No one escapes death. What is your opinion?



  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928
    edited January 2020

    I don't think some killers realize how noed can be helpful just by existing even if you aren't running that perk. Yeah, cleansing all the totems doesn't take much time, but at least they are wasting some time looking for totems and cleansing them instead of just doing gens because they can get paranoid about it. The truth is it's hard to tell how much impact noed had in your game even if you didn't run it.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    No it's entirely true. Every single game I've had against a NOED killer in the past 6 months has been a bad killer that chases one person all game (not tunneling just refusing to give up a chase).

    And yes killers can apply pressure. It's called spreading the damage. Hit and run. Injure survivors can catch them out of position. I do it. I see good killers do it. If you really think you can't apply pressure to the entire group then you must not be a very good killer.

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    It is a crutch perk for killers. Ultimately if you rely on this perk to get kills, then it will prevent you from ever getting better at the role. But if you are using it because you use nothing to slow down the game then I don't see it as a major crutch, just a minor one (before people yell at me, yes I do believe survivors have crutches too). I particularly dislike it when playing survivor if it is on a one hit down killer such as Billy or Michael. The fact that people feel the need to use an insta-down perk on a killer that can already insta-down is kinda sad and I wish we could teach people how to use the power better so they no longer feel the need to run this perk on one hit down killers. But ultimately, each player paid their money for the game and they can play it how they see fit as long as they aren't cheating

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Same my thoughts exactly. I'll reward a good killer with GG, but regardless of how good they are if they run NoeD I wont tell them.

  • Quiet_Observer
    Quiet_Observer Member Posts: 68

    Annoying crutch perk that rewards killers for failing their objective, get rid of the speed then I'll be fine with it, just annoying and stupid to see a killer play badly make wrong descions they get rewarded with a 4k

  • Sylorknag
    Sylorknag Member Posts: 760

    As a killer I never use it.

    And as a survivor I really hate it, thus I bring small game almost every single game.

    Do I find it unbalanced? No.

    Jesus, you can completely disabled it before it even goes online.

    What boggles my mind, is that it works as a second objective, yet survivors refuse to do bones, then come complain on the forums how a perk that be completely disabled is OP.

    Go figure.

  • michaelmyers87
    michaelmyers87 Member Posts: 458

    When I first tried to get to rank one with killer using only michael I didn’t use noed. I would get to red ranks. But getting to rank one was impossible.

    i ended up saying ######### it. You guys wanna get to end game so fast? I’m gonna camp and run NOED.

    i started to absolutely destroy red rank SWF crews. I actually preferred playing them because they are overly altruistic.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    IMO, I am a pretty good killer, but that's really not up to me to say. 130 hours in, Rank 7 right now, playing as GF, Nurse, Hag, Plag, and Wraith, so not really "main" kind of killer. I usually run Ruin, Pop, I'm all ears, and either franklins, NOED, or nurses calling. I frequently get 2-4ks against ranks 1-8 survivors. NOED is insurance. I just played a match as wraith on Ormond and I didn't run NOED. I had everyone on death hook, one kill 23K bloodpoints and got an entity displeased. Had I been running NOED, probably would have pipped.

    Even really good killers like Tru3 and Monto can get stuck with 3 man escapes.

    Like dead hard? Oh crap, the killer won a mindgame at a window, better press the easy button. Whoops, I got greedy at a loop, where's that easy button again? DS? Oh man, the killer got me right at the end game, oh wait, I have a free escape button.

    I don't do that and I run NOED a good bit.

    Again, it's cheap insurance vs gen rush, BT and others.

  • Chunkyymunky
    Chunkyymunky Member Posts: 6

    My opinion is survivors can just break the totems if they're that concerned about no Ed , the look on trappers face when the last gen pops and his no Ed doesn't activate is way better than a meg flicking her flashlight all game and then rage dcing when she realises she's not that good and goes down 😁

  • Undeadbear13
    Undeadbear13 Member Posts: 33

    A perk solution to a perk problem in a game centered around using perks as abilities. Sounds fine to me.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited January 2020

    Those that can't properly apply pressure or catch a survivor because of easily being mind-gamed need this.

    That's my opinion on it.

  • MiktheSpik
    MiktheSpik Member Posts: 75

    I want to make my opinion very clear. I think as a survivor main its kind of cheesy like insidious but i dont necessarily think it shoupd be frowned upon. More just because hexes train you to play around them and demote patroling generators (which killers bítch 24/7 about despite making triple extra sure to spend five minutes sitting on to make sure no ones hiding to cleanse as soon as they leave) which promotes a very unproductive gameplay. If you bring a hex you need to accept it might get insta cleansed. And I firmly KNOW killers bring hexes, have them cleansed, then cry. Dont bring the hex or do but dont be pissed cause you cant have perma devour hope and ruin (yes i cant beleive that actually comes out of a persons mouth seriously too)

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    Do bones instead of AFKing on gens.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Yes, it's balanced, but it's an incredibly annoying and unfun perk.

    There's no warning and on certain maps, some totems are near impossible to find without using specific perks.

