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Is there some benefit to taunting the killer at the gates?

illusion Member Posts: 885

When I was playing as survivor I used to see people waiting around the open gates to taunt the killer. If he/she wasn't there, the survivors would run around vaulting pallets and such (I assume to try to get the killer to come over).

Since I started playing killer I see it every game. Usually teabagging and flashing at me with their flashlights. Some will even let me get close enough to hit them, or down them right at the exit, so they can limp or crawl out.

Is there some Blood Point benefit to them for me hitting them as they leave? Is there any benefit to me for hitting them as they leave? If so, is it a significant enough amount to play their game, or can I just ignore them and walk away?


  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    There is a benefit from hitting them when you leave, you get the points from the hit usually. It's either used to give the killer extra bp while you escape or just to say "haha I win" the usually ingame bm that happens in every game no biggie. It's your decision if you want the points or not though.

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 885

    But is it a significant amount or just 50-100 points? I'm trying to figure out if they are trying to give me extra points, themselves extra points, or if they are just being obnoxious asshats.

    If it's the later I just don't want to feed into that kind of childish behavior, but I don't want to misjudge their intentions either.

    It doesn't bother me in the least, other than they are holding the game hostage waiting for me to chase them out.

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    Buying time for your other team mates, who maybe need to open the other gate.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,785
    edited January 2020

    Minimum 200, more if the "chase" lasts longer. Plus you can get distraction and assist points too if there are other survivors (which are 250 each iirc).

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    There is no benefit for them in taunting, and there is no benefit for you in indulging it, aside from potentially landing a hit or two. But if they're confident enough to spam noise notifications to attract your attention, they're probably not going to let you get a hit. If I were you, I'd just wander around looking for unbroken pallets or spamming your power for last-minute points while you wait for the EGC to take care of them.

    Some survivors, as you touched on in your comment, will hang back and allow you to hit them just to let you get a few extra bloodpoints. Those people just do it to be nice. You can usually tell them apart from the taunters because they're not running away from you or spamming noise notifications.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    When I'm at the exit gates,I flashlight the killer to get pbs in exchange for the killer to hit me twice. Sometimes I also heal my teammates too to get more bloodpoints

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    No, it's either to BM (Bad Manners) the Killer for not killing them, to meme, or to say bye in some cases.

    Thats about it, there is no secret code or ritual or BP gain from it... its just to do those things above, to be toxic, to say bye, or to meme.

    In the case of blinding you or letting you down them, its to get or give those last second points, so when they let you diwn them, they're letting you get some points in at the end... or they DH out the door to meme.

    But yeah, thats about it.

  • DBDNeedsARecode
    DBDNeedsARecode Member Posts: 10

    Wanna know the benefit to being a dick?

    You get to be the funny guy and prove the kid who bullied you in 5th grade wrong.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I don't see how that has anything to do with t-bagging at a gate...

    T-Bagging at a gate doesn't even do anything, I don't see why it's made to be such a bigger deal than it is. This is why T-bagging is ignored by a lot of players, because if you let it get you angry than you're giving them what they're looking for, a reaction!

  • Blight
    Blight Member Posts: 14

    I think its 200bp per hit but I could be off on that, but it also goes towards your pip in whatever the hunting category is because you start the chase and then instantly hit them giving you benefit from that, the chase technically ends after a hit, so your second chase if you down them is only 1 second as well and you technically win 2 chases in about 4 seconds, and you get a few bonus points for that as well.

    If you're worried about depipping from a bad game and think you may be close to a safely its usually worth the hits. But I'd say 99.9% of survivors don't think about it like that, they know you get points but I highly doubt they think about your emblems and depipping.

    If they're trying to get your attention it's usually to bm you, otherwise it can be done out of kindness for the killer.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 6,685

    I was practicing with Oni today, and while in Demon Dash I ran to one of the exit gates and Demon Striked a Meg. I didn't mean to kill her, but she died to the Entity because it turned out there wasn't enough time left on the clock for her to escape: Sprint Burst can't get you out the gate if you're crawling.

    So, there's definitely a benefit to waiting for the killer in the exit gates if it's a Demon Dashing Oni. I mean, it's a benefit for Oni, not the survivor, but it's still a benefit.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I think he's interested in why they t-bag, rather than the benefit of t-bagging for the Killer.

    It's just a thing Survivors do, either to be toxic, say bye (apparently), or to meme. That's about it... there is no secret morse code or anything like that ha ha.

  • bomb1720
    bomb1720 Member Posts: 428
    edited January 2020

    my reaction as a killer to this, is lmao. i find it funny. why do so many killers get angry over something so silly. i'll tell you why...cos these killers are true psycopaths in the real world.

    what makes it funnier from a survivors pov are the killers who can't bare to look. they have to spin around. haha

  • JnnsMu
    JnnsMu Member Posts: 249

    You can earn 400 extra Boldness BP by starting a chase and then "escaping" it when you run out (doesn't work if you enter the dying state before leaving). Additionally, you can earn 250 Altruism BP by getting hit while near an injured survivor. There is also a chance that an injured survivor will run to your gate in which case you can heal them for even more Altruism BP.

    If the killer leaves without hitting you, you can stay and have the chance to cleanse a totem, unhook and/or bodyblock for someone if you're not sure that everyone is safe or simply make a lot of noise to irritate the killer and indirectly help other survivors who might not have made it out yet.

    If the killer makes you leave by downing you, they just wasted valuable time that he could've used to look for survivors who might not have made it out yet.

    So yes, if a survivor doesn't want to enter the map again, they can still be very useful just by staying near the gates and they might even get an opportunity to earn some extra points.

    To your question about wether or not you should walk away: You can also earn some more BP for hitting survivors at the exit gates. Forcing them out also keeps them from helping other survivors in the future. However, if there is still a chance for you to catch a survivor who hasn't made it out yet, you probably shouldn't waste your time forcing people out of the map. On top of that, if you let them stay in the match and then manage to hook someone, they might make a bad play and give you more hooks or even another kill. Just wage these aspects and decide in the moment.

  • CookieBaws
    CookieBaws Member Posts: 619
    edited January 2020

    It mostly BM.

    I personally don't "feed the the troll" and check my social on phone, so do as you wish.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I don't think that's exactly the reason, I think it's the stigma behind it that gives it's meaning some weight.

    Otherwise, if nobody cared about it... than nobody would t-bag or also care. Once a good amount of people say they hate it, than others will start to believe it's a form of being toxic or rude, when it's just a meme at the core.