Ruin should not be a Hex anymore

Hears something you've probably never heard before. I think the new Ruin is solid, on one condition.
First with the positives, I think this is much better to manage for newer players. The number one grievance with ruin was that it punished players for not being able to land great skill checks and in an environment where ~40% of killers are running it, safe learning environments are far between. The regression is solid as well as it was confirmed by the devs that gens will regress even if the Killer has not kicked it, meaning very aggressive playstyles will be rewarded.
Honestly the worst part of the change is that Ruin IS STILL A HEX. Hexes are objectively the worst perks in the game simply because it's a coin flip of whether or not you will get value from them. Sometimes they will rule the entire game, however most of the times they will break within the first couple of minutes of the game and then you're playing a 3 perk killer. With a perk like Ruin where the effect is not even going to be felt early game, why the hell is the perk STILL A HEX?
We need to wait until the PTB to complain, they refuse to listen to feedback until then.
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Newer players, yes.
Players who can't hit great skill checks to save their life in red ranks? They only listen to red rank survivor mains who want the game to be as easy as possible for them.
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New ruin is utter garbage..applies no pressure where it counts
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It's not like they'll fix it then anyway. Ruin will have to literally never be used for them to think they need to change it
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It's disgusting, they think because it's popular it's too powerful, maybe it's popular because it helps alleviate problems the Devs refuse to fix? No? Guess Killers are just bias.
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Ruin is not good perk as it is NOW (i explained it countless times on this forum already), after the update it will be literally useless.
Preventing gen tapping during chase is good concept, BUT NOT FOR A ######### HEX PERK THAT WILL LAST 10s.
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No more fun to hit perfect skill checks. That was difficult, cause of pressure, but fun. This change makes gens more unfun, too boring. Well for new players, but not for who likes challanges (admit that was no fun to play with random surv that cant doing skill checks and not doing gens for searrching ruin).
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I will simply say I agree ruin should lose its hex status, gens regressing at less speed than one survivor working on them does not make it strong enough. Hex perks are supposed to be the strongest perks in the game hence the ability to destroy them.
This change is too weak to qualify as a hex perk. If you could still use pop and the like I would change my opinion slightly but as it stands it's not good enough.
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im gonna talk about balance around red ranks (which bhvr prolly will ignore as they balance around low ranks - i mean just look at steam global achievement stats and see how many players reached rank 10 on either sruv or killer - man even DOUBLE it considering that the achievement stats may take into account entirely 'inactive' players - the number you'll end up with is still ABYSMAL)
lets get to where the real problem is as its not ruin per se:
a) its either the gen speed
b) the requirement to 3-hook 4 people (12 hooks)
doing a gen solo takes 80 sec
Lets assume that theres always someone in chase - right of the bat since spawn as we're generous, and 3 people are on gens.
This means that in 80 seconds 3 gens out of 5 are done. 80 seconds is 1 minute and 20 seconds.
Lets assume that 3 gens pop around 2 minute mark.
Killer can chase only one person at a time, but lets assume he juggles a bit and can keep 2 occupied.
this means that within 44.44 seconds 4th gen pops as 2 people are on it.
another 50ish seconds later 5th gen will pop.
now riddle me this - how long does it take for a killer without 1 shot down or without some mechanic that allows them to bypass looping entirely (ie. anybody thats not nurse/billy/gf/spireeeh) how long does it take MOST of the killers in game then to DOWN a healthy survivor? And how many big ass maps we got exactly in the game that take 20 or so seconds to get from a gen to a gen ?
In short - if you wont slug, or survivors wont go full derp altruistic and swarm around the killer in flock - the killer is at a heavy disadvantage timewise - at red ranks - even a 10 seconds of time that survivor wastes from the killer can result in ENTITY DISPLEASED. unless you slug and tunnel ferociously that is - then its all peachy (except the iri emblems - ya aint getting those fo sho XD)
theres not enough time to do 12 hooks with current gen speeds (assuming no ruin nobody runs proovethyself or bnp as those make it even more ridiculous).
if they dont want to change gen speeds so that ppl wont spend hours holding m1 and forheading skillchecks then yea thats great and probably healthy BUT they need to change the 12 hooks into 8 hooks - which would also be healthy just reduce the hook timer by half and leave the no strugge/struggle phases in BUT make it so that the 2nd hook for survivor = death. not to mention that if people were facing death after unhook you would be hard pressed to see a guy yeet straight at a killer with BT just to get smacked silly or other shenanigans of the sort. Currently there is ZERO fear of killers with a very few notable exceptions, they are a hindrance at best and a joke at worst, i wish dbd would someday entail sense of dread/horror when you play survivor - this is currently only the case for me when i go vs nurse or ghostface. spirit was scary once - now since killers are pretty much deaf not so much as shes blind, deaf and moves at 110% XD(yet again sounds are broken or maybe that was an intentional under the table nerf who knows with BHVR these days). Well mikey can be scary but its a rare sight to see a scary mikey.