You took all my fun and its not funny anymore

I play survivor more (currently rank 1). I have also enjoyed playing killer and I was at rank 1 multiple times. But I always had one issue with the game. When I faced organized teams or solos then those games went by just too quickly. It was rare at first but then more and more survivors became experienced with the game and the percentage of fast games has risen up. I play on Frankfurt server and believe me when I tell you that there are currently so many teams and experienced players on high ranks that it becomes very stressful playing as killer.

But I always had a relief. There were some options if you wanted to be at least a scary killer. I always enjoyed playing the Nurse..she felt so strong. But then you nerfed her and I cant play her anymore, Im just not good enough..ok. There was always the option to choose the Silent Spirit and enjoy people jumping from gens and feeling terrified. That was so much fun. Probalby the most fun I have ever had as a killer. But then you nerfed her. So what else to do to be a scary killer? Oh, I know! Prolong the game as long as possible! Freddy had some very good addons for that and it was fun playing him because he countered genrush. But then you nerfed him.

And I was already very sad. Allt the fun killer options gone, number of fast games increased again. Now we have 7 totally underpowered killers (or so) and what is your next step? You are nerfing Ruin. So thats why you have lost me..I loved this game and I hope I will love it again one I just cant.



  • Zoldyar
    Zoldyar Member Posts: 438

    New ruin is better than old, so I don’t see why you complain about it. Also, many killer mains such as Otz and tru3 shown that killers who was called “weak” in red ranks are actually viable. I play killer as Myers and usually going up against teams being 4-1 with me getting a 3k or more each game. I honestly don’t see the problem with gens going “too fast” because I will always end up getting a 2k at least in those situation. So when I hear people complain as a survivor or killer, I don’t get how you guys make it out to be so stressful or too difficult as if you can’t put yourself in lower ranks if you are finding it too hard. There are many other killer mains capable of handling red rank lobby which is why the devs shown a graph of all killers getting above a 2k in red rank lobby.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763
    edited January 2020

    I think the biggest issue here is killers want easy 4K games that take no skill. It’s harsh but true. Many have proven all killers can be viable with practice. Devs have said a good game is two escape and two die, but that’s not how it’s been for a long time.

    I get pipping is hard with two kills, and that should be fixed. But the bottom like of all this anger over ruin is that many killer mains just aren’t that skilled as they never had to be, and they don’t want to work towards being better.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    Yeah but they want points too and Moris really zap the points earned.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763
    edited January 2020

    You can want both. I know I do when I main killer. I aim for a 4K and I want a butt load of points. Why wouldn’t I? I love a competitive game but don’t care for when it’s too hard either. I’m being honest.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    That's why running a BP build is better than trying to get sacrifices. Fast game = no sweat from me, survivors get to barely see me and escape just like they want, but I still get the most points while they had to do the ######### work of completing gens (god, I've gotten so bored with gens as a survivor).

    But yeah, wanting an easy 4k and wanting to get points are two completely contradictory things. Getting points requires playing with your food, which is the opposite of playing efficiently.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    I never said I spoke for you. I sense you’re triggered by me saying certain killers are unskilled, which leads me to believe this may be an insecurity you have? Most people don’t take things to heart unless it hits home. Feels bad man.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763
    edited January 2020

    Well you latched onto my comment for a reason. Think about it. If I said something you were 100% sure didn’t apply to you, you would have kept it moving, but you responded. So why is that? It’s psych 101.

    Also I said “many killers”, not all, so why did you take it upon yourself to reply unless you think you’re one of the “many” I was referring to

    Would it help if I said I’m sure you’re an amazing killer and didn’t rely on crutch perks to play the game? That the devs are idiots who ruined the game?

  • DexyIV
    DexyIV Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515

    If you really think Nurse got nerfed into unviability, you either play on console or was never good with her without the additional blinks. Spirit was also not nerfed to oblivion, they literally toned down her overpowered addons. It's called balancing the game, friend. Same reason Balanced Landing got nerfed, and instaheals were removed. This is just sad.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    The devs refuse to admit that optimal survivors are a problem balance-wise.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763
    edited January 2020

    Well that’s very well thought out. Well as with opinions, we will have to agree to disagree. Personally I think ruin is needed at red ranks, but I get why BHVR nerfed it with the game as it is right now.

    That being said, I also like a challenge and don’t mind adapting to not using it. I stand by the notion there are many players who aren’t good and have relied on crutch perks to play, and have ranked up doing so (both sides). I’ve seen it more than not, especially lately. If you’re going to be at red ranks, which is best of best, you should be great at the game. Right now there’s too many players who have ranked up highly without developing any real skill, mainly due to crutch perks or swf.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Those 4 people are gonna have their fun sitting in lobbies if we aren’t careful. I’m trying not to take sides on the Ruin change one way or another, but just looking at the community reaction tells me that we may be at a tipping point here.


    ”woooooo! Finally got a game! That was was a horrendous wait time!”


  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    I'm already playing less, one of the reasons being the survivor queue times.

