How do you report people for using hacks to have two killers in a same match

You can find their names in-game or in recent players in your steam applications, for in-game you simply click on their names in pre/post chat and it'll bring you to their steam profile page.
If you're on console than you'll have to search them by username.
To report them you need an in-game report (which you can file by clicking on the thumbs up/thumbs down icon next to their name and score during the post-chat game). Any video or screenshot evidence helps, so do keeo that in-mind if you have any.
Once this is done, you can file a support ticket to follow up on your in-game report (this is optional).
Here's the support link:
Video evidence does help a lot, and an in-game report is mandatory!
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is there a way to find it after you were done with the match
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Do bear in mind that this isn't necessarily a hack or exploit. I've had this bug happen to me in the past seemingly randomly, when I wasn't expecting it and did nothing to initiate it.
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Thats a pretty big bug will that get fixed. also it seem that they purposly did it because there were only three surviors and I'm thinking the surivor purposely dropped out of the game to do it
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Well, if you wish to report the bug than you can do so in the Bug Report sub-forum.
Here's the Bug Report sub-forum link:
Or, you can also continue with a support ticket if you believe they were intentionally abusing it WITH or without proof. Entirely optional, but if you can see that it might be a mistake, than you can report it in the link above to the Bug Report sub-forum or report it to the support team as a bug.
Here's the link to the support team again if you want to follow up with the report OR report it as an bug:
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It's possible that they did it on purpose - when it's happened to me, I've been the "real" killer, so I don't know what it's like from a survivor perspective or the details of what causes it. From what I can tell, the survivor who became a killer was probably abusing the bug, but I doubt the actual killer was in on it. So report the survivor if you like, and let the Support team decide whether to punish them (although you can only do that if you already reported them in-game), but I would also report it as a bug as FireHazard suggested, with as much information as you can remember and video evidence if you have it.
As for whether the bug will get fixed, I'm fairly certain the devs are aware of its existence so I'm sure the answer is yes, it will, but I don't know and therefore couldn't say when that's likely to happen.