Legion is useless now. Change my mind

I play legion with BBQ&Chilli,Hex:Ruin,NOED,Brutal Strength
And every game i always end up with a 0k game.
Buff legion again, make legion great again!
There is nothing useless about Julie.
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The whole concept of legion was trash so they cant change him pretty much. One small mistake will break the killer.
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Which is what they have done. They broke the Killer
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Useless but annoying af lol and no legion is not going to get any buffs, he is the only killer in the game that can't be stopped by windows or pallets so it wouldn't be fair if he was as strong as he used to be when he was just released.
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I won't change your mind, Legion IS useless.
However your build is pretty damn awful my dude ngl.
NOED is useless and not only hinders you it promotes a bad play style and prevents you from getting better at the game. BBQ is probably the worst aura reading perk and I would change it for Nurse's, but if you're running it for the BP i guess it's okay. And Brutal Strength is terrible on 80% of builds, a good perk combo for Legion (and most killers actually) would be Nemesis + PWYF since the extra speed is very helpful to increase your map pressure. I'm All Ears is another very underrated perk (and a bit situational too) but it can be useful with Legion in certain maps.
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Ah yeah thanks mate, i only use BBQ for the 100% bonus stackable bp it gives.
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Well first off, Brutal Strength and NOED are bad on Legion imo. Try Enduring + Spirit Fury. Or use Pop Goes The Weasel.
Also, Legion is very add-on reliant, so you need to be using good stuff like Cold Dirt and Stolen Sketch Book. Yellow and brown add-ons are not enough on this killer, but the rarer add-ons are enough to be viable.
I still want a Legion buff though.
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One of bottom tier killers who drink experienced survivors piss.
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You're pretty bad at playing killer.
Change my mind.
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They are not as bad as people think atm. Try M&A and Nemesis+PWYF on them, it's pretty good.
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Legion is by far the weakest killer in the game, you might as well play any other 115% movement killer that has a power that can actually help in some way. The power of legion remains useless.
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Legion is no where near the weakest killer in the game, they are a lot better then people give them credit
I mean isn't Legion already just a better Plague? They can injure people faster and don't give them an instant heal at the end of the game
You can deffinitivly do well with them in rank 1, sure that 1 game against the optimal swf with coms are going to be insanly hard but against normal survivors you can win if you're good enough
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I can't change your mind, because I agree.
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Plague has better tracking, cancel all tracking and stealth perks and when survivors cleanse, she becomes a Huntress on crack. She's far better than Legion.
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If you are seriously saying that survivors vomiting is a beter tracking tool then killer instinct that litterly shows you where survivors are then you clearly haven't played Legion enough to reach a solid conclusion on your own
And it doesn't matter that Plague becomes an unstoppable monster when survivors cleanse if they never cleanse
She is an tall m1 killer that leaves everyone wounded and louder and that's about it
Legion is an m1 killer that either leaves everyone wounded or makes them waste tons of time healing, can pressure multiple survivors and straight up know where survivors are and is short so mindgames are easier with them
I thought they were bad too first, i still played with them, i watch others play with them, and i reached the conclussion that they are far from bad
I don't like putting killers in a tierlist but if i had to Legion wouldn't even be bottom 5 probably
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I think you don't understand what Legion's power is for. Maybe they are not the right killer for you.
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There is no reason to play legion, unless you just really like them. Virtually any killer can be used more effectively than legion.
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omg, youre god pallet to pallet runner №9124809. Teach me your tricks.
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Wdym I always get 3 or 4k on all my matches at red ranks, plus double pips very frequent.
And check the graphic where it says that it's perfectly fine killing, over other killers
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Legion isn't THAT bad. And you do need better perks for them, and some practice. Monitor and Abuse is actually fantastic for the Legion, as it helps you get into a chase at a shorter range, then stab them easier. And with a larger Terror Radius in a chase, you get more Killer's Instinct.
Or you just play them differently in general. Frenzy, stab, immediately de-frenzy. Chase as normal.
And according to statistics, Clown is actually the weakest killer in the game.
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Legion wasn't really strong on release either it's just people abused how chases worked
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Yes, it is a better tracking tool than Legion when Legion tracking tool is useless if survivors split up. Why did you mention the fountains which instant heal survivors if then you say that survivors never cleanse, which pretty much made your first argument useless ? I like when survivors don't cleanse, they are very easy to down when using the PWYF + Nemesis combo, which is stronger on Plague than on Legion because Plague doesn't lose PWYF stacks when damaging survivors with Vile Purge. Also, Plague's add-ons are just so much better than Legion's add-ons.
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I won't lie, you're playing him very wrong. You need to switch up all of those perks, brutal strength is garbo get rid of they, Noed is 3 perks all game till the end, Bbq isn't necessary on Legion as his power gives you a lot of information. Run Ruin, Pop, Thana, and (Bloodecho, Bamboozle, or M&A). You will never win as Legion if you don't spread out the pain and make full use of your slowdown potential. Legion is weak but your build and probably playstyle is wrong on him, you can't play him like other killers
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A lot of people don't really play Legion correctly. Yes legion is a lower tier killer for sure, but with the right perks and add-ons you can 100% get a 4k.
