Ideas for new survivors' objectives (and Ruin rework)

Nickdela9812 Member Posts: 45
edited August 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions


So here's the problem:
It's not unknown that the time to complete generators is extremely short and thus (especially at high ranks) games could last around 5 minutes, since survivors there know how to play. It's not uncommon that without Ruin by the time you find and hook the first guy, 2 gens are already done most of the times (unless survivors are potatoes or they just wanna troll) and at this point what does the killer (fairly) do? He camps and tunnels the first unlucky one: 3 survivors and 3-5 gens are manageable, not 4 survivors unfortunately. Ofc solving the so called "gen-rushing" problem wouldn't completely delete camping (and frankly, you can't, either that one decides to camp because thinks it's effective, or because he's a dick, if a guy wanna camp, unfortunately, he's gonna do it) but at least it would decrease the numbers of tunnelers and campers.
I think we can all agree that Ruin nowadays is pretty much what Iron Grasp and Brutal Strength used to be in the 2016-2017 age: necessities you can't win without. It's not me who says so, stats say so: there's a reason why 9/10 killers run it, let's just face it, are we killers all noobs and we need an extremely weak and RNG totem based perk for no reason? I don't think so.

So here's how in my opinion you could prolong the game time:

  1. By adding new mandatory objectives alongside gens in order to open doors and escape (i'll go deeper into this, i think it's the best solution too)
  2. By prolonging gens' time by a lot (Boring, i'll admit, but still, it could work)
  3. By adding more gens (in my opinion from 5 to 7)

I personally think the third one could work as well but it's still kinda boring, i'll admit, so what are these new objectives i've got in mind:

What could work out i think are not new stuff around the map to complete, like gens, but something to find, bring to the gens, and use in order to start working on gens. Here's what i thought:

  • The new mandatory items to find to complete gens are gonna be fuel tanks (For a total of 10 fuel tanks spread around the map)
  • Every gen needs 2 tanks to be worked on and completed (the gens i think should still remain 5)
  • Tanks can spawn everywhere on the map, thx to RNJesus they could even spawn in front of survivors, but to avoid them being useless like totems today are (to go off-topic, they need a rework, really) and to also avoid this part to be way too fast to complete, i think there should only stay 4 tanks on the map at the same time (to explain better: the game starts, there are for instance, 4 tanks around the map, then a survivor uses one on a gen: 1/10 has been used, 3 on the map left, but another one appears, another one gets used: 2/10 used, 3 left, and another one spawns, and so it goes on until it reaches 10. So for example, we have at this point of the previous example: 2 already used on gens - 4 still on map - 4 still to spawn, then another one will spawn after one gets used, and we'll have: 3 used - 4 on map - 3 still to spawn) This way i think this phase will last the right time, and it also compensates to the problem of stupid spawn (potentially, there could be spawns in a survivor's way while he gets chased or just runs as well, still, it doesn't matter that much if a spawn is bad, since there are 10 tanks to find and use)
  • Tanks need to be found, taken (you don't need to let down your item, you can switch between them, and franklin's demise i think it shouldn't work on them as well) brought to gens, and then you'll need to insert the fuel inside the gen (you can't interact with the gen before) as i said, 2 tanks per gen, i think there should be added an indicator on every gen (like a greenlight, idk) to indicate how much fuel has been inserted and how much missing for the gen to be worked on: and once a gen gets filled with a tank, that gen's aura gets shown to all survivors, so it's easier to get that specific gen ready.
  • The process of filling the gen with fuel should take like 20-25 seconds per tank (so in total, for 2 tanks per gen, a total of 40-50 seconds for every gen) So yes, it's like just adding times to gen, but not just that: you need to find the tanks, don't get caught to not lose time, got to the gen, and fill for a short period of time (like 20 seconds) and the filling process doesn't have skill checks. Moral: It shouldn't be boring and as survivor you should have a lot to do.
  • Now, what are the interactions the killer will have with this? Well, i thought that the killer will know the position of what will be all the 10 spawn points since the start of the game (like gen's auras) but he doesn't know where a specific spawn point gets used, or when a tank gets used or picked up, he will know, though, through a notification, when a tank gets completely used on a gen (an audio alert) and hence a notification when a tank spawns, but not where it spawns, just that, he doesn't have much info about the status of the process besides just him going to check every gen status. I think he shouldn't know much because it's supposed to be a long process. If a killer interruptes the filling process, it gets resetted, and if he is chasing a survivor bringing a tank, the survivor can decide to still bring it in chase, or just drop it with a button, to be picked up by a mate.
  • Ofc gens are not connected to each other, so survivors are not gonna need to fully spill all the fuel on all the 5 gens to start working on them. Gens are indipendent, if you fully fill one, you can work on that one, but the other ones needs the fuel, and so it goes on...
  • Maybe you could add some buffs to survivors when the first guy dies, to help them, like adding tanks' aura or speeding up all trhe processes, since as i said, the "gen-rushing" is not that big of a deal with 3 survivors left unless there are just 2 ore less gens left in my opinion.

