Where does Bill's sweater(s) come from?

I have seen multiple Bills wearing sweaters. They aren't in the store. Where do you get it/them?
Best Answer
Check his inventory, not the shop itself. If you can't find the sweater there... than it must be bugged for you. Everyone got his Sweater for free, so it should automatically be in his inventory like the Trappers ornate mask when that was released.
If it isn't in his inventory under his Torso category in customizations, than you'll need to contact support to let them know.
Here's the support link if you don't see it in his inventory: https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us
I THINK they're actually free, since I heard Valve didn't give permission to actually sell them, but don't hold my to that.
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Its in your inventory, just choose the customization option with bill in the survivor lobby ,ITS FREE!
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The sweaters were added automatically to everyone's cosmetic inventory as part of the Christmas Ugly Sweaters collection. You'll find it if you select Bill and check his tops under the customisation options.
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Not for me. It says "there are no customization options for this character".
I was here for the ugly sweater collection, but I have nothing for Bill. Were they all free? Because I don't think I have any sweaters for my characters.
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Bill's was the only one that was free. If you can't find it, try restarting your game, and if that doesn't work, you may need to contact support as FireHazard suggested.