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Console Problems/Other

Yuyukoyay Member Posts: 50
edited January 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

POV increase for killer is a mandatory change that needs to happen for console. The main problem is you can't move the camera fast enough on console to deal with jukes. On PC it is a non issue, but you literally can't keep up with jukes on console. The camera is just not wide enough to counter the slower camera speed.

Also they need to add a system that disconnects players automatically from a lobby when their connection is too bad. Then flag them so they can only play with other people with bad connections. This can be a day to day thing, but the idea is to remove players who either cheat with connections or just have bad connections from the matchmaking. Their existence makes the experience just bad all around.

They should also remove SWF from the game. Then allow custom games/kill your friends to award blood points but not challenge credit. However the blood points need to be at around 50% of what it is during matchmaking to penalize taking advantage of it to farm faster. This will remove SWF's from the lobbies but not from the game. A change that very much needs to happen. The game wasn't balanced to have SWF's every game and it really shows.

Balance wise they need to slow how fast you can do generators. There are literally games where I walk around looking for 20 seconds. Then 2 gens are already done before I even can check all the generators or even play the game at all really. This isn't exaggerated either it is literally 20 seconds. There needs to be very strict limits to how fast addons and items can stack to decrease the time.

A change I'd like to see is to highlight survivors to the killer. It's just a colored outline and not as ridiculously obvious as an aura reading is. This will nerf cosmetic balance, and so I don't see 3 Claudettes wearing red, brown, or green every game. My brightness is stupidly high and I still can't see them in most maps in the dark. It's not through walls like an aura reading, it's just to cut down on hiding in corners to avoid being seen at all. The game was not meant for this to be so damn powerful. Judging by how powerful the loops can be I would argue that you are meant to be seen most of the time the killer looks for you. This will also increase the importance of cover.

On to controls. They are terrible on console. Too many things require you to hold the button when it should be a toggle. Changing to a toggle will cut down on how many buttons and awkward controls you are using at the same time. Also controls that should be the same button aren't tied together as the same button when they probably should. This isn't too important since I can make any button literally any other button even if it doesn't actually work. However, the controls need toggles for doing generators, totems, and healing so I can realistically look around while doing skill checks. This is the effect it has on PC, but not on console. The buttons are in too awkward places for that to work correctly.

There should also be a different button for picking up survivors and doing actions. This will cut down on survivors purposely clipping into lockers to force you to open the locker over picking them up. They should also change the prompt for interrupts to the new pick up button to make them easier to do on purpose. This removes the auto hit you basically get for failing to do this, but you can actually control what you want to do. Interrupts should be changed to take priority over all actions like they used to.

The final change I'd like to see is to limit the survivor movement a little. Realistically it isn't possible to move the way survivors do in the game. It's too free in the game too. The turning is too sharp and as stated above on console you can't move the camera fast enough to keep up with it. I don't think changing the POV alone will fix this either. If they slowed down the turn speed, slowed down the left to right movement, and limited the angles you can turn at I think it would be more fair on all platforms. It's completely unbearable with the low POV, but it would still be pretty annoying with higher POV. It's just a balance oversight. The closer you get, the easier it is for them to leave your camera. Hell if you made the ability to sharp turn a perk on a cool down it would probably be worth using a perk slot for. xD

Cross-play. Some of the changes above need to be done to even the playing field for all platforms to make cross-play possible. The cross-play is a customer friendly choice they just need to make. The game cost too much if you want a decent amount of characters on multiple platforms. If they made it the same account then I could probably warrant getting the game on multiple platforms.

Disable auto aim either completely or to only work on survivors and not through walls. The auto aim makes me miss hits far, far, far, far more than it helps me hit them. Sometimes I'll go to hit someone and it will lock onto a pallet, through a wall, and turn me 180 degrees to do it. I don't know what is wrong with the auto aim, but it doesn't work.

For survivors highlight generators, vault locations, and pallets you can see and not through objects. This will help seeing this stuff especially for new players and on new maps where the vault locations can completely change in look sometimes.