The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

BHVR, You're ruining your own game.

I'm a fan of Dead By Daylight, and a Killer main, so I have to suffer the full force of the nerfs that are constantly patched in. The recent changes, however, are just taken too far. Let's start with Hex: Ruin. The reason Ruin is used so often is not for the reason you think it is. Ruin is only used by 80% of the player base because the Generators take practically no time at all to be fixed. The perk isn't the issue here, it's the Gens. At max efficiency, it can take just under 30 seconds to complete a generator, and that's way too fast. With this speed in mind, do you think the Killer, who starts far away from the survivours, can get to a pack of them swarming a gen near the spawn before it's completed? No, they can't cause the gens go way too fast. In order to fix this, what you SHOULD do is revert the nerfs on Ruin, and increase the ammount of time it takes to complete a generator. For example, a generator with only one survivour should have a slight increase in time, say about 2 minutes, and a full survivour gen should take half that time. Next up, onto the Doctor nerfs. I can see why you would Nerf Doctor, due to the lack of skill needed to master him, despite him being classified as a Hard difficulty killer, but even so, it's not neccesary. Compared to all the other killers, Doctor is actually mid-tier. Sure, he can be pretty powerful in the right hands, but that's nothing compared to the legacy of the Nurse and Spirit. Instead of changing the switch stance to the Static Blast, how about making it so that the Madness generated by the field takes significantly a lot longer, and make the screaming only occur randomly during a level up, so that it's effectiveness as a tracker is reduced. Now, about the past nerfs. You've seemed to get in the habit of nerfing killers that don't need nerfing. Take Legion, for example. He has been nerfed so often that he's useless. Maybe try buffing the killers for once, which leads to my final issue: You're catering WAY TOO MUCH to the survivours. Especially the low ranks. Tell me, do you think that nerfing the killers will help the survivours? You may think otherwise, but I say "Hell no." By doing that, you are starving the survivours of much needed learning that should be neccesary of a game of this type. Please, listen to the Killers for once, and start buffing them.

-Youhadabadday, A Doctor Main


  • kilwede
    kilwede Member Posts: 1

    Im a killer main (love doctor and legion is my boo) who runs hex:ruin just because if i didn't games are over like that *snaps fingers* i agree with this post

  • Youhadabadday
    Youhadabadday Member Posts: 19

    It's funny, cuz I also use Legion as my secondary main, and while I don't use ruin, from how other killer mains play the game, I can see it as an extremely valuable perk. Also, for more clarification on the whole skill thing, I gathered a bunch of my info from Uncle Dane's video on The Wrangler in Team Fortress 2. The same reasoning applies here. The issue with the game isn't the perks, it's the base game itself. By catering 100% to the survivors and nerfing killers that didn't need nerfing into the ground, they are lowering the skill ceiling of Dead By Daylight. Heck, the tutorials themselves encourage survivors to play smart and stick together, but what do we see in public servers? That's right: Baby survivors who have no idea how to play the game and experienced players who go lone wolf even if it's not going to help. The key part is the Baby survivors. They have no idea how to play the game, and like all multiplayer games, they learn how to play from experience. Survivors can't improve if there isn't an extremely difficult obstacle in their way, and all BHVR does is take those potentially valuable lessons of improvement, and tosses them out the window, encouraging survivors to play dumb, even though that's not how you should play. Please BHVR, if you read this, stop being complete morons for one second and actually consider multiplayer game design properly! Listen to both sides of the community, see everyone's stance, and take action from there. Fix your #########, please.