
I have a point what bothers me and that is camping. Killers are having no skill and they are just facecamping. I think this should be punishable🤔 This happens allot and imo it's the same as cheating. Please do something about it. 😊
well the best thing i can tell you is to group with friends and all of you run bt and ds so they can't tunnel and you guys can just one for one until all gens are done unless its bubba then good luck
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They lose points on their emblems. Making it hard to rank up.
The counter is, do gens and leave.
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Borrowed time, Decisive strike and Camaraderie are your friends; also try rushing the gens if the killer is camping.
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Really isn't much they can do. It is up to the survivors to use sense to counter a camping killer.
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It's not cheating though. If someone's getting facecamped, that's 2 minutes of gens for the other three. If everyone is doing gens that's at least 3 gens, and that's without toolboxes or Prove Thyself. And devs can't really do anything about it. Killers lose emblem points for "proximity to hooked survivor" but that's it. Plus, if a killer knows someone is nearby, they'd be idiots to leave.
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I can already tell you're new to the game. There are already tools to deal with camping, use them. Or do gens and punish the killer for playing bad.
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Seems like bait to me
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I could scream at some survivors when they just sit there as a killer camps me... go do gens then come back and rescue me.
The number of times survivors trade hook for hook... I'm fine tapping away but better have someone who has borrowed time if I'm nearly dead on the hook
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While I agree with you that camping is generally a sign of a killer that has very little skill the answer is not to make rules that punish a killer that camps. The punishment for camping needs to come from survivors playing smart. The main reason killers camp is because survivors don't play smart and they make camping an easy strategy.
If a killer camps do not reward him. If you are the one hanging there while he camps make sure you don't DC and when the time comes struggle. Make him waste as much time as possible camping you. Give the other survivors time to get gens done, or find a hex totem or whatever.
At the same time if a killer is camping someone else don't make it easy on the killer. Don't go running to the hook trying to pull that person off. All that does is reward the camping behavior. You are just giving the killer another easy kill.
If survivors would just play smart you would see a lot less camping because it would be a far less useful strategy. There is no need to punish killers though for taking what survivors willingly hand them match after match.
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No u can't tell cause i'm playing the game a really long time ;) Don't judge people if u don't know anything :D Off course we do gens but if all gens are done and the exit gates are almost open you want to save your friends, and u just don't let them hang at least i'm not like that ;)
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Well i prefer a cheater then a noob who is facecamping ;) End of the day i wanna save my friends, if 1 killer is camping you till your death that should be punishable imo idc if you dont agree.
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We do gens when somebody hangs ;) But you can't get somebody off the hook when he is facecamping because the moment you want to get him off he can grab you.
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If you want to save your friend that bad then just trade 1 for 1 all day long. Have fun :)
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When somebody of my crew hangs we always do gens but in the end of the day we are friends and want to help each other out, would be really ######### up if we would let our friend to die when the killer is facecamping. And we know that he is wasting time but still it's NOT oke especially when you play against high rank killers like rank 1 - 6/7 they should have skill and still i see allot of camping.
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yeah bye 🤨
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Sorry, but camping is not cheating.
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If you think so
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Damn killers, how dare they kill one of your friends? This is not fair and should be punished! Please do something with this!
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my issue with this logic is that it does make sense on paper but you have no idea what the other two are up to and to find out the killers camping you could potentially waste time running across the map just to run all way back to keep working on it. If the devs want to make kindred base kit then sure its a valid point but not without it.
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Use Borrowed Time Perk, it's perfect solution.
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I don't know why you would post such a post but oke. To make myself clear, i don't care when me or my friends get killed by the killer as long as it's not cheating or camping ;)
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Yes I know, but if you don't even get the opportunity to get somebody off the hook because they are facecamping that really sucks.
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But they buffed Kindred! If you want that information so bad, bring Kindred! And as for teammates, there's always a possibility they'll be potatoes. That's a risk you run in any multiplayer game.
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You have opportunity. You could take a hit to get the person off hook. You could bait for a m1. You can try and distract the killer, but I doubt that will work.
It's best just to do gens and leave. That's the biggest punishment you can give the killer. They get 1 kill this way (which is a loss), and depip as a result of not completing their objectives.
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Everyone paid for the game and has the right to play it as he wants. Stop imposing your rules on others. At the moment, after the nerf ruin, playing for the survivor is so easy, but you keep complaining. You will achieve that most killers will quit the game, and those that remain will be so weak that playing against them will become uninteresting (God, didn't think I'd say it someday, it was always the argument of those with whom I argued in discussions).
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I already do bring kindred. Being potatoes has nothing to do with information you don't have access to. There is no way to communicate even with a predefined hotkey to say "im going for the save", also most multiplayer games have some form of communication so its not really applicable here. You don't get "2 minutes for generators" if you have no clue the killers even hanging at the hook in the first place or what your teammates are planning so that's a pretty weak point. Either everyone needs kindred build in or their needs to be some sort of communication so the person with kindred can tell the others.
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Omg wake up, its legit killers strategy, its not punishable and never will be.
