General Discussions

General Discussions




  • Member Posts: 713
    edited January 2020

    Complaining about everything that is possible is the norm here, as I see. Do you really think that the rules will change for each of you?

    I don’t need to know about your playing style, it’s enough that you are trying to decide for others what kind of playing style they should have. This indicates the one-sidedness and subjectivity of your gaming experience. Most likely you are just main survivor. But even if not, others are not required to play like you. Clarification: if you do a ritual or farm BP for killer - this does not make you not main survivor.

    > And if you think that high rank killers won't camp your wrong or you are just lucky

    That is their right. The balance of the game is all the same such that it is not difficult for the good survivors to win in general, even by sacrificing one. Also, you have a chance to save this survivor with well-coordinated work, which I saw and did myself many times. But the fact that in case of failure the killer can receive more than one kill is, as I said, your risk and your responsibility. If you want more, take bigger risks.

    > but a game should be fair end of discussion

    Camping it's fair.

  • Member Posts: 73

    U see it as a complain, i do not. This is my opinion and probbably allot of others as u said feel the same way. I think you are complaining and can't handle when people say their opinion. And I never said they need to change the rules for me ;) I only think that it should be reportable when a killer is camping.

    If that's your opinion good for you but allot of players agree with me that camping is UNFAIR so END OF DISCUSSION. Have a nice life :)

  • Member Posts: 713

    >allot of others as u said feel the same way

    Yes, a lot of baby survivors feel same way. Do you have at least 500 hours in this game?

    >I think you are complaining and can't handle when people say their opinion

    You just repeat my lines, lol.

    Well don't answer me if you want to END OF DISCUSSION, tough guy ;)

  • Member Posts: 73

    Oh yeah sure judge again, say enough about you lol.

    I can handle other people's opinions but it needs to be respectfull and since you dont know what that is cause you try to make people feel bad.

    Yeah sure say tough guy, that if you can read you see I'm a girl lmao.

    Have a nice life kid.

  • Member Posts: 425
    edited February 2020

    i see a lot of survivors getting entitled to be unhooked, even though it wouldnt make any sense.

    Ive had a game where i "camped" a guy on a hook, because i ran whispers and the raven perk that lets me know when they make the ravens squeal.

    Basically i could tell on many different occations that they were near me and the hooked guy after i hooked him, so i tried to find them. in the end, they never left the area and i knew they were there, so he died on the hook.

    i got flamed for not moving away, which wouldnt make sense for me to do because i knew they were there. Why would i move away from a hooked guy, if i KNOW they are nearby to unhook him? im not supposed to let them if i can avoid it.

    Post edited by Beardedragon on
  • Member Posts: 73

    I agree on that. But there is a huge difference between face camping and patrolling the area because you have a feeling or know that they are close. When I'm killer and i hook somebody I leave and go to gens who are close, but I at least give them a try to get somebody off the hook.

    And there are killers who are face camping for nothing or maybe because they are mad that they got looped allot but I think this behavior should be punished.

  • Member Posts: 542

    To start off with with face camping is not cheating it might suck if it gets done to you but killers shouldn't be punished for it if the devs need to do anything it's to balance the game better, good example is the ruin nerf why didn't they adjust toolboxes at the same time even if it meant the ruin change would come out later say a month later. Least doing that it would off been a fair trade and balance for both sides but they choose to nerf ruin and not touch toolboxes.

    You say "but a game should be fair" tell us how the game is fair atm with all the changes/nerf to killer and the future nerfs to come, the game is nowhere near fair for both sides or even close to a point you could say its fair. But hey anything to make the game more easy for survivors and less annoying i'm sure the devs will fix it.

