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Kicking Gens w.New Ruin?


Just curious how the new ruin works with getting points for kicking the gens. Is it even possible to kick them once they're regressing? Do you get the Damage points as soon as the survivor(s) let go of the gen?

Just curious, if anyone knows.

I'm on PS4, so I haven't played the PTB.


  • Hex_KillerMainBTW
    Hex_KillerMainBTW Member Posts: 447

    You don't get to kick them. Think of it this way, you down someone, you kick a gen then hook the survivor. You want to go back to the gen with Pop goes the weezel to kick it again, but you can't. Basically as soon as they get off the gen and stop working on it--it begins to regress.

  • Smichaels82
    Smichaels82 Member Posts: 56

    I see. I'm wondering how it will apply points to... is it the Brutality emblem you score points in for kicking gens? I think so.... Without being able to kick the gens, how are you going to earn points in that emblem or does it all just add itself up in the end?

  • StopDropPANIC
    StopDropPANIC Member Posts: 33

    You get enough emblem points without kicking gens; at the highest level you don't want to kick gens too often anyway as it wastes time and normally survivors would just tap it to prevent regression.

  • Hex_KillerMainBTW
    Hex_KillerMainBTW Member Posts: 447

    I had a game as doctor yesterday on the PTB and got 6,6k in Brutality. 8k on Deviousness (easy on doctor) and 8k on hunter with 7.4k on Sacrifice. So, it's not what I'm used to but, oh well. I just wish they would fix the gatekeeper emblem on the PTB since I'm not getting any emblems for it. Had 3 iris on the other categories but nothing on gatekeeper.

    I wouldn't mind if gens regressing from ruin would give you like, 50 points instead of the normal 100 since you're not kicking them yourself. Even surge gave you brutality points. That's why I was hoping the new ruin would still give you points

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    By kicking pallets and hitting Survivors.

    Kicking generators is a minor thing to the Brutality points system, the main points that're gathered for that Emblem is hitting Survivors. Hitting more Survivors equals more brutality points.

    So, since the generators can no longer be kicked when Ruin is active, you can just simply gather points by breaking pallets and hitting Survivors like normal. Besides, if you're doing well in a game, you'll hit the Brutality max LONG before the game ends.

    In a sense, this isn't a big deal points wise when you think about it.