Nerf stuff you Ruin stuff


I liked the game since day one it came available on steam and I've seen a lot of changes that were unpopular and not well received but necessary (infinites, ect).

Now you again try to nerf stuff just to make this game more pleasant for "new" players.

Imho you are not only going the wrong way, you are actually hurting the playerbase by chasing away the core of your success and that are the veterans and pro players in your game that login nearly every day, make youtube videos and attract other players to your game.

If you are going to make the game even easier there will be no challenge for them and it will get boring pretty fast.

Can't count the hundreds of matches I played solo and found ruin, then got chased by the killer for ~7mins just to see the first gen pop. Or matches were ruin wasnt found and even after 15min gameplay and a very poor killer still no gens were done other the ones by me.

Your ranking system sucks. I always demanded for a ranked system and a casual one. Right now we only have a casual system were everyone gets put together regarding how often he played in the last couple of days, not by skill.

Red ranks matches I see people getting downed in the first 10 seconds, not being able to hit skill checks, do unsafe unhooks, not be aware of traps, not finding gens and just sitting in a corner. It's a big mess.

  • Ranks are a joke, they show how often you've played not what your skill might be.
  • SWF is broken and cant be balanced with skill or perk nerfs, what you try to do all the time.
