More Facial Expressions!!
I noticed that survivors never have expressions /ever/ Not when they're hooked, not when they're moried, not even when they scream. They somehow screech at the top of their lungs all the while keeping a straight face and the only moving part is their eyelids. I feel like even just some extra like pained expressions or the like would make the game just a little more aesthetically pleasing.
I would love the option tbh, like lower systems can have it turned off like how Overwatch has it to where the facial expressions actually neutralize the lower graphics you go. The game isn't scary for me anymore and I'd love something to help me get into it as a killer or as a surv. It would be so much more investing to watch your survivor or your prey emotionally show just how much fear or pain they're in. (I don't count the bug eyed glitch as showing fear lol)
I know this community is somewhat known for toxicity but I would like to kindly ask that you try to keep it toned down and have an actual discussion here!
If you like the idea tell me what you'd like to see! and if you don't tell me what about it you don't like!!
Thanks for reading~