Devs... TLDR version: ffs... Just kill me please...


Maybe I missed the point somewhere along the lines. (pretty sure I did...)

Maybe this game was actually supposed to be balanced.

Or maybe I'm just confused.


I don't want balance, and here's why...:

I bought this game as a horror game. I bought this game to play against other players who were going to play as the killer and absolutely just murder me as I attempt to do my very best not to die with no expectation of ever escaping. My problem is is that I do.

About 50% of the f'n time. And that doesn't even make sense.

I want to gain rank based off of how long I survive, what traps I set off, how much progress I make on the generators without ever having any expectation of finishing one. Make me find the parts for it around the map instead of just diddling with wires and making wrench sounds. Make a failed skill check break the part I just spent 3 minutes finding...


I legitimately bought this game knowing I was facing the Pig.

Now we have Myers... And Freddy... And I'm surviving 50% of the time against that? ....What?

I want this game to go back to its roots for me, please.

Stop trying to balance a game that I don't want balanced. I'd rather have finishing moves, world map traps that randomly spawn... creative ######### that kills me. Make me spend time disarming, dodging or barely living through THAT Shi* for 100k blood points or something that I'll never get.

Because I know I'm bad... lol

Please, just put me in a game mode that makes me have to see how long I CAN SURVIVE with no real expectation of making it out. Rank me on that!

Stop giving me rank because I hop skipped and jumped around a map like f'n Mario until I can reach an exit... I want the creativity back that you guys showed me when I first heard about this game. When streamers were freaking out over this game and screaming because they got absolutely shredded. When this game was a first of its kind for me.


In closing:

I want the Spirit to possess me to death (lol). I want to be sliced to death until Freddy hooks me from bleeding out while running. I want Myers humongous body to appear out of nowhere standing behind me pinning me to a generator with a knife because I didn't see him coming. Let my body get f'd up by radiation or whatever in the new map (I never watched it and I can feel the stares already).


It's just an idea. But it's my hopeful one. I'd much rather spend more time having fun in this game than having it be some try hard, toxic, and disconnect frenzy competitive scene. The competitive nature of this game should be the game itself, in my opinion. Give me "X" points for disarming something or getting out of ghosts face sight and rank me up off that. Not for surviving something that I should have never lived through...

Maybe I'm alone... But I'm still hopeful. Please excuse the rant.


  • arcnkd
    arcnkd Member Posts: 446

    I have said since this game came out and my friend introduced me to it; that this game needs the fear factor brought back to it - that survivors need to quit being babied up so they can 'win' with at least 3 escapes being average; and that a killer should be 4x as powerful and frightening as any solo survivor because it is 4 v 1.

    Instead, we got Horror!Fortnite -- Survivors that just taunt and emote the killer while running around playing with them and toying with them instead of actively trying to avoid them and desperately attempt to escape. A huge problem is the killer's inability to kill without 'sacrificing' the victim; takes a massive amount of fear away from them. With 4 survivors, the average escapes should be 2 at most; something like 40/60 1-2 escape; 3 escape should be challenging and 4 escape should be a miracle. Instead we have 3 escapes being far more common than they should be, and 4 escapes don't really take much effort because ANY time the survivors have to start showing effort or it becomes more challenging for them to just rush the gens down in a couple of minutes; they cry out and the devs are like 'oh we are so sorry; let us fix that for you'. Generators go way to fast to not have a second objective; killers are a joke; and the entire game is just a safe-zone for survivors while the killers are constantly getting shafted and have to put forth more and more effort while the survivors get easier and easier times to 'play for fun'.

  • TheOneElric
    TheOneElric Member Posts: 68
    edited January 2020

    I concur.

    Make the fear real again.

    We're up against terrible monsters here, survivors need to be afraid, since I -think- that's why many play, but it's more of a fun horror ride where you know you get out alive.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 6,790

    Playing survivor is so disappointing, in part because dying on the hook is a boring animation. Some of the moris are cool, but many are pretty dull, and there's only one for each killer. The maps present no danger; only Trapper and Hag can make the map dangerous, and it's not like the traps are interesting. Generators are boring. If killers play like me (i.e. lazy, all about BP and not going for the kill because playing for real is stressful and I just want a chill game, video games should be fun and rewarding) then playing survivor is an absolute chore.

  • GeordieKiller
    GeordieKiller Member Posts: 404

    I have been struggling to play this game ever since the ruin change annoucement as over time the game has got easier and easier for survivors and heres the funny thing i dont even have ruin at all. But i understand why its so imporant so hearing the changes has been making me lose hope on this game, which for me so heartbreaking i use to play it all the time stream it alot but i geniunally dont know if i can play it and stream it as theres no fear from the survivors its like killer coming run to pallet A then Jungle gym B and then god loop and boom 3 gens done.

    this game did have fear but its gone now oni is not scary legion not scary demogorgon not scary i dont feel like the survivors are in fear they are now go meh its a killer lets loop him/her drop pallets on him/her tea bag and leave.

    i use to have faith in the devs and where they are going but i cant get my head round why they are changing ruin but not addressing the REAL reason why it is use in 80% of RED rank of games i just want the devs to let us know if they are seeing why so many people are against this ruin

    sorry went a little bit off topic but i do agree that the fear of the game is gone :(