or two is really significant. With that being said there's still plenty of good nurse players.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Why is nobody talking about Nurse anymore? Easy answer

    Those who were not good with the nurse stopped playing her and play now different killers. Those who are actually good with her, still play her and still own everyone.

    And for survivors. Because of that, you dont get a nurse very often anymore. Geting rect by a nurse every once in like 20 games is no big deal.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    @Skrill0x Those killer players who dont play Nurse anymore are those who only like easy to handle characters with overwhelming power. If they´ll get hard to handle (like Nurse) they´ll stop playing her. but that doesnt concludes into being he nerfs unnecessary. Also Nurse was the utmost best killer in redranks before, so dont tell lies.

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    Nurse should never have been introduced into the game.

    The nurse was ALWAYS a broken killer. FULL-STOP.

    If the devs can't delete the nurse then nerfing is the next best thing.

    People need to build a bridge at this point.

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    Funny, before dedicated servers came up the ratio of survivors/killers was 2/1, sometimes up to 3 but never the inverse. You have more killers waiting for games then survivors, so it's probably good if there is less killers.

    And yes, I get that anecdotal point about how YOU as a killer ALWAYS gets insta games and while this means a lot to you, it doesn't really mean anything.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    She died on the behavior operating table...

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Many survivors could loop even good to god level Nurse's if they put the time into learning how too. It required playing different which a lot of people hated. Yes I could do it and I was not a minority or the only person capable of doing this.

    Nurse was balanced without addons. She really needed a rework for her addons alone. Now she's one of the worst killers in the game as pointed out by a Dev.

    Imagine that people enjoyed Nurse on both sides was the only real challenge anymore. Now anyone who plays with or against just finds the current Nurse a joke and unfun to play against.

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    She's dead and the pride of people that played her is now buried under the ground.

    For the rest of us, that know she's been broken SINCE RELEASE, have party streamer offerings.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    Here is the best answer in this thread. Thread closed.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600

    Maybe we should try this: "Nurse is really UNFUN to PLAY AGAINST after her rework. She's too slow because of her cooldown and now Nurse players are camping. This is UNFUN as a survivor."

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    Nurse has been broken since release. FULL STOP. It should never have been introduced as a killer.

    Also, this 'god' tier juking by survivors you mention didn't happen, you wanna know how I know? BECAUSE SHE WAS NERFED.

  • Skrill0x
    Skrill0x Member Posts: 50

    sounds like a solid rank 20 opinion you got there bud, if I dont want to play her anymore I was bad? Its not like survivors could juke me, so if i was bad i wasnt the problem right? So why make nurse even worse for people who are bad? Isnt the goal.of the game to be balanced around casual play? Didnt the stats show that nurse is now garbage on all ranks? I am curious how often have you and your 4man swf lost to a nurse since rework?

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    edited December 2019

    Its not an opinion, its a fact. Or do you see many nurses porting around anymore? You mainly do what you do in what you are good. And talking about fun: Its not fun to loose hardcore and to ######### up all the time the blinks that you have hit with your old addons. Prove me wrong, but the lack of nurse is telling a different story then yours. I played her aswell, and i think she is plays a bit slow, but mainly i stoped playing her because i dont wanna spend to much time into practicing her to actually get good. And so is probably 90% of the base thinking, especially when you read salty post chat in DBD which only revolves mainly around "getting outplayed".

    And my non excisting 4 man Team is almost never running into nurses anymore. Funny that you talk about ballancing and stuff when i have not even mentioned anything, all i said is that hard truth:

    Most old Nurse players suck now with her and so they gave her up

    Some really good Nurse stick with her

    Survivor dont care because as seen above, there are not many nurse players left.

    What of that is not understandable for you?

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,414

    Yeah, she was. Then they removed one of her blinks and made her slower than a survivor. Going back to the steam forums during this time period would show your types telling others, Nurse is now balanced and to git gud. Well they did. Then survivors wanted more changes and they got it.

    If Nurse somehow makes a come back and the players overcome the road blocks the Devs placed on her. Then the screams of nerf will return again.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    People don't play her anymore so there is no reason to complain about her.

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    Look if you want to argue it was a fun killer for survivors to play against sometimes.


    You wan't to argue that at some point nurse was 'fixed'?

    lol no

    Nurse has been broken since release.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Nurse is fine. She isn't being talked about because the changes were big, and if there's one thing human beings can't stand...

    She is still the best killer in the game, she's just not an easy one to pick up and learn anymore and that's fine. You're punished for not knowing how to blink properly as well as incorrectly reading survivor movements and I like that. It's your fault that you didn't make the right play (unless your blinks bug out, making it impossible to blink twice for the rest of the match it's my favourite bug) and the cooldown is fine considering she still has the most powerful ability in the game.

  • Skrill0x
    Skrill0x Member Posts: 50

    you know it says a lot about someone who is disguising their opinion as fact. You want to hear some facts? Nurse used to be the killer with the highest win rate in rank 1 now she is the one with the lowest, moreover her pick rate has gone down to 3 worst. Those are F A C T S.

    You wanna know whats not a fact? Saying that just because i dont like the nerfed version of a killer i wasnt good with her to begin with. Such a cheap Argument to make like " You dont like the nerfed version? You must have sucked anyway". What if I told you that the reason nurse got nerfed in the first place is because rank 4 and above survivors were too damn stupid to cut line of sight meaning they sucked? Hell 99% of the player base sucks by that metric. And you want to make a killer viable only for 1% of dedicated no life players? Where is the fun in that?

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    She's fine now.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,414

    not an easy one to pick up and learn anymore

    She was before?

    blinks bug out, making it impossible to blink twice

    My favorite one too. Didn't last all match though, just about a minute.