  • Member Posts: 1,262


  • Member Posts: 392

    Toxic behavior should be just bannable. At least I don't ever want to play with the same person ever again so why would anyone else. It's not that when a killer is good, it's precisely the facecamping stuff for no reason

  • Member Posts: 67

    "Killers who camp have no skill"

    My guy, you have the attitude that I hate the most in this game. So many survivors wanna say "bad killer, bad killer!" As if things aren't stacked in your favor. Do the gens, open the gate/hatch, and leave. This isn't the military, or some other "no man left behind" sorta bs. Sometimes you escape, sometimes you don't. But calling a Killer trash for playing how he wants is rude. People like you are why I run NOED. Teabag and play around all you like, but i'm getting my bloodpoints either way.

  • Member Posts: 73

    And now it sounds like that killer's aren't good anymore. Or have no good perks, I think killers have allot of good perks. And i agree the Ruin nerf is in favior of the survivior, but before the change it was way too overpowered and everybody used it so then you get people who will say there opinion and the devs listend. Sorry for that.

    So you think the reworked dokter who makes you can't jump over pallets/fast vault is fair then? Or when a killer does a charged shot and u are already done with vaulting you still get hit? Or way to large hit boxes? Killers like Billy and Leatherface can easely catch up to surviviors and 1 shot everybody. Killers have devour of hope wich, bbq, nurse calling, noed.

    But yeah let's see with the new matchmaking changes how it goes :)

  • Member Posts: 73

    I thought it was bannable already cause you can report people for being toxic already. Why would the devs make such an option when they not use it? :O

  • Member Posts: 73

    First i'm not a guy :) And second oke if you feel that way I'm sorry but this is my opinion. So when people facecamp you or your friend is skill or what xd? If you are such a good player then there is no need to camp cause you will get them anyway. And I'm fine that I don't escape everytime because that's normal ;) I don't ask the devs make killer less overpowerd cause they can be outplayed. I only ask the devs to make it reportable when somebeody is face camping.

    And if you don't know what face camping is, i will explain it for you: Face camping is when a killer hooks a survivior and is standing in front of him/her until that person dies. Yes people are gonna say let that person die and escape, yes when you are playing solo I do that. But when you are with friends and you are like nah i'm not gonna save you and only think about yourself then I think your selfish and I think allot of killers forget that for surviviors its a team game so you should be able to help eachother. I hope i made it clear :)

    You don't know who I am and what kind of human I am so. I only teabag when I'm with friends to say Hi or thank you when they helped me, what is wrong about that????

    And also I get my bloodpoints :) Have a nice day.

  • Member Posts: 713

    You don’t know how to accept feedback, aggressively reacting to every comment that you don’t like. You wish people to "be camped in every game in their life." You look at things selfishly, only from your position, not wanting to think about the gaming experience of the other side. And telling me about respect. If you feel bad that your opinion is not indulged - these are your problems.

    And your ostentatious wishes of a “nice day” look like a lying mask of politeness, which does not make your speech different from mine.

    You sound like a newbie. And if you are not right due to lack of experience, and people tell you about it, this is not rude. This is a statement of fact. And when people don’t understand such obvious things, someone has to speak more explicitly.

    You can see what answered me when I created a topic that also sounded like a newbie topic.

    The people who answered me were more experienced, and they were right. But not me. And later I realized this. But even then I admitted that maybe problem is that I have little experience, and not the Pig is OP :D. You can’t even admit that you’re wrong, although all experienced players will answer you the same way I did.

    >Yeah sure say tough guy, that if you can read you see I'm a girl lmao

    Oh. This explains something. I did not see in your speech references to the feminine. Anyway English is not my main language. Whatever :)

    >Have a nice life kid

    Kid saying :)

  • Member Posts: 67

    "My Guy" is a general quote, in this instance not meant to denote gender, but impatience with the foolish bravado all survivor players seem to share. I personally never camp or facecamp, and when I play survivor I'm cool if they do, because it's the only way Killers are gonna keep playing the game, really. That is the system that whiny survivors made. A Killer has to be ruthless, dirty and savage if they want to actually pip, or at least get decent bloodpoints. We can no longer afford to play by survivor rules, those of us that did. But, this is a pointless back and forth. You'll try and rescue your friends, and you'll die doing it. Enjoy that.