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    I main r1 spirit. Never relied on collision. 4k in nearly all my games. I rely 80 percent of my hits on her phasing alone without ruin or pop or bbq. And I'm a surv main by far. So I find it laughable actual killer mains act like she was really nerfed. Is it pure bias? Ignorance? Just being bad? Idk. But I know you're wrong. She was barely nerfed.

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    We are talking about a game where survs used to get sprint burst twice in 1 chase, 3x as many pallets, infinites, insta ds, insta blinds. Insta bnps. Self care could be used mid chase. Pallets had massive vaccume.

    Sorry but killers have dealt with faaar worse. Do killers realize how bad they used to have it compared to now? Or am I reading from new killers?

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    Simply put it, survivors are spoiled.

    Nurse: Fun killer to play, most skillful character in the game, was a challenge on both sides. But survivor's were too lazy to find counter play

    Spirit" Fun killer, difficult to use a first, probably had the funnest build in the game. But survivor's were too lazy to listen for her footsteps or crows, or to see grass moving, or to use Spine Chill to detect her, because Prayer Beads was to scary to deal with

    I get what your saying homie but put it simple, survivor's are spoiled and if they can't escape or if it isn't fun to them. They complain

  • Lawrence339977
    Lawrence339977 Member Posts: 9

    I see what you mean this is meant to be a horror game but it just ain't scary enough now I'm a survivor main (purple rank) and I just don't find it a scary game I just find it a game to play in don't really know what kind of game I can call it I ain't been playing long but my brother has and he used to find it scary so I found know what the devastating have to do but they ain't doing it they trying to make the game even but in my opinion I think ruin is a ######### of a perk there should be a way to slow a game down but I find ruin the wrog way it gets so boring with ruin so they have to fix it but they do need to add a way for more easier ways to slow a game down and how to make it more enjoyable for killers and survivors. Stop trying to even it out and make the game a gAmerican people can enjoy

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Quite true, when i first started i had the game on release, immediately got 4 survivors going through windows, i couldnt do anything so i dropped the game for nearly a year, and now after all the changes and having to constantly fight for a more fair setup, killers finally only have to deal with one or two god loops that killers cant do anything about as well as massive maps that make low mobility killers have a bad time, 3/5ths of the generators able to be done by first chase and so on. Yeah things are "better" but now that we got a legitimate way to deal with survivors, now the complaints are " BURT MUH HEALZ ARENT INSTANT, CURMPIN TOO STRONK, WHY AM I BEING TUNNELED PPLLLLZZZ NUUURRRFF"

    TLDR Fankly im fine with most changes but dont say "hey be grateful things arent as bad as they used to be" as an excuse because everyone can do it.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    You’re not wrong, not at all. Yes, I believe many people are new-ish players (about a year and a half for me), but that’s not even the biggest issue.

    The problem is that the game has come to be so polarizing. Are you Team S or Team K? The devs are now in a “political” situation where no matter what little thing you do (or if you do nothing at all), half the community will hate you for it.

    We're seeing such volatile reactions right now because they’re heavily editing what has been a staple perk for so long. Generally people hate change anyway, but this is a change to what is seen as a bandaid to a core issue (gen speeds) without addressing that core issue. This is why people are losing their minds. Already I’m seeing posts about queue times becoming problematic

    In all, there’s actually a lot of interesting psychology to observe here. Just about everyone, on every side of the argument, has valid points they’ve made as well. Guess we’ll just have to watch and see how this all plays out. The devs would do well to thoroughly consider their next few actions and even comments to the community until people have adjusted.

  • emyung
    emyung Member Posts: 138

    Playing with nurse required a lot of practice and time, and once you mastered her you get a huge reward that is being OP in trials.

    I never managed to play with nurse, she seemed too hard to master and almost always died at trials against her but I respected the killer that mastered her as I knew how much work needed to properly use her.

    Now it is less wasteful to just play as another killer, that made nurse a rare sight in trials and much less lethal.

  • PB182
    PB182 Member Posts: 80

    How is forever Freddy fun for anyone other than Freddy? Lol

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    I agree, but forever freddy and prayer beads spirit were complete bullshit. I'm glad it's gone, it was not healthy for the game.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Only survivors are supposed to have fun. The killer must be a toy for survivors, something they can put on a leash and control the entire match.

    They couldn't control old Nurse, Spirit with Prayer beads, and Ruin was just not fun because they couldn't masturbate on a gen. They wanted it to be a late game perk so it won't get much benefit for killers. Much more fun for survivors.

  • Polychrome_Baku
    Polychrome_Baku Member Posts: 404

    The new ruin is definitely better than the old. If you're a survivor.

  • Polychrome_Baku
    Polychrome_Baku Member Posts: 404

    They toned down her addons and made the other ones memes. Not to mention her new charge system makes traversing the maps clunky. Friend. So she feels horrific to play. Buddy. It's called "overdoing the balancing in favor of keeping one side happy". Comrade. Or does game feel only matter for survivors?