    Some killers it's understandable on, but still BS, and when you combine it with mobility killers (Nurse, Hillbilly, Spirit) or on an Exposure based Myers, then I want to make Decisive Strike lethal to the killer.

    My general philosophy is also "If I can't kill them in normal gameplay, why do I deserve to cheese them in the endgame?"

  • kid187em
    kid187em Member Posts: 102

    Right, but dead hard and adrenaline are for the best survivors that play great every game. Not at all survivor bias at all I'm sure. Noed punishes bad survivors for not doing the bones, how about that?

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    So many ppl call it a crutch... and many others have said they don't use it (I don't use it as well)

    but IF it's a crutch then so is adrenaline imo

    It's a perk use it if you want

  • kid187em
    kid187em Member Posts: 102

    Oh no, if you don't "reward me" with a gg i don't know what I'll do.....

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    It shouldn't be totem based. SWF will never allow it to trigger and if it does trigger the most you might get is one until the discord is on fire. Then, all the second chance crutch perks, which are a million times more powerful than NOED are now available to get all four out safely.

    "No sweat guys, I'll unhook him with BT, body block and then he can use DS if he needs to"

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    I got a 3K with noed against a really good red rank team, because the totem spawned RIGHT in front of me. Kinda hard to destroy it when I downed and hooked someone 10 meters away from it.

  • EJmurdermain
    EJmurdermain Member Posts: 109

    Gambling with perks is not really a crutch (to me) but on the contrary exposes the Survivors who made a huge mistake. No pun intended 😂

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Clearly you will post a sarcastic reply on the forum.

  • TheCrookedMan
    TheCrookedMan Member Posts: 282

    People want to play casually and casual players need dem crutches. That goes for NOED, DS, BT, Ruin, all of that.

  • aregularplayer
    aregularplayer Member Posts: 906

    I agree NOED is Adrenaline for killers. Adrenaline encourages survivors to rush gens as crazy without caring about healing or cleansing totems, NOED punishes them for that... BUT IMO they are both OP and should be deleted from game files. I never use them because I'm a main solo survivor and I know how frustrating is being gen rushed and see everybody going full health after 5th gen is repaired or getting downed as you are health...

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970

    From my experience whenever I see a killer using noed they are pretty crap at the game

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    "if you look long enough"

    Yeah, look long enough and it doesn't matter anymore because the time you wasted searching for totems which are already cleansed by team mates could have been used on gens. And since you wasted all the time looking (+ your team mates aswell in solo Q) it doesn't matter because the killer has so much time that even without ruin the team is dead.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Replace "good" with "swf" and you sentence makes sense. Cuz it always activates against solos, no matter how good they are. Or they die before the last gen pops because they wasted time searching for totems which got cleansed by team mates long time ago.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    And that's usually when it's most valuable. If they gen rush hard, there's pretty much no chance of securing more than one kill unless you have it. If they're doing totems, you at least have a chance at a black pip.

  • TheKnot
    TheKnot Member Posts: 31

    Lmao. “I’m a pretty good killer, rank 7” Omegalul. If you look at dh as a crutch perk which extends a chase by what 2 seconds? Also dh and ds can be EASILY read that they have it based on movement so as a “pretty good killer” those perks should be cake walks to play against for you. Additionally if you look at ds as another crutch perk boy do I have a story to tell you about old ds. The perk is nerfed into the ground and AT MOST offers 60 second window safety which isn’t much at all.

    you’re arguing for a point that is invalid. Noed is a crutch perk for bad killers. Ds lasts for a shorter time (more times than not) and you have to hit a small skill check box in order to use it. Dh has to be timed right to use properly. What is there about noed that has any sense of “skilled gameplay” when all you have to do is M1. Your argument is invalid and you should be ashamed of yourself for using the perk.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I wouldn't include fair and balanced in a description of bt or ds at all.

  • TheKnot
    TheKnot Member Posts: 31

    I play both roles regularly and I’m sorry but do you see what the comment is talking about for the topic? The topic is about noed, if you wish to speak about other perks that are survivor based, go ahead and make a thread about them. If you can read, this isn’t the place pal. Also atleast adrenaline forces you to be active and dh. Don’t get me started. That’s the easiest perk in the game to play around. It’s extremely predictable. Just get better at the game. I’m assuming you finally hit purple ranks and feel like you have something to say, reach rank 1 ever then come speak with me

  • Hex_KillerMainBTW
    Hex_KillerMainBTW Member Posts: 449

    There are totem counter perks though. Small game. You could even run a map using detective's hunch. What more would you want? To make a perk that becomes useless as soon as it's broken become even worse?

  • mmorrow8
    mmorrow8 Member Posts: 59

    It's kinda funny that when I play survivor I used to get hella pissed at NOED but then I look at my spirit with unrelenting, spies from the shadows, bloodhound, and NOED and remember that the survivors I play against probably hate my guts for using it as well 😂

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    Calm down junior, I already said that it's not up to me to say if I'm good or not, that's really up to my opponents. All I will say is that I have a strong success rate against red rank survivors and I've had more than one red rank survivor compliment my play.