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You do have a way to know if the killer's hanging around! Kindred shows the killer's aura if they're near the person on the hook! And if coms bother you so much, do SWF or play killer. I've seen solos be amazingly coordinated, and I've seen SWF play like idiots.
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The game already punishes facecamping with a penalty to emblem points.
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It's not cheating, more of a rookie move.
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I'm obviously aware it shows me I already said I use it but not the other 3 players who may not have it. also who probably dont have it. "Play killer" is a really ######### excuse just because sometimes you get "super coordinated solos" is no way indicative of the norm. Most solo games aren't like that unless your playing at rank 1 and even then you get plenty of issues with multiple people running to hook because they have no clue what their other teammates are doing.
I find it funny that people complain about the "crutch perks" survivors have but then turn around and give suggestions such as yours. Btw if I should just "use discord" I don't see the problem then with either of my suggestions your way just requires more steps same result.
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I consider SWF voice comm as cheating too and nobody will never ban this. If killer is camping survivor just do gens.
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I posted this before i knew the ruin nerf. And i don't complain. I only say what bothers me, if you don't like it scroll further. I didn't ask you to reply. And you are the one who is complaining ;) I only asked the devs to do something about campers if you can't handle that, then thats your problem, have a nice day 😉
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Oke i hope you get camped every game of your life :D
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Yeah i will try that, thanks!
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Even it happens, it still legit strategy.
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Imagine survivors saying a killer play style has no skill.
I'll BRB, I want to pip up as survivor, so I need to close my eyes and sleep.
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--My thoughts on Camp and tunnel--
Can the killer reasonable find. Chase. Down, hook someone else in the same time 60 seconds or is it better to wait the state out.
Logically speaking each hook is one of 12 killer objectives. While each survivor has 1.5 objectives per game of 6(gen+gate)
If you want camping to change you have to give them more reasons to leave.
If you want tunneling to change you have to severely limit what an unhooked survivor can accomplish to make going after a fresh survivors worthwhile.
Tunnel vs juggle is an easy choice if both are in front of you I'd rather reduce my objectives from 12 to 9 and increase survivors objectives workload to 2
NOTHING and I mean NOTHING you can nerf will stop tunnels or camps you have to encourage them to leave and juggle because if they dont think it's more beneficial or fun for killers then killers wont change.
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I understand the desire to go rescue someone. That's completely your choice. At the same time there is no getting around the fact that if you are going to run up and pull someone off the hook while they are being camped you are rewarding camping. You have not only made camping a winning strategy at that point, but you've made it an easy winning strategy.
BHVR isn't going to punish killers for utilizing a strategy that is only beneficial because of choices survivors willingly make. So feel free to go pull members of your team off the hook while they are being camped. Again, that's completely your prerogative. However, you are the one choosing to take an action that rewards camping.
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You created a topic, so be ready that will replied. No, you complain, asking devs to solve a problem that yourself can't. For me, playing as survivor, camping is not a problem. Git good.
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Yes i created a topic because this is the dead by daylight forum for idea's. I dont care that people reply. I only think its pretty bad from you that you judge people you don't even know. And thats good that it isn't a problem for you ;) Hope it will never be. But for me and allot of other players it is and thats our opinion and you can't change that so deal with it.
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That does not mean there should be no counters to it.
I think a way for a hooked survivior to tell others that he is camped would be enough.
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Kindred? Voice comm SWF?
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Comms is cheating and Kindred is great but wastes a perk slot. I thought something could be changed in core mechanics
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So and I answered you, because this forum is also a discussion of ideas.
>I dont care that people reply
Good position. "I close my eyes to what is inconvenient to see." Does criticism hurt you so much that you can't stand it? Your idea is not new, it has been repeated by the thousands here before you. Maybe better learn to play than to complain?
>I only think its pretty bad from you that you judge people you don't even know
I judge by your words. Camping is a problem only if you are a weak survivor. Or if you want too much. Do you think all four should always run away? Do you want an easy victory? If you want to save, try it. But it's your responsibility and your risk. It should not be easy. You want everyone to survive, the killer wants to kill. Why should priority be given to you? Deserve it if you can. No one should succumb to you. Killer doesn't have to entertain you. He wants his entertainment. So your position is selfish.
>and you can't change that so deal with it
I'm not trying to change your opinion. I criticize him. No problem, and this is my opinion too, and I can speak about it, so you deal with it too ;)
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If you want to inform team about camping, you should waste perk slot. Its like killers demand some of their perks as default. You cannot demand permanent aura reading as default. Camping is legit strategy and your team can work on gens meanwhile or go rescue hanged one with BT and DS.
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I never said it has to be aura reading, it could be something way weaker
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So if more players say something about it then it is a problem if it's not for you then good and mind your own buisness :)
And again u talk about something you don't know anything about. Do you know what my playstyle is? Do you know what rank I'm in? No you don't know anything about my matches so don't say gid good or maybe learn to play better. And if you think that high rank killers won't camp your wrong or you are just lucky.
I don't exepect to win every match or my friends but a game should be fair end of discussion ;)
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