Personally my favorite lineup is to run thanatophobia, pop goes the weisel, sloppy butcher, and nurses. Take the pink add-on that allows you to vault over and break pallets, and decreased CD duration or the green one that increases frenzy duration. One benefit to Legion is he/she is amazing at wasting survivors time. Having to mend and heal all the time plus longer heals with sloppy is really advantageous.
You're also going to play him differently. Don't chase survivors, use frenzy to hit first one and go find others. Keep them off gens. Surprise attack and run away. Nurses will allow you to find injured survivors much easier. Survivors won't be able to go in for riskier unhooks or at least they'll be scared too cause EVERYONE is injured. Play Legion like you would play ghostface or wraith and I guarantee you'll be farrr more successful, it's worked well for me
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I play this exact build. And have never had any issues. Practice makes perfect js.
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Literally every post of yours is negative. Lighten up champ.
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Exactly, that's why he was strong and annoying lol
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Sounds like you're just bad at Legion if you keep getting 0ks. I'm at red ranks and I do fine as them, rarely getting 0k
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Getting rid of Legion's stabs lowering the mend bar was a mistake in my mind. They should just give him a silent huntress-esk radius that just effects the mend bar so that terror radius lowering builds and the oblivious status no longer break the ability. My thoughts tho
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You cant always expect 4k with Legion. Experienced survivors wil spread or wait near pallets to end FF and force 4s stun. Also, DH is popular. After you will injure them, dodging FF will be fun. They will feed you 4s stuns all day long.
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What add-ons do you use? Also drop Brutal and noed for like.. anything else. Thanat for sure. Legion is honestly sleeper if you ask me. Either people don't heal and are easy targets or people waste a ton of time healing. Win win. King of slowdown. Add pop and nothing getting done all game.
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Legion is better than you guys think you just dont play them right
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His power reveals survivors close to him and then gives him free hits. Put on slow down perks like sloppy and you've got injured survs with only 1 hit needed for most of the game. I've gone up against plenty of good red rank legions. Hes not amazing but he can definately be effective in the right hands.
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In what UNIVERSE is BBQ the worst aura reading perk in the game? It's the best aura reading perk in the game for killers. Do I actually need to explain this?
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You're delusional if you think the aura reading perk with the most counters is the most useful. Lockers, being inside the 40m range, faking your direction, being behind a gen, Distorsion...
90% of killers run it because of Bloodpoints and if you legit think it's the best then there's no explaining needed, you just need to rank up and play for a bit.
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Well than you should know that ff + sloppy doesn't work anymore, ff hits are not normal hit and it also does not give stbfl stacks. If he doesn't hit he will be stunned btw. His power only reveals close by people after hitting someone and he doesn't know how much distance there is between him and the person.
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Maybe I’m just getting lucky but I’m double pipping, 4king and getting 30k+ points nearly every game I play as legion...at rank 1.
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Laughs in rank 1 legion
Laughs in gets 4ks almost every time
Learn legions playstyle
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Your "build", though I hesitate to call it a build, is trash tier.
Noed is not good on him
Brutal strength is okayyyyy, but a waste of a perk slot pretty much.
I'm guessing that if you're running brutal strength, you're losing at loops. You need to get better at mind games.
Legion is a pure m1 killer. If you struggle with the loops, you're gonna have a bad time.
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Dont run nurses, anyone who says to use nurses on legion is either lying or bad.
Good groups dont heal.
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Sorry but that isn't the Legion being a bad killer just the person playing them.
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I run Thanatophobia and Blood Echo on Legion. Don't want to heal ? Enjoy the small but constant action penalty and recuring exhaustion. And if you do heal you give me more time and enable my Feral Frenzy pressure. The trick is to make the survivors constantly unsure if they should heal or not. When they hesitate they tend to waste even more time.
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Rank 1 is full of potatoes these days, too easy to rank up.
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Legion is definetly not useless, but he needs some strategic thinking to use the power at its best, even in the perks of choices which should sinergize with Feral Frenzy.
On an additional note, as someone who played against Legion after the changes I'd say that mend has been buffed. It's shorter, sure, but while before you could chill in the terror radius and do gens, totems etc now you are really pressured to run or mend.
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legion definitely has the weakest set of add ons holy crap most are bad
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Survivors very rarelly split up that much, i never has trouble finding them with killer instinct, especially after the speedbuffs
Also note i said a free heal at the end of the game, where running to get your power means they get away
You are right that the PWYF and nemesis work a lot better with her and that Legions addons are pretty bad
This is why i don't like putting killers in a list, it's all opinions anyway
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I think Legion isn't that bad, but they're still a low tier Killer.
Once you stab every Survivor with Feral Frenzy, you're just an M1 Killer without a power, if you don't want some tracking of course and then Decisive Strike yourself at the end of your Feral Frenzy every time you use it and Survivors don't even have to be in your Terror Radius so you wasted a hit on somebody that you could maybe down.
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Try discord, pgtw, BBQ (if you wish) and Thana and tell me how it goes. I have fun playing legion and usually 3k
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Did you noticed we can't down while on frenzy plus we have a nice stun when it finish. Sorry mate in that aspect is balanced.