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Killers: how do you deal with god loops?

daddyo Member Posts: 48

I just had a game on Coal Tower where the survivors completed the gens furthest from the coal tower first, leaving the last 4 in and around the main building. As soon as I initiated a chase, they'd run straight for the god loop, and I was wondering how I should deal with this?

If the gens were further away I know there's no point in chasing but since the gens were right there and all 3 survivors made a beeline for the window, I couldn't really get hits in (two of them had sprint burst) and I feel like it's in the survivors' favor because they can just chip away at gens and I can't do anything to really pressure them. Thoughts?


Best Answer

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    Answer ✓

    Yeah, that's what I would do in that situation. Get them all to tier 3 and keep them there. Stay in Treatment mode most of the time, so they can only stay on generators for so long before they passively become mad again. Use the fake Doctor auras to keep track of where the survivors are and which generators are being worked on. Catch them out in the open when they're trying to Snap Out Of It to score hits.

    Even if you can't shock them before they get to the window, you can still shock them while they're going through it, and it should only take a loop or two until you can get close enough behind them to stop them going through the window with a Shock Therapy attack. That should score you at least one free hit, if not two (depending on whether they panic and run away from the window). And once you've got one hook, you should be able to snowball from there with PGTW and BBQ if you play your cards right.

    It was by no means a sure win, but with Doctor being one of the best killers at generator defense, it was probably a winnable situation (albeit a pretty challenging one).


  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    They're obviously trying to bait you into a chase you can't win, so I would say just don't fall for the bait and patrol the gens instead. Yes, if you can't catch them, you can't complete your objective, but if they can't repair the generators, neither can they. And you might have opportunities to get in a hit or two along the way if you catch them off-guard, thus edging the game in your favour.

  • BeHasU
    BeHasU Member Posts: 830

    I just don't chase when they are looping around a god loop, you will catch them eventually, but in that time 3-4 gens can be done.

  • daddyo
    daddyo Member Posts: 48

    The main issue is that they were splitting up on the gens really well. I'd chase one guy off his gen, kick it, go to the other gen... Now what? That guy could undo any regression by the time I'm back to pressure his gen, which is what I meant by survivors chipping away on the gens...

    Do I just take the L at that point? Do I try to chase at the coal tower since it's a loss either way?

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    If they're that well-coordinated, it's possible that you're right and it would have been a loss either way. Without knowing what killer you were playing or what build you were running, it's hard to give you more specific advice for countering that kind of situation.

  • daddyo
    daddyo Member Posts: 48
    edited January 2020

    I was playing doctor with BBQ, pop, ruin, brutal strength (I was doing the Tome 4 BS challenge). I didn't run any of the addons that make the shock area bigger, either, so I don't think I could've shocked them in time at the window... Maybe I should've tried to get them all madness 3 I guess

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Sometimes man, a loss is a loss.

    It really just depends on your skill, the map, the Survivors skill, how often they make mistakes (if any), and you knowledge of how the basic to "god" tiles work. That's not to say you shouldn't try, but if a team knows what they're doing, than it'll take some more effort to possible 4k or make it out ok with a Killer or two.