    DH extending a chase by 2 seconds.... Only if used in the open. If used at a loop or near a pallet, it can very much extend the chase by 30 seconds or more. Many times, reading it or not, it gives the survivor enough room to make it to the next loop or pallet. It can be downright devastating to nurse.

    As for DS, it's not a crutch unless it's used when the doors are open. If you down them, they can crawl to the open door in that 60 seconds, and you can't pick them up. Zero counter play.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    My thoughts on NOED: I used to defend it because I used it a lot when I first started playing, but I stopped using it when I learned how to play the game better. It's a very cheap perk and I honestly wouldn't mind if it got removed (along with adrenaline).

    I don't think survivors (at least not most of them) don't cleanse totems because of being lazy. It's probably because we don't have a totem counter. How do solo players know if all of the totems have been cleansed? Perks can help, but it can still be difficult to find them all.

  • its better than adrenaline because killer always can get huge benefit from this perk

    also its counter of adrenaline

    for wm1 killers i think its essential evil

    its op perk but i don't want to see change, ds is better than this personally

    because i don't run noed every killers but i using ds for every survivors

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    Rewards bad killers end of story. I’m a killer main and I only put it on after a bad game or two, which isn’t often but it’s there. I think the speed boost needs to go, at least.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    Small game has no totem counter. You could use detective's hunch or maps but no one has infinite maps so no need to bring that up really.

    It's just another case of, swf gets free info but screw solos. I said this before, a totem counter isn't necessary. The game should play a sound or something for both sides when all totems are cleansed. That would be enough to make it more fair for solos.

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    It’s a badly designed perk that really only punishes solo survivors. Red rank killers often don’t use it since it can be easily countered by a decent swf.

    It also feels like a massive crutch for when the killer is losing. 9/10 it is used by noob killers who aren’t very good at the game.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I prefer Killer to have Noed than Ruin (of course I hate if they have both of them)

    Noed makes the game intense in the end while keep the trial fast enough (5 gen keep being progressing).

    I even prefer Noed to be a build in mechanic (of course with some nerf as only ONE instant hit down on the 1st healthy survivor)

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597

    Honestly I only seem to run into it Rank 13-20 , its extremely rare to see it in anything above Rank 12..

    I used it when I was Killer, never bothered me either as killer or survivor tbh. I know it's not a great perk, I actually stopped using it at around Rank 15 as killer and never went back.

    Thing is, if you have to wait until Noed to get kills, chances are more than one person is already going to be escaping. It's helped me a very few times secure some kills, but most of the time I'm already beat by then, and would have preferred a better perk to last me all game long instead and probably in the end secure more kills with.

    A big part of it though is not having your main teachable perks unlocked yet, once you have Ruin/BBQ and a couple of other popular ones, Pop, Discordance, Surveillance etc just to name a few, you wouldn't want to give up any of those perks for NOED in my opinion.

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621

    people over exaggerate it. doing totems is an easy counter, and it's not like they're particularly difficult to find. however, I feel that survivors need at least a perk (if not base set) to see totem counts as a counter

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597
    edited January 2020

    My Question for anyone reading this however, is has if anyone has ever tried like a full on end-game build and had it work?

    Something like,

    Fired Up, NOED, Blood Warden, Remember Me?

    Just as an example. Or something similar? I am curious how that would go, depending on killer I guess, but I imagine it wouldn't do too well in the better ranks, since without Ruin/Pop or some other kind of slowdown perk you probably won't even have all your hits on your obsession for Remember Me by the time the gens are all completed, against proper red ranks or swf. Is my guess at least.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    I like the consensus from some people even tho we all had the NOED-challenges, noed being only used by bad players. facepalm

    I might add, I do not get the problem around NOED at all, the perk is quite bad imo. The killer denies himself a perkslot for something that might get activated, in addition to that even when the perk activates it is easy to get rid of it.

    Personally i have the opinion the effect of NOED does not justify to waste my time on dull totems, i rather push through gens.

    The only thing that might sting a bit is people who do play solo, so a "team" consisting of solos, will not know if the totems are done or not. So in comes the idea for a totem counter, that however nerfs this so somebody needs to make a smart suggestion about it because right now it is not worth the slot imo.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    I dislike the perk not because of the effect, it's due to the fact this perk takes advantage of solo survivors.

    As a solo survivor, you have no idea if your teammates pulled their weight by cleansing at least one totem. Therefore, you can either: Do your teammate's part or not do your teammate's part.

    If you do your teammate's part, you risk looking for a totem that doesn't exist and waste too much time. Remember, time is everything for both sides, not just for the killer.

    If you don't do your teammate's part, there's that chance your teammates didn't and in the end game, No One Escapes Death will mop up your team.

    Nevertheless, to give the benefit of the doubt, I prefer killers using NOED over Ruin. 😁🤗

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928
    edited January 2020

    I agree it's better to run something else that can help you through the match. When I started playing the game and using noed I noticed that I wouldn't even reach the endgame before I got a 4k, so I completely stopped using it for a very long time.

    Now I still use it ocassionally to keep survivors paranoid doing bones. I am almost convinced that the mere existence of that perk may have an impact even if you aren't using it, but it's hard to tell; I say this mainly as a survivor, because I always do bones just in case.