  • Member Posts: 713

    >allot of killers forget that for survivors its a team game so you should be able to help eachother

    This is what I am talking about. Damned killers! How dare they try to kill someone? Lady, KILLER is the one who KILLS. He should not be cute and worry about you.

  • Member Posts: 108

    Camping isn't fun, chasing and downing survivors is fun. Campers get destroyed when they move up the ranks.

  • Member Posts: 54

    Unlike DS, it is possible to use Perk such as BT.

    Camping is also a risky activity. Survivors can respond to killers by quickly turning on the generator and escaping.

    Now we need to reduce one survivor early because of the generator rush. That's why camping as needed is often an option.

    I don't think anyone can blame a killer who takes the option of camping at risk.

  • Member Posts: 542

    You can thank the devs for the reason behind the DR rework just look at the designer noteswith an eye to making it less frustrating to play against him" and "The Doctor to find nearby Survivors that makes it feel annoying to play against".

    So the DR rework was done for survivors and all your doing is listing the killer side off things that you don't like when i said in my post "the game is nowhere near fair for both sides or even close to a point you could say its fair", if you like i can list off a lot off things about survivors like you did and what would that prove that people don't like things on either side.

    The game is not fair to survivors or killers and the balance is way off it's not just killer's are OP or there perks are to good the same thing can be said for survivors and the perks/items they have. So you can keep trying to prove that it's just the killers or realize that it is both sides and the game will be a mess till the devs fix the balance more.

  • Member Posts: 73

    I do acchept feedback but if people say things I think are rude then they can get it back.

    I didn't lie to you when i said have a nice day, but i can image that you think it is a lie. Maybe I sound like a noob but i played less then 300 hours and made it till red ranks already so i think I'm doing pretty fine :P

    Thank you for letting me see your old post, i was lauging about it xd I'm trying to get the perk borrowed time but i recently unlocked it and have no luck yet :(

    And it's oke, we all make misstakes same as me being a ######### to you. Truly sorry for that !

  • Member Posts: 73
    edited February 2020

    Yes i recently unlocked Borrowed time but didn't have it in my bloodweb yet :(

    Thats a good one, didn't think about that :O

  • Member Posts: 1,269
  • Member Posts: 1,269

    Also borrowed and one of the timed instant heals and leader you unhook your friend fast inject the healing while killers blinded quick cover and they full heal as they sprint off

  • Member Posts: 7,779
  • Member Posts: 1,269

    He has addons that increase his running speed when swinging the chainsaw it's a common double combo to catch loopers

  • Member Posts: 425

    a lot of people face camp these days out of frustration due to what the game has become.

    i understand that. The game is very frustrating as a killer, yet as a survivor its way more lax. If you lose as a survivor, its mostly up to your own fault and your teams, but if you lose as a killer, its honestly not necessarily your fault.

    The game is rigged in favor of the survivors.

  • Member Posts: 713
    edited February 2020

    Less than 300 hours? Don't be offended, but this is small. Rank even in the past was easily gained when playing in the SWF, in a team of at least medium skill, even a not very experienced survivor could be on the red. And now, after changing rank reset system and nerf ruin, it has become even easier. For killer, I already began to meet survivors of red rank, game of which showed that they were clearly weak, it was easy to catch them. I don't mean that you are completely new, but you still don't know many aspects of the game.

    Do you play as killers? How many percent of the total? I play 50/50 for both sides.

    > I'm trying to get the perk borrowed time but i recently unlocked it and have no luck yet :(

    I have 6 survivors 3 prestige with all perks, so this is not a problem. For fast farm BP, better to play as a killer, he can get more per game, especially with “Barbecue & Chili”.

    Yes, for a successful rescue from camping, you need a BT or DS at hooked, without them it is much more difficult (but still possible). This must be done by at least two, running to the hook at the same time to avoid grab, one take a hit, second protect wounded. It's possible for one if you have active DS and not far from open gate, or you have a BT, then other survivor may try to protect you by taking a hit on himself (since BT is active). But saving alone is much more dangerous. Adrenaline can also help if you team can get last gen on timing.