As consequence, camping and tunneling could be even stronger with a longer game, so in spite of me being a killer main, i'm perfectly ok with a game longer and as consequence nerfed in camping and tunneling mechanincs. So, maybe you could add time on the hook based on how close the killer is (without adding it if survivors are close to the hook as well) or add more pallets if the game time gets prolonged properly to last longer and to give the killer the right time to do pretty much everything. But these are just suggestions of possible small killer nerfs if the game gets prolonged. I'm of the idea that the game time is a problem even more than what SWF is right now. Fix the game time, and the game is almost balanced for me, thus i could even be ok with killer nerfs against camping, tunneling and slugging if the game gets prolonged this much. I'm a DBD lover before of a killer main, i want balance, not a one sided game, no matter which side.

And also, who knows how the meta could shift with a change like many new perks could come, both for survivors and killers to help them manage the fuel mechanic, to make it faster, or slower anyhow.

One last thing, ofc Ruin will need to get nerfed just like Iron Grasp and Brutal Strength have been nerfed. I would personally nerf it by making it not a hex anymore, but chaning it just in a perk to maybe add difficult skill checks in the filling process (like the DS one) or maybe once a gen is ready to be fixed, add the current Ruin skillchecks for the first 20 seconds of the gen or something like that) and as consequence, to avoid the gen tapping problem, fix it by making the possibility of a skill check to appear instantly, as soon as a gen gets touched.

My fingers hurt at this point XD Just tell me what you think in the comments

****TL,DR:**** Currently Ruin is a must, and a perk to be a must in videogame, in order to win, means that's something wrong with that game if you really can't win without it, something needs to change. I think adding more objectives could do the trick, so maybe by adding fuel on gens? Fuel that needs to be found around the map and brought to gens. I personally think fixing the game time will fix most of the game balance problems, i'd even be ok with some killer nerfs after a change like this despite me being a killer main. I also think the process of filling gens should be speeded up once the first guy dies, and even more when 2 survivors are left, and for last, Ruin nerfed just like Iron Grasp and Brutal Strength got nerfed back in their days. You better read the whole post for more details, trust me.

Post edited by Nickdela9812 on


  • Iceman
    Iceman Member Posts: 1,457
    To start off yes this was a long topic, I would suggest if you can shorten it and get to the point you can get more response from other players with out them getting discouraged by having to read.  

    Any who I like the idea but I think there should only be four generator that need to be filled and 3 already good to start on. This way as a survivor I still can get a gen done without having to spend the whole time looking for fuel to do every single gen. 

    Also even if survivors decide to do the first three gens first the killer still have chance of securing a kill because the last four gens need fuel. So yes it will still slow the games down.

    I was thinking to maybe put locks on exit gates and having to go through difficult skill checks before you can open the gate. 
  • Nickdela9812
    Nickdela9812 Member Posts: 45

    @Iceman said:
    To start off yes this was a long topic, I would suggest if you can shorten it and get to the point you can get more response from other players with out them getting discouraged by having to read.  

    Any who I like the idea but I think there should only be four generator that need to be filled and 3 already good to start on. This way as a survivor I still can get a gen done without having to spend the whole time looking for fuel to do every single gen. 

    Also even if survivors decide to do the first three gens first the killer still have chance of securing a kill because the last four gens need fuel. So yes it will still slow the games down.

    I was thinking to maybe put locks on exit gates and having to go through difficult skill checks before you can open the gate. 

    The fuel mechanic can be discussed but i like that you partially agree wih me, even though i think maybe 3 to start on and just 4 in total are a bit too short, it still depends a little bit on RNG if you find fuel or not, and 40 seconds to complete a gen with 2 people on the same gen without having something else to do first i still think is kinda unbalanced. Maybe it would get to a point where a last gen is missing and 3 are close by, something survivors hate (Doctor kinda taking the game hostage like) But anyway, it would be cool to see a change like these, regardless what are the secondary objectives on a PTB

    Anyway i put a TLDR, which explains pretty much the idea, if someone wants to go deeper, can read the rest, it's a long and difficult topic, and i can't do much to remove the laziness from people.