  • PoppaThanners
    PoppaThanners Member Posts: 2

    I dont see how new ruin isn't worse than the current one we still have. I only have it on a couple of killers as a result of prestiging right now and I have to deal with games where no matter how fast I'm hooking survivors I'm always at 1-2 gens. This of course being a result of gen speed and bad map design making chases and finding survivors harder with larger maps like Temple and their long loops. Weak killers struggle with early pressure which ruin helped provide. Now we need new alternatives like corrupt intervention. Also the stats the devs posted are actually super inaccurate and the devs themselves acknowledged this so dont use them. Also how is new ruin better than the one we still got?

  • SpookyJeff
    SpookyJeff Member Posts: 108

    You really can't use two of the better DBD streamers out there as evidence of a killer's viability. Otz is probably the best Trapper in the game, and tru3's playstyle was already conducive to a hit and run playstyle with Wraith and Ghost. For that matter, you could compare my gameplay footage of a Hag match against my Billy and think Hag is really strong, even though most would perform better on Billy. It all depends on the specific skillsets of streamers as to how well they can perform with off-meta killers. I don't believe that should be the basis for balance though.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Nurse basekit wasnt fair at all, thats why she got nerfed rightfully. Spirit got nerfed cause of the same matter, thus shes still annoying cause the main factor wasnt even touched. Doctor doesnt event get any nerfs, he isnt any worse than before. Those changes were totally right.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    All of those are correct tho, maybe not freddy, but the add-ons that got nerfed were a bit annoying to go against.

  • Revansith
    Revansith Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2020

    I was always curious why in certain events which required the survivors to complete blighted gens that ruin would be used. In addition, I had to stop using the perk that breaks a hook after being unhooked (one of Jakes I think) as the Killer thought I was deliberately targeting his blighted hooks.

    Perhaps having crows gather and squawk when more than one player is working a gen as a general thing (not a perk) would slow down gen repairs? I accept the counter would be the animal calming perk.

  • Zoldyar
    Zoldyar Member Posts: 438

    New ruin is arguably better than old ruin because it doesn’t rely on rng for you as a killer to hope skill checks appear consistently to slow the gen down. Also, the new ruin ensure that you know that if the survivor doesn’t touch the gen it will constantly get regress. On top of that, you don’t need to worry about optimal survivors who always hit there great skill checks, making it seem as if ruin never even existed to them. So new ruin is more easier, more consistent and better than old.

    Not only that, but it also helps with map pressure because you know that once the survivor gets off the gen, you don’t need to waste time damaging it and also know it is regression. So you don’t need to have the constant thought of thinking if I damage the gen, the survivor will have more distance.

    Moreover, with perks such as sloppy butcher with the addition of you hitting the survivor. You can make it so the survivor waste time healing while the gen is also regression making gen rushing even harder than it was before and giving you as a killer more time.

    Let’s say the survivor still does gens even when they are injured, the chase time will be shorten and you will have a much easier time downing someone. Also, while hooking a survivor you will know that one of them survivor would have to leave there gen in order to go after the hook survivor. Thus making the hen regress and also allowing you to focus on other survivors.

    I honestly don’t see why old ruin is better than new ruin, especially when you can use other perks to support you.

    Gens can go fast, but you forget that killers can also win the game faster than survivors doing gens because there is no fixed timer for a killer to how long a game can last, unlike a survivor team.

  • Zoldyar
    Zoldyar Member Posts: 438

    The point was to show that if you spend a lot of timer with a killer, you can make any of them look viable.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Jesus Christ

    Forever Freddy was fun?

    Like, I get having fun with a killer that's so busted you can't lose if you're half competent with her (Nurse) or with something with no counterplay (Spirit)

    But I just can't see myself having fun by making the game 30 minutes long.

    I'm glad you're not in the balance team

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    Rin's nerf was nothing, I can agree to you but you also gotta be aware that there are extreme sound bugs that make her increasingly difficult to use. The devs are aware of these sound bugs but,

    Lets be 💯the devs don't give a damn about killers

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Sounds get broken every other patch, are we really surprised here?

    Spirit barely got a slap in the wrist. She still has the same problems she had before.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    Same problems as before such as? I'm a Nurse main, I don't play Spirit as much

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    When sounds are functional, a good killer (with good headphones) will always hear footsteps and regular breathing, so even Iron Will isn't a counter. The way to "counter" her is still simply guessing right every time, which is bad especially considering the guessing games are always in her favor. The only way to reliably beat a good Spirit is by getting a big map and spreading out. All the changes gave us was punishing bad Spirits more imo.

    When sounds are broken she just feels like garbage to play which is obviously also really bad.

  • Jacksansyboy
    Jacksansyboy Member Posts: 174

    Nurse basekit had nothing wrong with it, she isn't overpowered at all. Spirit also didn't need to be nerfed, people just hated her for no reason. She was out for half a year before anyone said anything about her. Prayer beads were actually broken, so the Devs needed to change that, but they can never touch anything without changing everything about the killer. And Doctor was nerfed, not reworked. He gets stunned longer than the survivor does, making his power better for survivors than himself, and he was nerfed because he was "annoying to play against" not for him to get buffed for being the weakest killer.