    But if the killer is experienced, all this (including flashlights) may not help. It's always a risk of death for others. It's very difficult to save from a skilled killer, personally verified for both sides. Just one will change on the hook of another. Or worse, killer may slug a few. So reconcile that sometimes your friends will die :) Sometimes better to leave, so as not to lose more. You will understand all this with more experience. Or maybe devs will again listen to new survivors, and nerf killers even more :D And then killers will just stop playing this game. :D

    >And it's oke, we all make misstakes same as me being a ######### to you. Truly sorry for that !

    Okay, and you excuse me if i seemed rude :3 You are my favorite ######### on this forum 😄

    But he is still weak against skilled survivors.

  • Member Posts: 73

    Yes i have less then 300 hours xd. I have the game for years already but i always swap between games :) And i know that is small haha my friends have twice as much xd

    I normally only play this game with friends but i start playing killer as well sometimes when I want to play but no friends are online. So lets say i play survior 8/10 and killer 2/10 :p

    I am getting the characters now to level 50 to unlock perks that I want and BT is recently unlocked. I have 8 surviviors at level 50 now.

    I don't want them to nerf killers cause i think most killers are pretty balanced. I get chaught allot because my looping is so bad and im trying to improve on that :P

    Thanks :D <3

  • Member Posts: 713

    If you bring % of your killer games to 50, your opinion will probably change. The balance is on the side of the survivors, but it becomes noticeable only if you play a lot on the killer, otherwise experienced survivors simply will not come across to your lobby. Therefore, there are many situations where camping allows poor killers to somehow straighten the game. Of course, there is just camping in the form of trolling, just to spoil the game for another person, but this is the same downside of the game, like tbag and killer bullying by strong survivors. I'm just already used to both of them.

    >I get chaught allot because my looping is so bad and im trying to improve on that :P

    I think you will succeed :)

  • Member Posts: 73

    Yes i should do that :)

    Yeah camping sucks but I'm working on the perks to help me out when somebody is camping :)

    Thank you, i hope i will xd

  • Member Posts: 119

    Saying a killer should get punished for camping is like saying survivors should be punished for doing nothing but sitting on gens. Both are doing their objective. You may not like the way they are doing their objective, but they are doing it none the less.

  • Member Posts: 1,250

    'As long as the killer plays what I deem fair and fun its okay if I die'.


    Can camping be annoying and toxic? Sure. Being face camped is no fun but as everyone says above: the other 3 can get gens done and peace out. Easy peezy.

    The killer punishes themselves when they camp, but hey, some people enjoy it! Plus when survivors fall for it killers can profit and get a lot of kills, which some people consider a win.

    Also, how do you suggest the killer should be punished? Right now they loose points when they are in close proximity to the hook and no other survivors are around.

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    The same people that keep saying “Camping is a strat” are also the ones complaining about “Gen Rush” even tho Gen Rush is a direct counter to hardcore camping. 🤣

  • Member Posts: 73

    The forums is for everybody so if somebody won't agree with camping they can say that here. And if you can see there are already many post with camp problems so good for you when you don't have the problem ;)

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    “If you lose as a survivor, its mostly up to your own fault and your teams, but if you lose as a killer, its honestly not necessarily your fault.”

    This is sadly the attitude that litters the forum. There’s no sense of personal responsibility there, no reason to try and improve.

  • Member Posts: 611

    It’s nothing to do with personal responsibility. Everyone skilled at this game knows that killers MUST capitalize on survivor mistakes or you technically will lose.

  • Member Posts: 22

    No it’s a puss way to play because you can’t play the game the way is was supposed to be played. Same goes with anyone using the new doctor after his update. The killer has no skills at all.

  • Member Posts: 3,666

    Ah yes, I forgot the survivors rule book says that the killer is supposed to stand in a corner until the survivors want to be chased by him.

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